Implementations for my master-thesis are found in this repository. The implementations are mainly based on two publications:
- An Optimal Control Approach to Deep Learning and Applications to Discrete-Weight Neural Networks
- Stable Architectures for Deep Neural Networks
The code is divided into three folders: One containing the logic for the networks, one for the layers and one for the datasets.
The folder "Networks" contains the file, in which the implementations can be found. The classes are (from base class to child class):
- BasicVarFCNet
- BasicVarConvNet
- ConvMSANet
- BasicBackpropNet
- ResAntiSymNet
- FCNet
- ResFCNet
- ConvNet
In the file in the "Layers" folder, the different layer structures are implemented. These include:
- Activation layers for MSA training (ReLU and Tanh)
- Batchnorm layers for MSA training
- Linear and Convolutional layers for MSA training
- Layers with weight matrices constructed using antisymmetric matrices for the ResAntiSymNet
The "Dataset" folder contains the "input" folder with the MNIST data and the file This file has the functions to create dataloaders for the Moons- and the MNIST-dataset.
The different tests of the architectures are done in Jupyter Notebooks with additional explanation for the tests. The notebooks are:
- MSA Comparison.ipynb. Comparison of MSA trained nets with and without biases. The results are saved in the folder MSA_Comparison_results.
- Convergence Comparison.ipynb. Comparison of MSA trained nets and backpropagation trained nets. The results are saved in the folder Convergence_results
- AntiSym Comparison.ipynb. Comparison of ResAntiSymNets with different h-values and learning rates. The results are saved in the folder AntiSym_Comparison_results.
- Vanishing Gradients Test.ipynb. Comparison of the FC net architectures regarding the stability. The results are saved in the folder Vanishing_gradients_results.
- Convolutional Comparison.ipynb. Comparison of MSA and backpropagation trained ConvNets. The results are saved in the folder Convolutional_results.