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Gateway Architecture

Anyone starting a new project wonders if there is a universal template for structuring a microservice or monolith that won't lead to problems in the future, and that template is Gateway Architecture.

You are probably already familiar with the project structure proposed by NestJS itself, or with other examples of project structures available online, such as Best Way to Structure Your Directory/Code (NestJS), NestJS boilerplate. Auth, TypeORM, Mongoose, Postgres, MongoDB, Mailing, I18N, Docker, or Node.js framework NestJS project structure. Yes, these structures look well-organized and promise a lot, until you start writing code and encounter your first circular dependency.

The main idea of Gateway Architecture is to centralize all entry points, such as controllers, in one place within the gateway module. Additionally, everything should be kept simple in accordance with the KISS principle and adhere to unidirectional communication.

├── decorators
├── dtos
├── exceptions
├── graphql
│   ├── dataloaders
│   └── resolvers
│       ├── dtos
│       └── users
├── guards
├── interceptors
├── pipes
└── rest
    └── controllers
        └── users

If you decide to transition from REST to GraphQL, you can do so easily since all queries are centralized in one place. A new team member will also be able to adapt quickly.

Below is a module for working with users. As you can see, there are no controllers here. Additionally, in this repository, the user service includes a slug module that contains only one service and nothing more.

├── dtos
├── entities
├── enums
├── interfaces
├── models
├── repositories
├── services
├── types
├── utils
└── users.module.ts

How can we differentiate contracts used for inter-service communication from contracts for API endpoints? I have come to the following conclusion: contracts between services are formatted in this style: UsersServiceCreateUserCommandContract:

  • UsersService - the name of the service, which can also be (...Gateway, ...App, etc.)
  • CreateUser - the name of the path
  • Command - the type of path, which can also be (Query, Event, etc.)
  • Contract - designation indicating that this is a contract

For API contracts, the format looks like this: ApiUsersCreateUserContract. If needed, a version can be added, for example, ApiV1UsersCreateUserContract, or the prefix can be capitalized, such as API:

  • Api - a prefix indicating contracts for working with the API
  • Users - the path, for example (/users, /posts, etc.)
  • CreateUser - a general name that may not be part of the address
  • Contract - designation indicating that this is a contract
└── contracts
    ├── api-gateway
    │   └── users
    │       └── create-user.contract.ts
    └── users-service
        └── users
            ├── commands
            │   └── create-user.command.contract.ts
            └── queries
                └── get-users.query.contract.ts

I hope you have grasped the main idea, highlighted the important points, and will apply them in your development.