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DeepSampler is a stubbing framework for compound tests


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Version 2.1.0 - For older versions see 2.0.0, 1.1.0

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Build integration tests with JUnit and DeepSampler!

DeepSampler is an advanced testing library designed for large software components that require high-quality testing. Unlike traditional unit-testing, DeepSampler's component-testing approach enables you to test several integrated classes within a component, ensuring proper integration while isolating the component from the larger application. With its powerful features, DeepSampler simplifies the process of injecting stubs into isolated components and πŸŽ₯ recording πŸ§ͺ stub data at runtime from real-life examples.

This library is perfect for developers who need to ensure their software is of the highest quality and is well-suited for a wide range of applications. Give DeepSampler a try and take your testing to the next level!

Let's say, we wanted to test a compound consisting of numerous classes and somewhere deep inside the compound is one class, a DAO, that reads data from a Database:

A DAO somewhere inside a compound reads data from a database

We don't want to access the database during testing. So we mark the methods, that would access the db, as "stubbed" using DeepSampler. If we run the test with DeepSampler in recording-mode, every call to the marked methods will be intercepted and all data, that was passed to it, or returned by it, is recorded. The recorded data, the sample, will be saved to a JSON-file.

All calls to the DAO get intercepted and parameters and return values are recorded

As a short appetizer, this is how we tell DeepSampler to attach a stub to the method load() in all instances of MyDao:

private MyDao myDaoSampler;

If we repeat the test with DeepSampler switched to player-mode, the marked method will not be called anymore. Instead, a recorded sample from the JSON-file will be returned. If the method is called with particular parameters, DeepSampler looks for a sample, that has been recorded with the same parameters.

Only samples from the previous recording are returned by the stub

πŸŽ“ Examples

We have a second repo where we collect runnable examples with detailed explanations: DeepSampler Examples πŸš€.


The following tutorial demonstrates how to use DeepSampler with JUnit5 and Guice.


We use Maven to build the example. So, as a first step, we add the following dependencies to our pom.xml:




The Testee

Let's say, we have a GreetingService that would create greeting messages for particular persons. We know only the ID of the person we want to greet, so the GreetingService needs to lookup the person somewhere (e.g., DB). This is done by a PersonService, which provides a method getName(personId). getName() in turn, would use a PersonDAO to load the Person from a Database.

Now we want to write a test for GreetingService and we want PersonService to be a part of the tested compound, so we cannot simply mock PersonService. Instead, we want to stub the PersonDAO in order to be independent of the database.

JUnit Test

We begin by setting up a JUnit Test. In general this will be an ordinary JUnit Test, but we use the DeepSamplerExtension to activate the DeepSampler environment:

class GreetingServiceTest {

πŸ”Ž Note DeepSamplerExtension basically provides annotations as a means of convenience for most common use cases. However, DeepSampler can be used without this extension and even outside of JUnit Tests. (See Define a Sampler by API)

The actual stubbing is done by an aop-provider that uses - in this case - Guice aop. It is activated by passing the DeepSamplerModule to guice. In real life we would most likely have a Guice module for the testee, and we would want to combine the testee's module with DeepSamplerModule, however for the sake of simplicity we use DeepSamplerModule directly for now, when we tell Guice to inject members into our test class:

void injectWithGuice() {
   Guice.createInjector(new DeepSamplerModule()).injectMembers(this);

Define a stub

First we need a Sampler which serves as a model, that describes which methods should be stubbed and what the stub should do. The Sampler is an instance of the class, that we want to stub. We define the Sampler by adding a property with the type of the stubbed class and add the annotation PrepareSampler to it:

class GreetingServiceTest {

   private PersonDao personDaoSampler;

Inside a concrete test method we would now use the Sampler to define a stub:

void greetingShouldBeGenerated() {
   Sample.of(personDaoSampler.loadPerson(1)).is(new Person("Sarek"));

This means, the method PersonDao::loadPerson will be stubbed. If loadPerson is called with the parameter 1 the stub will return the Sample new Person("Sarek"). Otherwise, the original method will be called. The stub applies to all instances of PersonDAO, no matter where the instances occur. It will be active for the lifetime of the test method, so each test method can declare its own stubs.

That's it, we can now call the testee and check the results as usual:

void greetingShouldBeGenerated() {
   Sample.of(personDaoSampler.loadPerson(1)).is(new Person("Sarek"));
   assertEquals("Hello Sarek!", greetingService.createGreeting(1));

πŸ”Ž Note Just to see that the stub is actually doing something, we could clear all stubs and repeat the assertion. Now the original method is used again, and we get another return value:

void greetingShouldBeGenerated() {
   Sample.of(personDaoSampler.loadPerson(1)).is(new Person("Sarek"));

   assertEquals("Hello Sarek!", greetingService.createGreeting(1));
   assertEquals("Hello Geordi La Forge!", greetingService.createGreeting(1));

Define a Sampler by API

If you want to use DeepSampler outside of JUnit or don't want to use the annotations, it is possible to create a Sampler using the API:

PersonDao personDaoSampler = Sampler.prepare(PersonDao.class);


Usually it will not be enough to write just one test for a particular compound like the GreetingService, so it would be tedious to repeat the definition of stubs in each test case. To ease that, SamplerFixtures can be used to define reusable stubs. You can also think of a SampleFixture as a definition of a test compound, because the stubs would isolate the compound from the environment in order to make it testable:

public class GreetingServiceCompound implements SamplerFixture {
   private PersonDao personDaoSampler;

   public void defineSamplers() {
      Sample.of(personDaoSampler.loadPerson(Matchers.anyInt())).is(new Person("Sarek"));

Once we have such a SamplerFixture, we can bind it to a test case using the annotation @UseSamplerFixture like so:

void greetingShouldBeGenerated() {

The stubs, that are defined by the SamplerFixture, are now active for the time the method runs.

