To test this code, clone the repo and open the example project. AutoGraphSharp generates the Tensorflow Graph creation code at compile time.
In a future release, a development NuGet package will be publihed.
This function:
public static int Function(int a, int b)
var c = (a + b *3 )/a;
if (a > b)
c = 1;
c = 2;
return c;
will be automatically translated to this function:
public static int Function(int a, int b, TensorFlow.TFSession session)
var runner = session.GetRunner();
var _a = new AutoTFOutput(session.Graph.Placeholder(TFTensor.TensorTypeFromType(a.GetType())), session);
runner.AddInput(_a, new TFTensor(a));
var _b = new AutoTFOutput(session.Graph.Placeholder(TFTensor.TensorTypeFromType(b.GetType())), session);
runner.AddInput(_b, new TFTensor(b));
return (int)runner.Run(_Function(_a, _b, session)).GetValue();
public static AutoTFOutput _Function(AutoTFOutput a, AutoTFOutput b, TensorFlow.TFSession session)
var c = (a + b * 3) / a;
var predicate1 = a > b;
Func<Tuple<AutoTFOutput>> ifTrue1 = () =>
var _c = c;
_c = new AutoTFOutput(session.Graph.Const(1), session);
return Tuple.Create(_c);
Func<Tuple<AutoTFOutput>> ifFalse1 = () =>
var _c = c;
_c = new AutoTFOutput(session.Graph.Const(2), session);
return Tuple.Create(_c);
var res = new AutoCond<Tuple<AutoTFOutput>>(predicate1, ifTrue1, ifFalse1, session);
res.Deconstruct(out c);
return c;
Note: This is an incomplete work in progress. The first goal if to implement a generic if statement Graph translation that will work for any C# if permutation. Once there, the rest of the C# language features will follow (while loops, switch cases etc).