This Repository contains a Gluon package to choose between different site.conf files after flashing the image.
This does not apply to the!
- Rename your site-files to site_code.conf (E.g. ffki.conf, ffhh.conf)
- copy your renamed site-files to $gluondir/site/extra/
- Add the file "siteselect" in $gluondir/site/ and add the entrys for your site-files. It should look like this:
config site 'ffhh'
option path '/lib/gluon/site-select/ffhh.conf'
option sitename 'Freifunk Hamburg'
config site 'ffki'
option path '/lib/gluon/site-select/ffki.conf'
option sitename 'Freifunk Kiel'
Das ganze sieht dann so aus: