Problem Statement Assignment 1 -
- Generate two NxN matrices M1 and M2, with float data type, using built in random number functions, of your dev environment. (Time taken = T1 and T2 respectively for M1 and M2)
- Generate the product M1xM2 using a. Standard inner product based row_col multiplication algorithm. (result = M3, Time taken = T3) b. O(n^3) Divide_n_Conquer strategy_based multiplication algorithm. (result = M4, Time taken = T4) c. Strassen's recursive divide_n_conquer strategy_based algorithm. (result = M5, Time taken = T5)
- Verify equality of M3, M4 and M5. (Result = TRUE/FALSE, Time Taken = T6)
- Vary the input size to cover the following input sizes N = 16, 64, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 and log the times T3, T4, T5 and T6 and check against theoretical complexity growth expected.
- Enable/disable processor cores on your laptop to check and log the performance.
- Change the loop access pattern in the algorithms (to be controlled by a exec switch option -Row or -Col as in a Linux shell command) and log timing.
- Finally let us know your observations, approximate number of hours spent on the assignment and learning outcomes about the assignment
Problem Statement Assignment 2 - In the Text file ( AESOP TALES.txt ) provided as data
Develop implementations for the interface spec below: a. Find_Length_of _Text(txtfile) - normalize multiple blank chars to single blank char and remove(store) website URLS that have infected textfile using FSA based RegEx matcher.
b. Find_Pattern (pattern , InTextRange, algo) - find the number of occurences of PATTERN using any one of the following algorithms ( 2nd parameter ) - Rabin-Karp, Knuth_Morris_Pratt, Suffix Tree (with Suffix arrays & LCP). InTextRange - can be indices or two patterns ( eg. two story titles )
c. Build_Cross_Index( txtfile, algo ) - Build an Index ( Lex sorted ) ( WORD, Number of occurences, List of story titles & number of occurences of WORD)
d. Find_Maximal,Palindromes( PalindromeSize, InTextRange ) - list maximal palindromes of size greater than or equal to PalindromeSize, with occurences ( Story titles and indices )
e. Print_Stats() - Text Size used, URL infection list found, Algo used, Preprocessing time, Search time ( Vary the parameters pattern, InTextRange ) for timing plot and self test and verification outcome )