Persistent Samples

For the sake of understandability, the tested compound in this example is fairly simple. However, DeepSampler was especially designed for complex compound tests with quite a lot of stubs which also might return extensive Samples. In these cases we would not want to have big sets of test data (Samples) in JUnit Test classes, we would rather separate test data from test logic. And possibly more important, we would not want to write such extensive Samples by hand. To ease this, DeepSampler can save and load Samples from JSON-files.

Record a JSON-Sample

All calls to the DAO get intercepted and parameters and return values are recorded

In order to save Samples in a JSON-file, we first need to define which methods should be stubbed and which methods should be recorded. This is - again - done using SamplerFixtures. In contrast to the example above, we now need to define the Sampler slightly different:

     πŸ‘‡                                                              πŸ‘‡               πŸ‘‡
PersistentSample.of(personDaoSampler.loadPerson(PersistentMatchers.anyRecordedInt()))   ;

Persistent Samples are defined using PersistentSample and we don't need to define a concrete Sample using is() anymore, since this value will be provided by the JSON-File. Additionally, we can now use special parameter matchers for persistent samples. These new matchers honor the fact, that we now want to match any parameters that have been recorded, instead of explicitlty hard-coded parameter values. Second we need to tell DeepSampler to record all Data, that flows through the stubbed methods. This is simply done by adding the annotation @SaveSamples to the test method.

void recordSamplesToJson() {

When we run this test, the stubs will call the original methods and additionally record the parameters and return values for each call. The recorded data is then saved to a JSON-file.

By default @SaveSamples saves the JSON-file in a folder corresponding to the package of the current test case. The filename is created using the class name, and the method name of the package. In this case we would get a file named ./de/ppi/deepsampler/examples/helloworld/GreetingServiceTest_recordSamplesToJson.json.

Load a JSON-Sample

Only samples from the previous recording are returned by the stub

Finally, we can use a SamplerFixture, and a JSON-file to build a test case. A JSON-file can be loaded using the annotation @LoadSamples:

void loadSamplesFromJson() {
   assertEquals("Hello Sarek!", greetingService.createGreeting(1));

By default LoadSamples searches for the JSON-file on the filesystem. The file name is created using the full qualified class name, and the method name of the package. In this case DeepSampler would try to load a file named ./de/ppi/deepsampler/examples/helloworld/GreetingServiceTest_loadSamplesFromJson.json.


DeepSampler is by default Thread-scoped. So Samples, that have been defined in one Thread, are available only in this particular Thread.

You can change the Scope using Execution::setScope. DeepSampler comes with two predefined Scopes:

  • ScopeType#THREAD: Samples are Thread-exclusive, this is the default.
  • ScopeType#SINGLETON: The same Samples are available across the entire VM and all Threads share the same Samples.

πŸ”Ž Note the Scope must be changed before any Samples have been defined.

The following line would make all Samples available across all Threads:


Authoring custom persistence extensions

The format, in which samplers are recorded, is by default JSON. However, you can change the format by writing your own persistence-module. Let's say we wanted to create a persistence layer that is capable of writing YAML. Then we would have to implement a model like this:

  graph TD;
      A["MyTest#myTestMethod()"]-- Annotated by -->B["@SaveYamlSamples"]
      B-- Annotated by -->C["@UseSourceManagerForSaving"];
      C-- creates -->D[YamlSourceManagerFactory];
      D-- configures -->E[YamlSourceManager]
      A-- records samples with -->E;
      E-- writes -->F["sample.yaml"];
  • MyTest#myTestMethod() is an example for a test-method that is supposed to record a sample-file in YAML-format (or any other format, depending on your extension)
  • @SaveYamlSamples is a custom annotation that is used as a command to tell DeepSampler, that samples should be recorded. This annotation may be named freely, and it may have all kinds of properties, that can be used by the custom extension to configure the recording.
  • @UseSourceManagerForSaving is a meta-annotation that tells DeepSampler, that the annotated annotation is a command for saving samples.
  • YamlSourceManagerFactory is referenced by @UseSourceManagerForsaving and it is used to create and configure a SourceManager. It implements the interface SourceManagerFactory. The configuration should be done using custom annotations. There is a convenience-method that is able to load annotations from various places, like the test-method itself, or a SamplerFixture: JUnitSamplerUtils#loadAnnotationFromTestOrSamplerFixture
  • YamlSourceManager is the class that is finally able to write the YAML-file. It implements the interface SourceManager. This class is probably the most complex class to implement, since it needs to translate the ExecutionInformation to a persistable format. ExecutionInformations contain all data that is collected during the execution of stubbed methods.

Loading samples is implemented very similar. The mentioned interfaces define methods for loading and saving samples. The annotation, that commands DeepSampler to load samples, is marked by the meta annotation @UseSourceManagerForLoading

We recommend placing the extension in two modules:

  1. persistence-module: This module contains all code that is related to saving and loading samples independent of JUnit. It should be possible to use the persistence without annotations or JUnit. The SourceManager -implementation and all it's utilities belong to this module.
  2. junit-configuration-modul: A module that contains all code, that is necessary to use the SourceManager in JUnit-tests together with annotation-based-configuration. The custom-annotations like @SaveYamlSamples and the SourceManagerFactory -implementation belong to this module.


DeepSampler is made available under the terms of the MIT License (see

Copyright 2022 PPI AG (Hamburg, Germany)