IonicPush is a Ruby gem that provides a simple to use interface with's Push Notification service. Work on this is on-going, however the current version available works completely.
Add the following to your Gemfile and bundle install
gem 'ionic_push', github: 'nwwatson/ionic_push', branch: 'master'
Run the Rails generator to install the initializer in to your Rails project.
bundle exec rails g ionic_push:install
Configure the ionic_push.rb file within config/initializers. You can view the environment variables that are there, or change them for someting else.
IonicPush.setup do |config|
# ==> Configuration for the Application ID
# The Application ID can be found on the dashboard of
config.ionic_application_id = ENV["IONIC_APPLICATION_ID"]
# ==> Configuration for the Private API Key
# The Private API Key for your application can be found
# within the Settings of your application on
config.ionic_api_key = ENV["IONIC_API_KEY"]
# ==> Configuration for the location of the API
# Refer to the Ionic documentation for the correct location
# Current documentation can be found here:
# and
# defaults to
# config.ionic_api_url = ENV["IONIC_API_URL"]
# Create an array of device tokens you want to send to
device_tokens = [
# Create a PushService instance for sending notifications
# The constructor can take a hash of parameters including:
# device_tokens - An array of device tokens to push to
# message - a hash the represents the message to send
service = device_tokens)
# Call the notify! method to send the push notification
# The following sends sends a message that looks like this:
# {
# "tokens":[
# "APA91bEBoyoZ3EDXJbdjvzn2jdikRu7tdpz_65zkqfMDFTSNZfNgg-ohiNYQQ1TCTdjwqWZ",
# "WSt1XklxZeVj1WtxVBZXMIpIEt3YVaDs3f2Hp5QVmkwB0QgJ48d6KHVrHZCJxTER52yK3b0"
# ],
# "notification":{
# "alert":"Is this you John Wayne? Is this me?",
# }
# }
service.alert!("Is this you John Wayne? Is this me?")
# You can also use the notify method and provide a message in a block
# The following sends sends a message that looks like this:
# {
# "tokens":[
# "APA91bEBoyoZ3EDXJbdjvzn2jdikRu7tdpz_65zkqfMDFTSNZfNgg-ohiNYQQ1TCTdjwqWZ",
# "WSt1XklxZeVj1WtxVBZXMIpIEt3YVaDs3f2Hp5QVmkwB0QgJ48d6KHVrHZCJxTER52yK3b0"
# ],
# "notification":{
# "alert":"You've got updated messages!",
# "android":{
# "title":"Updated Messages",
# "payload":{
# "type":"configuration"
# }
# }
# }
# }
service.notify do
"alert":"You've got updated messages!",
"title":"Updated Messages",
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.