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create patient reports for the DAPHNI precision medicine pipeline for multiple-myeloma

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Report Visualization

Required Dependencies

Rscript -e "install.packages(c('BiocManager','optparse', 'knitr', 'rmarkdown', 'knitr', 'igraph', 'tidyverse', 'RColorBrewer', 'jsonlite', 'svglite', 'RJSONIO', 'grid', 'circlize', 'formattable', 'kableExtra','survival', 'survminer', 'ggraph', 'tidygraph'), dependencies=TRUE, repos = '')"
Rscript -e Rscript -e "BiocManager::install(c('ComplexHeatmap'))"

General Usage:

Example Command


docker build -t spinreport .
docker run -v "$PWD:/data" -v "/data1/users/restrp01/example_data:/exampleInputs" -v "/data2/mm/data/MSSM/sema4_clinical/21064632/processed:/processed" spinreport \
Rscript spin_report.r \
 --outdir "/data" \
 --tiers "1A,1B" \
 --sampleName "21064632" \
 --sexChrs "XX" \
 --dateSampleCollected "05/06/2020" \
 --dateSampleSequenced "04/03/2021" \
 --patientName "JANE DOE" \
 --DOB "01/01/1960" \
 --IgClass "N/A" \
 --LightChainType "N/A" \
 --RevisedISS "I" \
 --DiseaseStatus "Unknown/TBD" \
 --drugDetailsRanked "/processed/prediction_engine/all.drug_details.ranked.prediction_engine.results.tsv" \
 --rxBucketSummary "/processed/prediction_engine/tier1.rxbucket_summary.ranked.prediction_engine.results.tsv" \
 --variantSupportSummary "/processed/prediction_engine/variant_summary.ranked.prediction_engine.results.tsv" \
 --prognosticMarkerSummary "/processed/prediction_engine/prognostic_marker.ranked.prediction_engine.results.tsv" \
 --mmPSNFile "/processed/secondary/Predicted_class.csv" \
 --tumorPurityPloidy "/processed/primary/tumor.facets_output.txt" \
 --facetsCNCFResultsFile "/processed/primary/tumor.facets_cncf.txt" \
 --treeFile "/processed/secondary/sample.summ.json.gz" \
 --zScoreTable "/exampleInputs/zscores_latest.csv" \
 --gep70File "/exampleInputs/gep70scores_latest.tsv" \
 --seliFile '/processed/secondary/selinescores_latest.tsv' \
 --scarFile "/exampleInputs/scarScore_latest.tsv" \
 --tmbFile "/exampleInputs/tumorMutationBurden_latest.tsv" \
 --geneCoordinates "refData/hg38_geneCoordinates_TxDB.tsv" \
 --psnReferenceTable "refData/mmrf_mmpsn_subgroup_survival.tsv"  \
 --cytobandCoordinates 'refData/hg38_cytoband_coordinates.tsv'


Usage: spin_report.r [options]
[DAPHNI v2.0] Precision Medicine Report Generation

                comma-separated list, enclosed in quotes, of main tiers to include in the summary section of the report [REQUIRED]
                patient name, in the format of first last, must be enclosed in quotes
                Gender of patient, specified as either XX or XY [REQUIRED]
                MRN of patient, must be enclosed in quotes
                patient date of birth, in format of mm/dd/yyyy, must be enclosed in quotes
                sample ID name for patient to run prediction engine on. [REQUIRED]
                date of sample collection, in format of mm/dd/yyyy, must be enclosed in quotes
                date that sample sequencing was performed, in format of mm/dd/yyyy, must be enclosed in quotes
                prediction engine full drug details table (tab-delimited; e.g. all.drug_details.ranked.prediction_engine.results.tsv)
                prediction engine tier 1 rx bucket summary table (tab-delimited; e.g. tier1.rxbucket_summary.ranked.prediction_engine.results.tsv)
                prediction engine variant support summary table (tab-delimited; e.g. variant_summary.ranked.prediction_engine.results.tsv)
                prediction engine prognostic marker results table (tab-delimited; e.g. prognostic_markers.prediction_engine.results.tsv)
                Table with expression zscores for all patients, including the patient of interest (tab-delimited; e.g. zscores_latest.tsv)
                Table containing gep70 scores at cohort level, including the patient of interest (tab-delimited; e.g. gep70scores_latest.tsv)
                Table containing selinexor signature data at cohort level, including the patient of interest (tab-delimited; e.g. selinescores_latest.tsv)
                Table containing MSI scores at cohort level, including the patient of interest (tab-delimited; e.g. msiScore_latest.tsv)
                Table containing scar scores at cohort level, including the patient of interest (tab-delimited; e.g. scarScore_latest.tsv)
                Table containing tumor mutation burdens at cohort level, including the patient of interest (tab-delimited; e.g. tumorMutationBurden_latest.tsv)
                prediction engine results for somatic mutations (tab-delimited; e.g. somatic_mutation.prediction_engine.results.tsv)
                prediction engine results for CNVs (tab-delimited; e.g. cna.prediction_engine.results.tsv)
                prediction engine results for expression (tab-delimited; e.g. expression.prediction_engine.results.tsv)
                file containing predicted mm-psn subgroup information for the sample (comma-delimited; e.g. Predicted_class.csv
                gzip-compressed json file with clonal tree structure (e.g. sample.sum.json.gz)
                facets cncf file (tab-delimited; e.g. .tumor.facets_cncf.txt)
                facets output file containing purity and ploidy (tab-delimited; e.g. .tumor.facets_output.txt)
                Table with full cytoband coordinates (tab-delimited; e.g. hg38_cytoband_coordinates.tsv) [REQUIRED]
                Table with MMRF PSN survival per subgroup information (tab-delimited; e.g. mmrf_mmpsn_subgroup_survival.tsv) [REQUIRED]
                Table with genomic start and end coordinates for each gene (tab-delimited; e.g hg38_geneCoordinates_TxDB.tsv) [REQUIRED]
        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit


  • *.main.daphni_report.html the main report output
  • *.kable.daphni_report formatted html tables that are included in the report
  • *.plot.dahni_report.svg plots that are included in the report


create patient reports for the DAPHNI precision medicine pipeline for multiple-myeloma






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