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Android developers
You can use this library in your Android app. However, you should have a look at the Android Wrapper project built by kaaes as it's made specifically for Android. See also Spotify's Android SDK.

Spotify Web API Java Build Status

This is a Java wrapper/client for the Spotify Web API.

It includes helper functions to do:

Music metadata

  • Albums, artists, and tracks
  • Albums for a specific artist
  • Top tracks for a specific artist
  • Artists similar to a specific artist


  • User's emails, product type, follower count, display name, image


  • Albums, artists, and tracks


  • Get a user's playlists
  • Get a specific playlist
  • Create playlists
  • Change playlist details
  • Add tracks to a playlist

Your Music library

  • Get tracks that are in the signed in user's Your Music library
  • Add/remove tracks to/from the user's Your Music library
  • Check if a track is in the user's Your Music library


  • Get new releases
  • Get featured playlists


Some methods require authentication, which can be done using these flows:

Even though authentication isn't always necessary, it always gives benefits such as an increased rate limit.


As of version 1.4.5 the artifact is available through Maven Central. (All artifacts are available at;quick~spotify-web-api-java.)

Get the latest version:

Maven users


Gradle users

This project uses net.sf.json-lib for marshalling, which may cause your Android build to fail if you're using Android Studio 1.0 (relevant Stack Overflow post). It may therefore necessary to make an exclusion of common-beanutils when setting up this library as a dependency.

compile('se.michaelthelin.spotify:spotify-web-api-java:1.5.0') {
        exclude group: "commons-beanutils", module: "commons-beanutils"

    compile 'commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:20030211.134440'

Thanks a lot digitaldesaster for coming up with the workaround.


Asynchronous, using Guava's future API.

// Create an API instance. The default instance connects to
Api api = Api.DEFAULT_API; 

// Create a request object for the type of request you want to make
AlbumRequest request = api.getAlbum("7e0ij2fpWaxOEHv5fUYZjd").build();

// Retrieve a future for an album
SettableFuture<Album> albumFuture = request.getAsync();

// Create callbacks in case of success or failure
Futures.addCallback(albumFuture, new FutureCallback<Album>() {

  // Print the genres of the album call is successful
  public void onSuccess(Album album) {
    List<String> genres = album.getGenres(); 
    for (String genre : genres) {
  // In case of failure
  public void onFailure(Throwable thrown) {
    System.out.println("Could not get albums.");


// Create an API instance. The default instance connects to
Api api = Api.DEFAULT_API; 

// Create a request object for the type of request you want to make
AlbumRequest request = api.getAlbum("7e0ij2fpWaxOEHv5fUYZjd").build();

// Retrieve an album
try {
  Album album = request.get();
  // Print the genres of the album
  List<String> genres = album.getGenres(); 
  for (String genre : genres) {
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Could not get albums.");


Client ID, client secret and redirect URI are set on the API object when it's created, and will be used by functions that need them, e.g. when retrieving or refreshing an access token. You can retrieve these credentials by creating an application here.

Api api = Api.builder()

Access token and refresh token can also be set using the Api builder.

Api api = Api.builder()

There are two ways of retrieving access tokens. The first one is the Client Credentials flow, which is useful when a specific user's permission isn't needed, for example when simply looking up albums or searching for tracks. The second one is the Authorization Code Grant, which requires a user to sign in and authorize the application.

Client Credentials flow

Use the Client Credentials flow when the requests doesn't require permission from a specific user. This flow doesn't return an refresh token. However, there are still benefits with using an access token when making requests as it gives the application a higher rate limit.

The example below implements the asynchronous version of the Client Credentials flow.

final String clientId = "<insert client id>";
final String clientSecret = "<insert client secret>";

final Api api = Api.builder()

/* Create a request object. */
final ClientCredentialsGrantRequest request = api.clientCredentialsGrant().build();

/* Use the request object to make the request, either asynchronously (getAsync) or synchronously (get) */
final SettableFuture<ClientCredentials> responseFuture = request.getAsync();

/* Add callbacks to handle success and failure */
Futures.addCallback(responseFuture, new FutureCallback<ClientCredentials>() {
  public void onSuccess(ClientCredentials clientCredentials) {
    /* The tokens were retrieved successfully! */
    System.out.println("Successfully retrieved an access token! " + clientCredentials.getAccessToken());
    System.out.println("The access token expires in " + clientCredentials.getExpiresIn() + " seconds");
    /* Set access token on the Api object so that it's used going forward */
    /* Please note that this flow does not return a refresh token.
   * That's only for the Authorization code flow */

  public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
    /* An error occurred while getting the access token. This is probably caused by the client id or
     * client secret is invalid. */

When the access token has been set on the Api object, it will be used automatically when making requests. This wrapper leaves it to the implementer to handle expiration time. If a token expires, the access token on the Api object either needs to be set again, or set to null so that it's not used when making requests.

