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chore: Translate transifex_input.yaml in uz
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100% reviewed source file: 'transifex_input.yaml'
on 'uz'.
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transifex-integration[bot] authored and openedx-transifex-bot committed Oct 3, 2024
1 parent 3421ff9 commit 79be838
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 1 deletion.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,22 +4,45 @@ en:
: '## Yordam<br> * [Aspektlar ma''lumotnomasi](<br> * [Superset Resources](<br>'
'% Correct': '% Toʻgʻri'
'% Incorrect': '% Noto‘g‘ri'
'% Video Seconds Rewatched': '%Video soniyalar qayta koʻrildi'
'% Video Seconds Watched': '%Video soniyalar koʻrilgan'
? |-
<dt>Avg % Correct on 1st Attempt </dt>
<dd> The average percentage of correct answers on the first attempt of the learners who attempted the problem. </dd>
: |-
<dt>Oʻrtacha % 1-urinishda toʻgʻri</dt>
<dd> Muammoni hal qilishga uringan o'quvchilarning birinchi urinishidagi to'g'ri javoblarning o'rtacha foizi.</dd>
Action: Harakat
Action Count: Urunishlar soni
Action Date: Urunish sanasi
Active: Faol
Active Courses: Faol kurslar
Active Learner: Faol o'quvchi
Active Learners: Faol o‘quvchilar
Active Users Per Organization: Har bir tashkilot bo‘yicha faol foydalanuvchilar
Active Within Last 7 Days: Oxirgi 7 kun ichida faol
Active within Last 7 Days: Oxirgi 7 kun ichida faol
Actor ID: Aktyor identifikatori
Actor Id: Aktyor identifikatori
Actors Count: Aktyorlar soni
Approving State: Tasdiqlovchi davlat
At Risk: Xavf ostida
At-Risk Learners: Xavf ostidagi o‘quvchilar
Attempted All Problems: Barcha muammolarni sinab ko‘rish
Attempted At Least One Problem: Hech bo‘lmaganda bitta muammoga harakat qilindi
Attempts: Urinishlar
Avg % Correct on 1st Attempt: Oʻrtacha % 1-urinishda toʻgʻri
Avg Attempts: O‘rtacha urinishlar
Avg Correct Attempts Coursewide: Kurs boʻyicha oʻrtacha toʻgʻri urinishlar
Avg Correct Attempts by Selected Learners: Tanlangan oʻquvchilarning oʻrtacha toʻgʻri urinishlari
Avg Course Grade: Kursning o‘rtacha bahosi
Avg Incorrect Attempts Coursewide: Kurs bo'ylab o'rtacha noto'g'ri urinishlar
Avg Incorrect Attempts by Selected Learners: Tanlangan oʻquvchilarning oʻrtacha notoʻgʻri urinishlari
Avg Video Length (seconds): Videoning oʻrtacha uzunligi (sekundlar)
Block ID: Blok identifikatori
Block Id: Blok identifikatori
Expand All @@ -32,9 +55,13 @@ en:
ClickHouse metrics: ClickHouse metrikalari
Content Level: Kontent darajasi
Correct Attempts: To‘g‘ri urinishlar
Correct Attempts By Learner: O'quvchi tomonidan to'g'ri urinishlar
Correct Attempts by Selected Learner: Tanlangan o'quvchining to'g'ri urinishlari
Count: Hisoblash
Count of Passing Grades: O'tish baholari soni
Count of unique users who performed an action in Superset over the selected time period.: Tanlangan vaqt oralig‘ida Supersetda harakatni amalga oshirgan noyob foydalanuvchilar soni.
Count over time of unique users who performed an action in Superset over the selected time period.: Tanlangan vaqt oralig‘ida Supersetda harakatni amalga oshirgan noyob foydalanuvchilarning vaqt bo'yicha soni.
