This repository contains both the My-Mul game, and a pltaform that enables interactive 3d game asset nfts to be created in the interoperable behave-graph format. Additionally, it provides an example implementation of a smart contract and way to build and integrate these behave graphs against the smart contract.
It was build for Eth Denver 2023
Live Demo, connected to the Scroll zkevm and Base (Op Stack) rollups:
The platform offers an extension to behave-graph - allowing behave graph nodes to be generated off of a smart contract's abi, and allow a 3d model to write to and read from any evm compatible blockchain in an interoperable format that can be imported into open game platofrms.
- Foundry - Smart contract development and deployment framework.
- Contracts deployed to the optimistic Base and the zk Scroll rollups.
, and vite for the serverless dapp- react-three-fiber and @react-three/drei - used to load 3d models and render and interact with the 3d scene.
- wagmi - Used to generating type-safe ABIs & React Hooks from the Foundry smart contracts, and connect to them with minimal configuration from react.
- behave-graph - Used to build and run the behave graph nodes.
- dapp deployed on IPFS to, and 3d model and behave graph assets stores on ipfs using
src/nodes/makeSmartContractNodeDefintions.ts - This file contains the code that generates behave graph node's from a smart contract's abi.
- For each payable/nonpayable write function, it generates
nodes that can be triggered to write to the corresponding smart contract operation. - For each view/pure function, it generates
nodes that read from the smart contract and emit values whenever data is received. - For each event, it generates
nodes that emit whenever the event is fired.
src/hooks/useGameContractNodeDefinitions.ts - This file contains the code that generates the behave graph nodes from the BullBear.sol abis.
src/web3/customChains.ts - Configuration for wagmi and rainwbowkit to connect to the Base and Scroll rollups.
src/assets/catGraph.json - This is an example of a behave graph that has been created using the nodes generated from the abi of the BullBear.sol smart contract.
src/editor/UpdateBehaveGraph.tsx - This file contains the code that saves the curerntly edited behave graph to ipfs, then writes that ipfs hash address to the smart contract, if the connected account is the smart contract owner.
contracts/src/BullBear.sol - This is the smart contract that is used in the example behave graph. It has a dynamic happiness value that is computed based on a decay and last time the creature was petted. It also stores the ipfs hash of both the 3d model and behave graph. The behave graph ipfs hash can be updated by the contract owner. Eventually it would be able to mint erc20 tokens to the owner of the creature.
src/components/SceneInner.tsx - This contains the code to render the 3d scene, toggle animations on and off and apply updates to the scene from the graph.
src/hooks/useModelAndGraphFromToken.ts - This contains the hook that fetches the model and behave graph ipfs hash from the token, and fetches the behave graph json from ipfs.
This is a wagmi + Foundry + Vite project.
Run yarn
in your terminal, and then open localhost:5173 in your browser.
Once the webpage has loaded, changes made to files inside the src/
directory (e.g. src/App.tsx
) will automatically update the webpage.
This project comes with @wagmi/cli
built-in, which means you can generate wagmi-compatible (type safe) ABIs & React Hooks straight from the command line.
To generate ABIs & Hooks, follow the steps below.
First, you will need to install Foundry in order to build your smart contracts. This can be done by running the following command:
curl -L | bash
To generate ABIs & React Hooks from your Foundry project (in ./contracts
), you can run:
npm run wagmi
This will use the wagmi config (wagmi.config.ts
) to generate a src/generated.ts
file which will include your ABIs & Hooks that you can start using in your project.
Here is an example of where Hooks from the generated file is being used.
Make sure you have Foundry installed & set up.
You can now deploy your contract!
npm run deploy