- Yaqi Hu, Mingsheng Yin, Marco Mezzavilla, Sundeep Rangan (New York University)
- Submiited to 23rd IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2022)
Example to run code for 140GHz with add_foliage_add_diffraction:
python channel.py --center_freq 140e9 --case_name add_foliage_add_diffraction --n_freq 10
Example to run code for 140GHz with no_foliage_no_diffraction:
python channel.py --center_freq 140e9 --case_name no_foliage_no_diffraction --n_freq 10
Example to run code for 28GHz with add_foliage_add_diffraction:
python channel.py --center_freq 28e9 --case_name add_foliage_add_diffraction --n_freq 10
Example to run code for 28GHz with no_foliage_no_diffraction:
python channel.py --center_freq 28e9 --case_name no_foliage_no_diffraction --n_freq 10
Fig. 1: 28GHz eCDF plot for the error of estimated channel gain in the randomized directions at different distances. The displacement distances are set to 2cm, 5cm, 10cm, 50cm, and 100cm.
Fig. 2: 140GHz eCDF plot for the error of estimated channel gain in the randomized directions at different distances.