Authorization Code Grant

Using the Authorization Code Grant to retrieve an access token is necessary if the requests are bound to a specific user, e.g. the retrieving information about the current user (.getMe()). Using this flow returns a refresh token, which can be used to renew the access token before it expires.

Retrieving an Authorization code

The Authorization Code Grant flow requires a code, which is returned to the redirectURI when the user has authorized the application. This wrapper provides a helper function to create the URL which the user needs to go to in order to authorize the application.

final String clientId = "<your_client_id>";
final String clientSecret = "<your_client_secret>";
final String redirectURI = "<your_redirect_uri>";

final Api api = Api.builder()

/* Set the necessary scopes that the application will need from the user */
final List<String> scopes = Arrays.asList("user-read-private", "user-read-email");

/* Set a state. This is used to prevent cross site request forgeries. */
final String state = "someExpectedStateString";

String authorizeURL = api.createAuthorizeURL(scopes, state);

/* Continue by sending the user to the authorizeURL, which will look something like
Retrieving the access token

When the code has been retrieved from the user, it can be used to get an access token as well as a refresh token.

/* Application details necessary to get an access token */
final String code = "<insert code>";

/* Make a token request. Asynchronous requests are made with the .getAsync method and synchronous requests
 * are made with the .get method. This holds for all type of requests. */
final SettableFuture<AuthorizationCodeCredentials> authorizationCodeCredentialsFuture = api.authorizationCodeGrant(code).build().getAsync();

/* Add callbacks to handle success and failure */
Futures.addCallback(authorizationCodeCredentialsFuture, new FutureCallback<AuthorizationCodeCredentials>() {
  public void onSuccess(AuthorizationCodeCredentials authorizationCodeCredentials) {
    /* The tokens were retrieved successfully! */
    System.out.println("Successfully retrieved an access token! " + authorizationCodeCredentials.getAccessToken());
    System.out.println("The access token expires in " + authorizationCodeCredentials.getExpiresIn() + " seconds");
    System.out.println("Luckily, I can refresh it using this refresh token! " +     authorizationCodeCredentials.getRefreshToken());
    /* Set the access token and refresh token so that they are used whenever needed */

  public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
    /* Let's say that the client id is invalid, or the code has been used more than once,
     * the request will fail. Why it fails is written in the throwable's message. */


More examples

This section includes example requests for every helper function. Please note that the requests in the examples doesn't necessarily use all possible options when making the request. Since the requests use the builder pattern, optional parameters can be appended using the builder. Required parameters are parameters on the api method (e.g. searchTracks).

The examples below use the synchronous version of the request (.get). In order to make asynchronous request, simply use the request's .getAsync() method instead.

Please refer to the documentation linked in the headline of each example to read about potential authorization requirements.

Searching tracks, artists and albums

final TrackSearchRequest request = api.searchTracks("Mr. Brightside").market("US").build();
try {
   final Page<Track> trackSearchResult = request.get();
   System.out.println("I got " + trackSearchResult.getTotal() + " results!");
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final ArtistSearchRequest request = api.searchArtists("tania bowra").market("SE").limit(10).build();
try {
   final Page<Artist> artistSearchResult = request.get();
   final List<Artist> artists = artistSearchResult.getItems();
   System.out.println("I've found " + artistSearchResult.getTotal() + " artists!");
   for (Artist artist : artists) {
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final AlbumSearchRequest request = api.searchAlbums("black album").offset(0).limit(3).build();
try {
   final Page<SimpleAlbum> albumSearchResult = request.get();
   System.out.println("Printing results..");
   for (SimpleAlbum album : albumSearchResult.getItems)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());