Course Comparison Dashboard: Kurslarni taqqoslash paneli
Course Dashboard: Kurs boshqaruv paneli
Course Data JSON: Kurs ma'lumotlari JSON
Course End: Kursning yakuni
Expand All @@ -43,19 +70,26 @@ en:
Course Grade: Kurs darajasi
Course Grade %: Kurs bahosi %
Course ID: Kurs identifikatori
Course Info: Kurs haqida ma'lumot
Course Information: Kurs haqida ma'lumot
Course Key: Kurs kaliti
Course Key Short: Kurs kalitining qisqa shakli
Course Metrics: Kurs ko'rsatkichlari
Course Name: Kurs nomi
Course Order: Kurs tartibi
Course Run: Kursning davomiyligi
Course Start: Kursning boshlanishi
Course Tag: Kurs yorlig'i
Course grade: Kurs bahosi
Course name: Kurs nomi
Course run: Kurs davomiyligi
Courses: Kurslar
Courses Cnt: Kurslar Cnt
Courses Per Organization: Har bir tashkilot bo‘yicha kurslar
Coursewide % Correct: Kurs boʻyicha % Toʻgʻri
Coursewide Percent Correct: Kurs boʻyicha foiz toʻgʻri
Coursewide averages are based on learners who attempted the problem.: Kurs boʻyicha oʻrtacha koʻrsatkichlar muammoni hal qilishga uringan oʻquvchilarga asoslanadi.
Coursewide percentages are based on learners who attempted the problem.: Kurs boʻyicha foizlar muammoni hal qilishga uringan oʻquvchilarga asoslanadi.
Created: Yaratilgan
Created By Fk: Fk tomonidan yaratilgan
Created On: Yaratilgan vaqt
Expand All @@ -73,6 +107,7 @@ en:
Date: Sana
Description: Tavsif
Display Name: Ko'rsatiladigan ism
Displays the top 10 highest enrollment courses. Selecting different courses in the filter will display those courses.: Eng yuqori 10 ta eng yuqori ro'yxatga olish kurslarini ko'rsatadi. Filtrda turli kurslarni tanlash ushbu kurslarni ko'rsatadi.
Distribution of Course Grades: Dars baholarini taqsimlash
Distribution of Current Course Grade: Joriy kurs bahosining taqsimlanishi
Dump ID: Dump identifikatori
Expand All @@ -86,6 +121,7 @@ en:
Enrollees by Enrollment Track: Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish yo‘li bo‘yicha ro‘yxatdan o‘tganlar
Enrollees per Enrollment Track: Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish treki bo‘yicha ro‘yxatdan o‘tganlar
Enrollment: Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish
Enrollment Counts: Ro'yxatga olish soni
Enrollment Date: Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish sanasi
Enrollment Dates: Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish sanalari
Enrollment End: Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishning tugashi
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +149,8 @@ en:
Http User Agent: Http foydalanuvchi agenti
Id: Identifikator
Incorrect Attempts: Noto‘g‘ri urinishlar
Incorrect Attempts By Learner: O'quvchining noto'g'ri urinishlari
Incorrect Attempts by Selected Learner: Tanlangan o'quvchining noto'g'ri urinishlari
Individual Learner: Individual o‘quvchi
Instance Health: Instansiyaning holati
Interaction Type: O‘zaro ta'sir turi
Expand All @@ -123,6 +161,9 @@ en:
Last Visit Date: Oxirgi tashrif sanasi
Last Visited: Oxirgi tashrif
Last course syncronized: Oxirgi sinxronlashtirilgan kurs
Learner Performance: O'quvchilarning ishlashi
Learner Performance Breakdown: O‘quvchilar faoliyatining taqsimoti
Learner Status: O'quvchi holati
Learner Summary: O‘quvchi xulosasi
Learners: O‘quvchilar
Learners with Passing Grade: O‘tish bahosi bo‘lgan o‘quvchilar
Expand All @@ -132,13 +173,17 @@ en:
Memory Usage (KB): Xotira ishlatilishi (KB)
Memory Usage Mb: Xotira ishlatilishi Mb
Modified: O‘zgartirilgan
More details: Batafsil
Most-used Charts: Eng ko‘p ishlatilgan diagrammalar
Most-used Dashboards: Eng ko‘p ishlatilgan boshqaruv panellari
Name: Ism
Number of Learners: O‘quvchilar soni
