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Bridging the Gap Between Semantic and Interaction Similarity in Recommender Systems


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This is the official implementation provided with our paper beeFormer: Bridging the Gap Between Semantic and Interaction Similarity in Recommender Systems.

main idea of beeFormer

alt text

Collaborative filtering (CF) methods can capture patterns from interaction data that are not obvious at first sight. For example, when buying a printer, users can also buy toners, papers, or cables to connect the printer, and collaborative filtering can take such patterns into account. However, in the cold-start recommendation setup, where new items do not have any interaction at all, collaborative filtering methods cannot be used, and recommender systems are forced to use other approaches, like content-based filtering (CBF). The problem with content-based filtering is that it relies on item attributes, such as text descriptions. In our printer example, semantic similarity-trained language models will put other printers closer than accessories that users might be searching for. Our method is training language models to learn these user behavior patterns from interaction data to transfer that knowledge to previously unseen items. Our experiments show that performance benefits from this approach are enormous.

Steps to start training the models:

  1. create virtual environment python3.10 -m venv beef and activate it source beef/bin/activate
  2. clone this repository and navigate to it cd beeformer
  3. install packages pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. download the data for movielens: navigate to the _dataset/ml20m folder and run source download_data
  5. download the data for goodbooks: navigate to the _dataset/goodbooks folder and run source download_data
  6. download the data for amazonbooks: navigate to the _dataset/amazonbooks folder and run source download_data && python
  7. in the root folder of the project run the, for example like this:
python --seed 42 --scheduler None --lr 1e-5 --epochs 5 --dataset goodbooks --sbert "sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2" --max_seq_length 384 --batch_size 1024 --max_output 10000 --sbert_batch_size 200 --use_cold_start true --save_every_epoch true --model_name my_model
  1. Evaluate the results. To reproduce numbers from the paper using our hugginface repository, run for example:
python --seed 42 --dataset goodbooks --sbert beeformer/Llama-goodbooks-mpnet


python --seed 42 --dataset amazon-books --sbert beeformer/Llama-amazbooks-mpnet

Datasets and preprocessing

Preprocessing information

We consider ratings of 4.0 and higher as an interaction. We only keep the users with at least 5 interactions.

LLM Data augmentations

Since there are no text descriptions in the original data, we manually connect several datasets with the original data and train our models on it. However, this approach has several limitations: texts from different sources have different styles and different lengths, and this might influence the results. Therefore, we use the Llama-3.1-8b-instruct model to generate item descriptions for us. We use the following conversation template:

import pandas as pd

from tqdm import tqdm
from vllm import LLM, SamplingParams

items = pd.read_feather("items_with_gathered_side_info.feather")

llm = LLM(model="meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct",dtype="float16")

tokenizer = llm.get_tokenizer()
conversation = [ tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
            {'role': 'system','content':"You are ecomerce shop designer. Given a item description create one paragraph long summarization of the product."},
            {'role': 'user', 'content': "Item description: "+x},
            {'role': 'assistant', 'content': "Sure, here is your one paragraph summary of your product:"},
    ) for x in tqdm(items.gathered_features.to_list())]

output = llm.generate(
        stop_token_ids=[tokenizer.eos_token_id, tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|eot_id|>")],  

items_descriptions = [o.outputs[0].text for o in output]

However, LLM refused to generate descriptions for some items (For example, because it refuses to generate explicit content). We removed such items from the dataset. We also removed items for which we were not able to connect meaningful descriptions from other datasets, which led to LLM completely hallucinating item descriptions.

We share the resulting LLM-generated item descriptions in datasets/ml20m, dataset/goodbooks and datasets/amazonbooks folders.

Statistics of datasets used for evaluation

GoodBooks-10k MovieLens-20M Amazon Books
# of items in X 9975 16902 63305
# of users in X 53365 136589 634964
# of interactions in X 4119623 9694668 8290500
density of X [%] 0.7739 0.4199 0.0206
density of X^TX [%] 41.22 26.93 7.59

Pretrained models

We share pretrained models at


We used hyperparameters for training our models as follows.

hyperparameter description beeformer/Llama-goodbooks-mpnet beeformer/Llama-movielens-mpnet beeformer/Llama-goodlens-mpnet beeformer/Llama-amazbooks-mpnet
seed random seed used during training 42 42 42 42
scheduler learning rate scheduling strategy constant learning rate constant learning rate constant learning rate constant learning rate
lr learning rate 1e-5 1e-5 1e-5 1e-5
epochs number of trained epochs 5 5 10 5
devices training script allow to train on multiple gpus in parallel - we used 4xV100 [0,1,2,3] [0,1,2,3] [0,1,2,3] [0,1,2,3]
dataset dataset used for training goodbooks ml20m goodlens amazon-books
sbert original sentence transformer model used as an initial model for training sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2 sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2 sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2 sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2
max_seq_length limitation of sequence length; shorter sequences trains faster original mpnet model uses max 512 tokens in. sequence 384 384 384 384
batch_size number of users sampled in random batch from interaction matrix 1024 1024 1024 1024
max_output negative sampling hyperparameter (m in the paper). Negatives are sampled uniformly at random. 10000 10000 10000 12500
sbert_batch_size number of items processed together during training step (gradient accumulation step size) 200 200 200 200
use_cold_start split the dataset item-wise (some items are hidden to test the genralization towards new items) true true true false
use_time_split sort interactions by timestamp and use last 20% of interactions as a test set (generalization from the past to the future) false false false true

RecSys 2024 poster

RecSys poster


If you find this repository helpful, feel free to cite our paper:

        author = {Van\v{c}ura, Vojt\v{e}ch and Kord\'{\i}k, Pavel and Straka, Milan},
        title = {beeFormer: Bridging the Gap Between Semantic and Interaction Similarity in Recommender Systems},
        year = {2024},
        isbn = {9798400705052},
        publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
        address = {New York, NY, USA},
        url = {},
        doi = {10.1145/3640457.3691707},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems},
        pages = {1102–1107},
        numpages = {6},
        keywords = {Cold-start recommendation, Recommender systems, Sentence embeddings, Text mining, Zero-shot recommendation},
        location = {Bari, Italy},
        series = {RecSys '24}


Bridging the Gap Between Semantic and Interaction Similarity in Recommender Systems







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