Lookup of albums, tracks, artists, playlists and users

final String albumId = "0sNOF9WDwhWunNAHPD3Baj";
final AlbumRequest request = api.getAlbum(albumId).build();
try {
   final Album album = request.get();
   System.out.println("Retrieved album " + album.getName());
   System.out.println("Its popularity is " + album.getPopularity()); 
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final TrackRequest request = api.getTrack("0eGsygTp906u18L0Oimnem").build();

try {
   final Track track = request.get();
   System.out.println("Retrieved track " + track.getName());
   System.out.println("Its popularity is " + track.getPopularity());
   if (track.isExplicit()) {
      System.out.println("This track is explicit!");
   } else {
      System.out.println("It's OK, this track isn't explicit.");
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final Artist request = api.getArtist("0LcJLqbBmaGUft1e9Mm8HV").build();

try {
   final Artist artist = request.get();
   System.out.println("This artist's name is " + artist.getName());
   // Print URLs to the artist's images
   final List<Image> images = artist.getImages();
   for (Image image : images) {
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final PlaylistRequest request = api.getPlaylist("thelinmichael", "3ktAYNcRHpazJ9qecm3ptn").build();

try {
   final Playlist playlist = request.get();
   System.out.println("Retrieved playlist " + playlist.getName());
   System.out.println("It contains " + playlist.getTracks().getTotal() + " tracks");
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final UserRequest request = api.getUser("wizzler").build();

try {
   final User user = request.get();

   System.out.println("This user's Spotify URI is " + user.getUri());   
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());

Lookup of of several albums, tracks, and artists

final AlbumsRequest = api.getAlbums("41MnTivkwTO3UUJ8DrqEJJ", "0ntmUPwjfE9iGGM9qHglCm").get();

try {
   final List<Album> albums = request.get();
   final Album firstAlbum = albums.get(0);
   System.out.println("The artists on this albums are");
   for (SimpleArtist artist : firstAlbum.getArtists()) {
   final Album secondAlbum = albums.get(1);
   System.out.println("The artists on this albums are");
   for (SimpleArtist artist : secondAlbum.getArtists()) {

} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final TracksRequest request = api.getTracks("0eGsygTp906u18L0Oimnem", "1lDWb6b6ieDQ2xT7ewTC3G").build();

try {
   final List<Track> tracks = request.get();
   for (Track track : tracks) {
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final ArtistsRequest request = api.getArtists("0oSGxfWSnnOXhD2fKuz2Gy", "3dBVyJ7JuOMt4GE9607Qin").build();

try {
   final List<Artist> artists = request.get();

   for (Artist artist : artists) {
      System.out.println(artist.getName() + " has popularity " + artist.getPopularity());
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());

Other lookup methods

final RelatedArtistsRequest request = api.getArtistRelatedArtists("0qeei9KQnptjwb8MgkqEoy").build();

try {

  final List<Artist> artists = request.get();

  if (numbers.isEmpty()) {
    System.out.println("Didn't find any similar artists!");
  } else {
    System.out.println("The related artists are:");
    for (Artist artist : artists) {
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());

The attributes that are loaded onto the User object depends on the permissions given by the user to the application.

final CurrentUserRequest request = api.getMe().build();
try {
   final User user = request.get();
   System.out.println("Display name: " + user.getDisplayName());
   System.out.println("Email: " + user.getEmail());
   for (Image image : user.getImages()) {
   System.out.println("This account is a " + user.getProduct() + " account");
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final PlaylistTracksRequest request = api.getPlaylistTracks("thelinmichael", "3ktAYNcRHpazJ9qecm3ptn").build();

try {
   final Page<PlaylistTrack> page = request.get();
   final List<PlaylistTrack> playlistTracks = page.getItems();
   for (PlaylistTrack playlistTrack : playlistTracks) {
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final UserPlaylistsRequest request = api.getPlaylistsForUser("thelinmichael").build();

try {
   final Page<SimplePlaylist> playlistsPage = request.get();
   for (SimplePlaylist playlist : playlistsPage.getItems()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());

Playlist manipulation

final List<String> tracksToAdd = Arrays.asList("spotify:track:4BYGxv4rxSNcTgT3DsFB9o","spotify:track:0BG2iE6McPhmAEKIhfqy1X");