Number of Learners who Attempted the Problem: Muammoni hal qilishga uringan o‘quvchilar soni
Number of Videos: Videolar soni
Number of Views across Video Duration: Video davomiyligi boʻyicha koʻrishlar soni
Object ID: Obyekt identifikatori
Object Type: Obyekt turi
Only available in versions Redwood and later: Faqat Redwood va undan keyingi versiyalarda mavjud
Operator Dashboard: Operator boshqaruv paneli
Org: Org
Organization: Tashkilot
Expand All @@ -152,10 +197,13 @@ en:
Pages: Sahifalar
Partial Views: Qisman ko‘rishlar
Partial and Full Video Views: Videoni qisman va toʻliq koʻrish
Pass/Fail: O'tish / muvaffaqiyatsiz
Passed: O'tdi
Passed/Failed: Muvaffaqiyatli/Muvaffaqiyatsiz
Password: Parol
Performance: Faoliyat
Problem Attempts: Muammoli urinishlar
Problem Attempts and Results: Muammoli urinishlar va natijalar
Problem Engagement per Section: Har bir bo‘limga kirish muammosi
Problem Engagement per Section/Subsection: Har bir bo‘lim/kichik bo‘lim bo‘yicha muammo bilan o‘zaro aloqadorlik
Problem Engagement per Subsection: Har bir kichik bo‘limga bog‘liq muammolar
Expand All @@ -175,6 +223,9 @@ en:
Responses: Javoblar
Result: Natija
Result Rows: Natija qatorlari
Rewatched Time: Qayta ko'rilgan vaqt
Rownum: Rownum
Run Metrics: Ko'rsatkichlarni ishga tushirish
Section Location and Name: Bo‘limning joylashuvi va nomi
Section Name: Bo‘lim nomi
Section Subsection Video Engagement: Bo‘lim Kichik bo‘lim Video ishtiroki
Expand All @@ -187,6 +238,12 @@ en:
Section/Subsection Video Engagement: Bo‘lim/kichik bo‘lim Video ishtiroki
Segment Range: Segment diapazoni
Segment Start: Segmentni boshlash
Selected Learner % Correct: Tanlangan oʻquvchi % Toʻgʻri
Selected Learner % Incorrect: Tanlangan oʻquvchi % notoʻgʻri
Selected Learner Percent Correct: Tanlangan oʻquvchi foizi toʻgʻri
Selected Learner Percent Incorrect: Tanlangan oʻquvchi foizi notoʻgʻri
Selected Learners % Correct: Tanlangan oʻquvchilar % Toʻgʻri
Selected Learners % Incorrect: Tanlangan oʻquvchilar % Notoʻgʻri
Self Paced: O‘z vaqtida
Slice ID: "Qism identifikatori "
Slice Name: Qism nomi
Expand All @@ -204,9 +261,15 @@ en:
Superset Active Users Over Time: Superset faol foydalanuvchilari vaqt davomida
Superset Registered Users Over Time: Superset ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan foydalanuvchilari vaqt davomida
Tables: Jadvallar
Tag: teg
Tags: Teglar
Time Grain: Vaqt donasi
Time Last Dumped: Oxirgi 'damp' vaqti
Time Range: Vaqt oralig‘i
? To view the number of views across the duration of a single video, click the name
of the video in the Video Link column in table above.
: Bitta videoning davomiyligi boʻyicha koʻrishlar sonini koʻrish uchun yuqoridagi jadvaldagi Video havolasi ustunidagi video nomini bosing.
Total: Jami
Total Courses: Jami kurslar
Total Organizations: Jami tashkilotlar
Total Views: Jami ko‘rilganlar
Expand All @@ -226,6 +289,7 @@ en:
Video Engagement per Subsection: Har bir kichik bo‘limga video jalb qilish
Video Event: Video hodisa
Video ID: Video identifikatori
Video Id: Video identifikatori
Video Link: Video havola
Video Location and Name: Video joylashuvi va nomi
Video Name: Video nomi
Expand All @@ -241,11 +305,12 @@ en:
Visualization Bucket: Vizualizatsiya paqiri
Watched Entire Video: To‘liq video ko‘rildi
Watched Segment Count: Ko‘rilgan segmentlar soni
Watched Video Segments: Tomosha qilingan video segmentlari
Watched Time: Ko'rilgan vaqt
audit: audit
failed: Muvaffaqiyatsiz
graded: Baholangan
honor: Hurmat
order: buyurtma
passed: Muvaffaqiyatli
registered: Ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan
section_subsection_name: bo‘lim_kichik bo‘lim_nomi
Expand Down

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