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A topological order respecting signals library inspired by SolidJS. What's topological ordering you ask? Check out the readme to understand the problem with most signal libraries.


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A topological order respecting signals library inspired by SolidJS. What's topological ordering you ask? Check out the readme to understand the problem with most signals libraries.
Wait, this is the readme file... uhmm

Non-mandatory examples:

Build an SVG clock

// the example is also available at ""
/** @jsx h */
/** @jsxFrag hf */

import { createHyperScript } from "jsr:@oazmi/tsignal/jsx-runtime"
import { Context, MemoSignal_Factory, StateSignal_Factory } from "jsr:@oazmi/tsignal"

	ctx = new Context(),
	createState = ctx.addClass(StateSignal_Factory),
	createMemo = ctx.addClass(MemoSignal_Factory)

/** in the esbuild build options (`BuildOptions`), you must set `jsxFactory = "h"` and `jsxFragment = "hf"` */
export const [h, hf, namespaceStack] = createHyperScript(ctx)

type TimeState = {
	hour: number
	minute: number
	second: number

const App = () => {
		now_time = new Date(),
		today_midnight_epochtime = new Date(now_time.getFullYear(), now_time.getMonth(), now_time.getDate(), 0, 0, 0).getTime(),
		[, getEpochTime, setEpochTime] = createState<number>(0),
		[, seconds_since_midnight] = createMemo((id) => {
			return ((getEpochTime(id) - today_midnight_epochtime) / 1000) | 0
	const [, currentTime] = createMemo<TimeState>((id) => {
		const s = seconds_since_midnight(id)
		return {
			second: s % (60),
			minute: ((s / 60) % 60) | 0,
			hour: ((s / (60 * 60)) % 12) | 0,
	}, { equals: false })

	setInterval(() => setEpochTime(, 500)

	// we must change the namespace to `svg`, so that hypescript picks up on it, and handles the newly created svg nodes appropriately.
	const svg_dom = <svg style="user-select: none;" width="200px" height="200px" viewbox="0 0 200 200">
		<g transform="translate(100, 100)">
			<circle r="100" fill="lightgrey" stroke="black" />
			<text text-anchor="middle" y="-25">Apple Watch XVII</text>
			<line transform={createMemo((id) => `rotate(${currentTime(id).second * 6})`)[1]} class="hand-seconds" y1="0" y2="-100" stroke="red" stroke-width={4} />
			<line transform={createMemo((id) => `rotate(${currentTime(id).minute * 6})`)[1]} class="hand-minutes" y1="0" y2="-100" stroke="green" stroke-width={4} />
			<line transform={createMemo((id) => `rotate(${currentTime(id).hour * 5 * 6})`)[1]} class="hand-hours" y1="0" y2="-100" stroke="blue" stroke-width={4} />
	// declare that the svg namespace is now over, and switch back to html namespace
	return svg_dom


Reactively compute bounding-boxes of many nested rectangles

// reactively compute the bounding-boxes of many nested rectangles.
// the computation should be lazy: if the bounding-box of a child-rectangle hasn't changed, then it shouldn't invoke an update in its parent-rectangle.
// if the top-most rectangle's `right` or `top` bounding-box's sides exceed `600`, then we should log `"overflow"` in the console.
// at the end of every reaction cycle, log the number of computations done in the console.

import { Context } from "jsr:@oazmi/tsignal/context"
import { StateSignal_Factory, MemoSignal_Factory, EffectSignal_Factory } from "jsr:@oazmi/tsignal/signal"
import type { Accessor, Setter } from "jsr:@oazmi/tsignal/typedefs"

/** `x` and `y` are relative to the parent-rectangle's top-left corner (which is their (x, y) position). */
interface Rect { x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number }

/** the bounding box of a `Rect` */
interface Box { left: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: number }

const signal_ctx = new Context()
const createState = signal_ctx.addClass(StateSignal_Factory)
const createMemo = signal_ctx.addClass(MemoSignal_Factory)
const createEffect = signal_ctx.addClass(EffectSignal_Factory)
const rectEqualityFn = (rect1: Rect | undefined, rect2: Rect): boolean => {
	return rect1 === undefined ? false :
		rect1.x === rect2.x &&
		rect1.y === rect2.y &&
		rect1.width === rect2.width &&
		rect1.height === rect2.height
const boxEqualityFn = (box1: Box | undefined, box2: Box): boolean => {
	return box1 === undefined ? false : === &&
		box1.left === box2.left &&
		box1.bottom === box2.bottom &&
		box1.right === box2.right

type RectangleObject = Rect & { children?: RectangleObject[] }

class Rectangle {
	rect: Accessor<Rect>
	setRect: Setter<Rect>
	box: Accessor<Box>
	children: Rectangle[] = []

