Helm charts for containing the CRDs for common helm applications.
This is an attempt to ease the Helm / CRD management issue by creating charts that contain the CRDs for various Helm charts
You can read more about the problem here: https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/custom_resource_definitions/
We have opted for Method 2: Separate Charts.
Charts are added to helmfile.yaml
as releases (we're mis-using helmfile
to make updates easy and visible), helmfile
is used to fetch
the charts and run some hooks to create the crd charts and the charts are deployed to GitHub Pages.
The name of the CRDs chart for a Helm chart is:
For example, for the cert-manager
chart in the jetstack
Helm repository the name of the CRDs chart is:
and can be installed by running:
helm repo add crd-charts https://portswigger-cloud.github.io/crd-charts/
helm install cert-manager-crds crd-charts/jetstack-cert-manager-crds
The CRDs charts should be versioned matching the Helm chart. Often, there will be no changes between versions.
There is the chance that a version may not be available (There's no guarantee that a chart version will have been generated. Check the releases on this repository or https://portswigger-cloud.github.io/crd-charts/index.yaml).
There are charts which contain CRDs that other charts also contain. For example, tempo-distributed
and mimir-distributed
both contain the same CRDs. Some of the CRDs in those charts exist in the kube-prometheus
(prometheus-operator) chart.
Currently, I'm trying to think of a fix for this :-/