Implemented for fun. Original task text can be found here or check local copy.
go get
go install
As written in golang can be runned as single binary:
Uses config.json in the same dir. Example:
- Port -- HTTP port for running server
- Limit -- how many resources should we create
- Workers -- ammount of concurrent workers (for parallel allocate/deallocate)
Resource manager uses goconvey for testing. Running and checking coverage is simple:
go get
After opening a broser at http://127.1:8080/ you should be able to see somethin like that:
Interactive (logs will appear in stdout):
docker run -it -e PORT=5000 -e WORKERS=3 -e LIMIT=100 -p 5000:5000 ptqa/resm
docker run -d -e PORT=5000 -e WORKERS=3 -e LIMIT=100 -p 5000:5000 ptqa/resm
This will run resource manager with 100 resources, 3 workers and listening on port 5000. After that you should be able to make a query:
$ curl 127.1:5000/list