This project aims to build a compiler for a simple programming language called B--. It utilizes Flex and Bison to create a lexical analyzer and syntax analyzer capable of recognizing B-- source code. The compiler provides helpful error messages for identifying syntax errors in B-- sample code.
├── bmm_parser.y
├── bmm_scanner.l
├── correct_sample.bmm
├── incorrect_sample.bmm
- \n is not considered as a space but as a character
- all other assumptions are intuitive
- Enter following commands into terminal
lex BMM_Scanner.l yacc -d BMM_Parser.y cc lex.yy.c -o Compiler ./.Compiler<CorrectSample.bmm ./.Compiler<IncorrectSample.bmm
- Tokenized all the variable names, keywords, special characters and numbers.
- It will print all the tokens in the terminal in the the orser scanned.
- This program contains the BNF grammar rules for the compiler.
- If there is any error in syntax it will stop parsing after prompting error message "Syntax Error".
- If there is no syntax error all the scanning and parsing will be printed in terminal and Success message will be prompted in the end.
- Contains correct code free from any kind of syntax errors.
- Contains syntax error in line 180 (contains PRIN instead of PRINT)
- Prashant Singh (@prashant531)
- Aditya Patil (@Nerditya)