	constructor(initial_rect: Rect) {
		const [idRect, getRect, setRect] = createState(initial_rect, { equals: rectEqualityFn })
		const [idBox, getBox] = createMemo<Box>((id) => {
			const { x, y, width, height } = getRect(id)
			const children_boxes = =>
				top = Math.min(y, =>,
				left = Math.min(x, => child_box.left)),
				bottom = Math.max(y + height, => y + child_box.bottom)),
				right = Math.max(x + width, => x + child_box.right))
			return { top, left, bottom, right }
		}, { equals: boxEqualityFn })

		this.rect = getRect
		this.setRect = setRect = getBox

	render(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {
		const { x, y, width, height } = this.rect()
		const { top, left, bottom, right } =
		const children = this.children
		ctx.fillStyle = get_next_fillcolor()
		ctx.strokeStyle = get_next_strokecolor()
		ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height)
		ctx.strokeRect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top)
		ctx.translate(x, y)
		for (const child of children) {
		ctx.translate(-x, -y)

	static fromObject(object: RectangleObject): Rectangle {
		const { children, ...rect } = object
		const instance = new Rectangle(rect)
		const children_instances = children?.map(Rectangle.fromObject) ?? []
		return instance

let color_idx = 0
const fillcolors = ["blue", "cyan", "goldenrod", "gray", "green", "khaki", "magenta", "orange", "orchid", "red", "salmon", "seagreen", "turquoise", "violet",]
const strokecolors = => "dark" + color)
const get_next_fillcolor = () => { return fillcolors[color_idx++ % fillcolors.length] }
const get_next_strokecolor = () => { return strokecolors[color_idx++ % strokecolors.length] }

const all_rectangles = Rectangle.fromObject({
	x: 10, y: 20, width: 70, height: 80, children: [
			x: 15, y: 25, width: 50, height: 60, children: [
					x: 20, y: 30, width: 40, height: 50, children: [
							x: 25, y: 35, width: 30, height: 40, children: [
								{ x: 30, y: 40, width: 20, height: 30 },
								{ x: 35, y: 45, width: 10, height: 20 }
						{ x: 40, y: 50, width: 10, height: 20 }
					x: 45, y: 55, width: 10, height: 15, children: [
						{ x: 0, y: 40, width: 30, height: 50 },
						{ x: 70, y: 80, width: 50, height: 20 }
		{ x: 50, y: 60, width: 40, height: 30 }

const canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")!

const [idRedraw, awaitRedraw, fireRedraw] = createEffect((id) => {
	// add dependence on all rectangles
	const add_dependence = (rect_object: Rectangle) => {

	color_idx = 0
	ctx.scale(2, 2)


// try the following lines in your console (one by one) to witness reactivity:
// all_rectangles.children[0].children[0].children[0].setRect({x:10, y:10, width: 20, height: 50})
// all_rectangles.children[0].children[1].setRect({x:50, y:50, width: 100, height: 50})

Signal Classes

here is a list of all signal classes that are currently available:


What is Topological Ordering

a signal-based reactivity system can be thought of as a DAG (directed acyclic graph) - which is something that resembles a dependency graph.
in a DAG, each signal object is a node/vertex of the graph, and each directed-relation (or dependency) is described as an edge of the graph.

we use the following notation to describe one relation in our graph:

SourceSignal -> [DestinationSignal_1, DestinationSignal_2, DestinationSignal_3, ...]

which is basically saying that: updating SourceSignal should result in an update in DestinationSignal_1, DestinationSignal_2, etc... .
or another way of reading it is: each of DestinationSignal_1, DestinationSignal_2, and etc... depend on SourceSignal (i.e. the destination signals are observers of SourceSignal).

a DAG graph can then be described as a series/array of relations:

MyGraph = [
	Signal_A -> [Signal_B, Signal_C],
	Signal_B -> [Signal_D, Signal_F],
	Signal_C -> [Signal_E, Signal_F, Signal_H],

a topologically sorted array of the nodes of a DAG is basically an array of the nodes, where every dependency node appears before the node which depends on it.
so, for example the following DAG graph:

title: "graph"
flowchart LR
	332796(("A")) --> 590207(("B"))
	332796 --> 763885(("C"))
	590207 --> 562158(("D"))
	763885 --> 932932(("E"))
	763885 --> 940461(("H"))
	562158 --> 831043(("G"))
	831043 --> 450102(("I"))
	932932 --> 940461
	940461 --> 450102
	590207 --> 270457(("F"))
	562158 --> 270457
	763885 --> 270457
	932932 --> 270457
	270457 --> 450102
	450102 --> 770803(("J"))
graph = [ A->[B, C] , B->[D, F] , C->[E, F, H] , D->[F, G] , E->[F, H] , F->[I] , G->[I] , H->[I] , I->[J] ]

has the following (non-unique) topologically sorted array:

nodes_sorted = [ A, B, D, G, C, E, H, F, I, J ]

Update State of each Signal

in this library, during an update cycle, when a signal is executed to update (through its run method in {@link typedefs!}), it returns the numeric enum SignalUpdateStatus, which conveys a specific instruction to the Context's update loop:

  • 1 or SignalUpdateStatus.UPDATED: this signal's value has been updated, and therefore its observers should be updated too.
  • 0 or SignalUpdateStatus.UNCHANGED: this signal's value has not changed, and therefore its observers should be not be updated by this signal. do note that an observer signal will still run if some other of its dependency signal did update this cycle (i.e. had a status value of 1).
  • -1 or SignalUpdateStatus.ABORTED: this signal has been aborted, and therefore its observers must abort execution as well. the observers will abort even if they had a dependency that did update (had a status value of 1). should the aborted observer signal also abort its own observers? that's a thing that is open to debate. currently, it does not abort its own observers.

