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Windows build guide

K.R. Zentner edited this page Aug 24, 2019 · 3 revisions

Transfusion's general workflow:

  • Install nvm for windows ( and node 10.15.1 (other tested versions: 10.16.2). Ensure you have git bash, MinGW, cmder, or some other Unix-compatible environment installed.
  • Install Android Studio. Ensure you install the Android P (API 28) SDK Platform and build tools. It's easy to miss the build tools; click on show package details:

  • Ensure you have your ANDROID_HOME environment variable pointed to your Android SDK (typically C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk) on Windows.)

  • Ensure your PATH variable includes both the platform-tools and the tools directories: C:\Users\trans\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\bin and C:\Users\trans\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools respectively.

  • As of Aug. 15 2019 Transfusion is developing on nativescript@6.0.3 (the tns/nativescript CLI version)

  • Clone all the repos. Enter the test-app directory, checkout the appropriate branch and run npm ci; it should complete without errors;

Enter each of the plugin directories (such as spectra-pitch-perfect-plugin, spectra-bdsd-plugin, etc.) Open one terminal window per plugin. Run npm run plugin.tscwatch within the src directory of the plugin folder! It should say "Starting compilation in watch mode". Leave the terminal open.

  • Run tns install. It should generate the iOS and Android folders within the platform folder, and symlink all the plugins specified in package.json with the file: prefix.
  • Enable Java 8 compatibility so the multidex stage doesn't fail.
compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility 1.8
    targetCompatibility 1.8

Run tns run android --bundle. No changes should be needed to any source files.

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