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xpass extension for PHP

This extension provides password hashing algorithms used by Linux distributions.

  • sha512 ($6$) provided for legacy as used on some old distributions (ex: RHEL-8)
  • yescrypt ($y$) used on modern distributions

Notices: these can be fast, don't expect improved security level.

It also provides additional functions from libxcrypt missing in core PHP:

  • crypt_preferred_method: get the prefix of the preferred hash method
  • crypt_gensalt: encode settings for passphrase hashing
  • crypt_checksalt: validate a crypt setting string

See the Linux man pages.

Computation time

  • bcrypt: 0.33"
  • argon2i: 0.53"
  • argon2id: 0.55"
  • sha512: 0.01"
  • yescrypt: 0.07" with default cost of 5
  • yescrypt: 0.14" with cost=6
  • yescrypt: 0.30" with cost=7
  • yescrypt: 0.62" with cost=8



Compatible with PHP 8.0 or greater.

You need the Extended crypt library development files (libxcrypt-devel, libcrypt-dev) version 4.4 or greater.

From the sources tree

$ phpize
$ ./configure --enable-xpass
$ make
$ make test

From using pecl command

$ pecl install xpass

From using PHP Installer for Extensions

$ pie install remi/xpass


password hashing and verifying

$ php -a

php > var_dump($hash = password_hash("secret", PASSWORD_SHA512));
string(106) "$6$y2T3Ql8zEgzbpZeK$s42Q92ggqycC280QMx4.bid1gKI8ghM7ZQJF.F.fbY49Cqj/gnS9h3CiOXyYh0pvtisqiNavSPJP8ZR9Ty7RX1"

php > var_dump($hash = password_hash("secret", PASSWORD_YESCRYPT));
string(73) "$y$j9T$X9Va6i3zHjyKGJAskYZPv.$i1m/WR1C6/tqhB7IdOsi9Ar1JF4Qr38vBx104ao1OS5"

php > var_dump($hash = password_hash("secret", PASSWORD_YESCRYPT, ['cost'=>7]));
string(73) "$y$jBT$bo5CcI5fdsyad1Av.vgLQ.$FgOq74zufVvkOL/q4OBmcKDMMXJB9VzrJXEZrhoVjf6"

php > var_dump(password_verify("secret", $hash));

supported options

  • cost controls the CPU time cost of the hash. If cost is 0, a reasonable default cost will be selected.

crypt helpers

$ php -a

php > var_dump(crypt_preferred_method());
string(3) "$y$"

php > var_dump($salt = crypt_gensalt());
string(29) "$y$j9T$EitfN8MxRjFzV5tNe97D70"

php > var_dump(crypt_checksalt($salt) == CRYPT_SALT_OK);

php > var_dump($hash = crypt("secret", $salt));
string(73) "$y$j9T$EitfN8MxRjFzV5tNe97D70$vGtxczdGMTLh0LfpwxAmyzgba7EODsmazEh03kpvbh3"

php > var_dump($hash === crypt("secret", $hash));


Author: Remi Collet

This extension is licensed under The PHP License, version 3.01


Created on user request for consistency with system crypto.