The Topological Update Cycle Algorithm


given an array of source_ids to initiate the signal from (simultaneously), the Context's update cycle ({@link context!Context.fireUpdateCycle}) works by following the steps below:

  • starting with the source_ids, sort the DAG graph into a topologically ordered array topological_ids (via DFS), where:
    • source_ids are always at the beginning of the topological_ids array.
  • create an empty set of signal ids called not_to_visit, which will contain the signals whose dependencies (at least one) have declared an aborted status (SignalUpdateStatus.ABORTED).
  • create an empty set of signal ids called next_to_visit, which will contain the signals that are awaiting/in-queue to be executed next.
  • fill the set next_to_visit with our initial source_ids
  • now, in an ordered loop, for each id inside of topological_ids (starting with the source ids), do:
    • check that id exists in next_to_visit AND id does not exist inside of not_to_visit. if true, then:
      • delete id from next_to_visit
      • run the signal associated with the id, and save its execution's returned SignalUpdateStatus to status.
      • is status == SignalUpdateStatus.UPDATED (i.e. status == 1)? if true, then:
        • for every observer_id of this signal's id, add observer_id to next_to_visit
      • is status == SignalUpdateStatus.ABORTED (i.e. status == -1)? if true, then:
        • for every observer_id of this signal's id, add observer_id to not_to_visit
    • is next_to_visit set now empty? if true, then:
      • terminate/break the loop early, since there is no way any more ids will ever be added to next_to_visit


starting with the following graph, and its topological_ids sorted array, and the initial source_ids:

graph = [ A->[B, C] , B->[D, F] , C->[E, F, H] , D->[F, G] , E->[F, H] , F->[I] , G->[I] , H->[I] , I->[J] ]
topological_ids = [ A, B, D, G, C, E, H, F, I, J ]
source_ids = [ A, ]

and assuming that signal B does not change when executed (i.e. status = SignalUpdateStatus.UNCHANGED), we get the following update cycle:

  • assign not_to_visit = { }
  • assign next_to_visit = {A}
  • id = A:
    • next_to_visit == {}
    • status = run(A) == 1
      • add each of graph[A] = [B, C] to next_to_visit
  • next_to_visit == {B, C} and is not empty
  • id = B:
    • next_to_visit == {C}
    • status = run(B) == 0
  • next_to_visit == {C} and is not empty
  • id = D: skipped because it is not in next_to_visit
  • next_to_visit == {C} and is not empty
  • id = G: skipped because it is not in next_to_visit
  • next_to_visit == {C} and is not empty
  • id = C:
    • next_to_visit == {}
    • status = run(C) == 1
      • add each of graph[C] = [E, F, H] to next_to_visit
  • next_to_visit == {E, F, H} and is not empty
  • id = E:
    • next_to_visit == {F, H}
    • status = run(E) == 1
      • add each of graph[E] = [F, H] to next_to_visit
  • next_to_visit == {F, H} and is not empty
  • id = H:
    • next_to_visit == {F}
    • status = run(H) == 1
      • add each of graph[H] = [I] to next_to_visit
  • next_to_visit == {F, I} and is not empty
  • id = F:
    • next_to_visit == {I}
    • status = run(F) == 1
      • add each of graph[F] = [I] to next_to_visit
  • next_to_visit == {I} and is not empty
  • id = I:
    • next_to_visit == {}
    • status = run(I) == 1
      • add each of graph[I] = [J] to next_to_visit
  • next_to_visit == {J} and is not empty
  • id = I:
    • next_to_visit == {}
    • status = run(I) == 1
      • add each of graph[J] = [ ] to next_to_visit
  • next_to_visit == { } and is empty, so terminate

Caching Mechanism

recomputing the topologically ordered signal ids at the beginning of every update cycle is wasteful, so instead, we memorize the result of a topological ordering when certain the update is initiated from a certain source_ids.
in order to memorize the result, we first hash the array source_ids to a number that is invariant to the positional ordering of the ids inside of source_ids.
the hashing function is defined in hash_ids ({@link funcdefs!hash_ids}), and the memorization/caching function is defined in get_ids_to_visit ({@link context!get_ids_to_visit}).

the cache is only valid if no mutations to the DAG graph (addition or deletion of nodes or edges) have been done.
that's why we clear the cache whenever a mutative action is taken within the Context's graph, such as:

  • introducing a new signal
  • a signal declares a new dependency or observer
  • deleting a signal

Observation Detection Mechanism

TODO: explain the difference between a signal's id and its rid. then explain how non-zero rid are an idication for a new observation.