// Index starts at 0
final int insertIndex = 3;

final AddTrackToPlaylistRequest request = api.addTracksToPlaylist("thelinmichael", "5ieJqeLJjjI8iJWaxeBLuK", tracksToAdd)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final PlaylistCreationRequest request = api.createPlaylist("thelinmichael", "title")

try {
  final Playlist playlist = request.get();
  System.out.println("You just created this playlist!");
  System.out.println("Its title is " + playlist.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
final Api api = Api.builder().accessToken(accessToken).build();

ChangePlaylistDetailsRequest request = api
  .changePlaylistDetails("thelinmichael", "3ktAYNcRHpazJ9qecm3ptn")
  .name("Testing playlist name change")

try {
  String response = request.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());

Your Music library

Api api = Api.builder().accessToken(accessToken).build();

GetMySavedTracksRequest request = api.getMySavedTracks()

try {
  Page<LibraryTrack> libraryTracks = request.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
Api api = Api.builder().accessToken(accessToken).build();

ContainsMySavedTracksRequest request = api.containsMySavedTracks(
    Arrays.asList("0udZHhCi7p1YzMlvI4fXoK", "1e1VmyiAuPyM4SHhySP1oU"))

try {
    List<Boolean> containedTracks = request.get();
    System.out.println("0udZHhCi7p1YzMlvI4fXoK is in the library: " + containedTracks.get(0));
    System.out.println("1e1VmyiAuPyM4SHhySP1oU is in the library: " + containedTracks.get(1));
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
Api api = Api.builder().accessToken(accessToken).build();

List<String> tracksToAdd = Arrays.asList("4BYGxv4rxSNcTgT3DsFB9o", "0BG2iE6McPhmAEKIhfqy1X");

AddToMySavedTracksRequest request = api.addToMySavedTracks(tracksToAdd).build();

try {
    // Add tracks synchronously
    System.out.println("Added tracks to the user's Your Music library!');
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Something went wrong!" + e.getMessage());
Api api = Api.builder().accessToken(accessToken).build();

List<String> tracksToRemove = Arrays.asList("4BYGxv4rxSNcTgT3DsFB9o", "0BG2iE6McPhmAEKIhfqy1X");

RemoveFromMySavedTracksRequest request = api.removeFromMySavedTracks(tracksToAdd).build();

try {
    // Remove tracks synchronously
    System.out.println("Removed tracks from the user's Your Music library!');
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Something went wrong! " + e.getMessage());


Api api = Api.builder().accessToken(accessToken).build();

// Create a request to get five new releases in Sweden
final NewReleasesRequest request = api.getNewReleases()

try {
    NewReleases newReleases = request.get();
    Page<SimpleAlbum> albums = newReleases.getAlbums();

    // Print the name of the albums
} catch(Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Something went wrong! " + e.getMessage());
Api api = Api.builder().accessToken(accessToken).build();

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.set(2014, 9, 23, 9, 0, 0);
Date timestamp = calendar.getTime();

final FeaturedPlaylistsRequest request = api.getFeaturedPlaylists()

try {
    FeaturedPlaylists featuredPlaylists = request.get();
    System.out.println("Message for this set of playlists: " + featuredPlaylists.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Something went wrong! " + e.getMessage());


Any additions to this project will be happily received. Make sure that your code is covered by a test and send a pull request! Please work on a branch that isn't master as that'll make it easier for me to merge pull requests in case there has been commits made between the time you forked and the time you send the pull request.

Requirements: Java, Maven.


mvn clean install


There's a known issue in that tests cannot be run from an IDE as it doesn't pick up the mocked response files.

mvn clean test

Change log

  • Change response type for Add Tracks to Playlist to SnapshotResult since it now includes a snapshot_id. Code using Add Tracks to Playlist will break with this change.
  • bradnussbaum bumped Guava version and sorted out test dependencies. Cheers!
  • Add images to SimplePlaylist object. (Currently only returned from the Get User's Playlists endpoint)
  • Add available_markets to SimpleTrack object.
  • Add market parameter to Search requests.
  • Enable limit and offset parameters when retrieving a playlist's tracks.
  • Get a user's starred tracks. (Thanks felx)
  • Distribute via Maven Central.
  • Use query parameter to add tracks.
  • Add available_markets to SimpleAlbum
  • Add show dialog parameter to authorization URL
  • Enable setting limit and offset when requesting a user's playlists.


A Java wrapper for Spotify's Web API.







No packages published


  • Java 99.7%
  • Other 0.3%