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AutoReg 0.4

Autoreg (formerly known as AutoReg 4.1, short name AR41, now retired), is the software that's been running most of since 1996.

The current version requires:

* Python >= 3.6
* Django >= 2.1
* BIND >= 9.12
* Postfix >= 3.2 (or another mail-transfer agent if you convert
* Postgres >= 10
* a web server running WSGI

PRELIMINARY, many bits are missing.

Autoreg can be installed with ./ install, or from a pre-wrapped package (Python egg, etc).

Required Python modules are listed in

  1. Install the Python package, then the additional shell scripts in bin/

  2. Create Unix userids for autoreg and whois

  3. Create a Postgres database, run: psql $(database) < postgres/autoreg.schema psql $(database) < postgres/init.sql

3b. Create ENCRYPT_KEY and SECRET_KEY python -c 'from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; print(Fernet.generate_key().decode())' > /usr/local/autoreg/arf/ENCRYPT_KEY python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())' > /usr/local/autoreg/arf/SECRET_KEY

  1. Configure a web server with WSGI.

    See configurations (with Apache sample) in sample-files/

  2. The DNS zone files are generated in /etc/namedb/autoreg/

  3. create a Django superuser account with necessary permissions to access the request list.

  4. enable cron jobs from sample-files/crontab