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Generate an OpenAPI spec using code in go (golang) without any code generation, serve easily under a /docs endpoint. Support for OpenAPI spec 3.1.0 and 3.0.x


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Go Docs


Generate an OpenAPI spec using code in go (golang), serve them easily under /docs without any code generation steps. We support mostly everything in the OpenAPI spec, including callbacks and links. If something is not supported, please open an issue.

Go Support

1.18 and greater

OpenAPI Support

  • 3.1.0
  • 3.0.x

Basic Usage

Run the below example and go to your browser window at http://localhost:8111/docs

package main

import (


func main() {
	type Error struct {
		Message string `json:"message"`
	type Success struct {
		Message string `json:"message"`

	openAPI := openapi.New("My API", "v1.0.0")
	openAPI.Description("My API description can be placed here.")
	openAPI.Server().URL("").Description("My API URL")

	// define security

	// define security
		"read_users":  "read users",
		"write_users": "write to users",

	// apply security (globally)
	openAPI.Security("OAuth2", []string{"read_users", "write_users"})

	// registering a URL (operation)
	type LoginRequest struct {
		Username string `json:"username" doc:"username to login with" maxLength:"25"`
		Password string `json:"password" doc:"password to login with" maxLength:"50"`

	login := openAPI.Register(&openapi.Operation{
                OperationID: "loginUser",
		Method: "POST",
		Path:   "/login",


	// registering a URL (operation)

	type User struct {
		ID   string `json:"id" doc:"ID of user" example:"2"`
		Name string `json:"name" doc:"Name of user" example:"joe"`
		Age  int    `json:"age" doc:"Age of user" example:"32"`

	getUser := openAPI.Register(&openapi.Operation{
                OperationID: "getUser",
		Method: "GET",
		Path:   "/users/{userId}",

	getUser.Request().PathParam("userId", openapi.IntType).Required(true)
	getUser.Request().QueryParam("age", &openapi.IntType).Example("12").Description("Age of user") // pointers make the query param optional
	getUser.Request().QueryParam("email", openapi.StringType).Example("").Description("Email of user")

	getUser.Response(http.StatusOK).Body(User{}).Example(`{id: 3, name: "joe", age: 5}`) // override example from User struct
	getUser.Response(http.StatusForbidden).Body(Error{})                                 // default content type is application/json

	bytes, err := openAPI.OpenAPI().YAML()
	if err != nil {


	// serve under /docs using scalar (visit http://localhost:8111/docs)
	scalar := openapi.Scalar(openAPI.OpenAPI(), map[string]any{
		"theme": "purple",

	fmt.Println("Serving docs at http://localhost:8111/docs")

	docs := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")

	http.HandleFunc("/docs", docs)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8111", nil)

Serving docs

You can serve docs easily using our helper functions.



	scalar := openapi.Scalar(openAPI.OpenAPI(), map[string]any{
		"theme": "purple", // try solarized, moon, mars, saturn

	docs := func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")

	http.HandleFunc("/docs", docs)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8111", nil)


	scalar := openapi.Scalar(openAPI.OpenAPI(), map[string]any{
		"theme": "purple", // try solarized, moon, mars, saturn

	router.GET("/docs", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.Data(http.StatusOK, "text/html", scalar)

anything else

openapi.Scalar() returns a []byte which contains text/html. You can serve it under any HTTP library by writing the bytes and setting the Content-Type header to text/html

	scalar := openapi.Scalar(openAPI.OpenAPI(), map[string]any{
		"theme": "purple", // try solarized, moon, mars, saturn

	// set content header to text/html
	// write scalar ([]byte)

Creating an API

To create an API, you can call openApi.New(title, version)

openAPI := openapi.New("My API", "v1.0.0")
openAPI.Description("My API is a great API")
openAPI.Server().URL("").Description("My API URL")

Register (returns an Operation)

To add an endpoint to the API, simply call .Register(), make sure to set an OperationID which is used for other functions

post := openAPI.Register(&openapi.Operation{
  OperationID: "createUser",
  Method: "POST",
  Path:   "/users",

patch := openAPI.Register(&openapi.Operation{
  OperationID: "patchUser",
  Method: "PATCH",
  Path:   "/users/{id}",
  Tags: []string{"users"},

delete := openAPI.Register(&openapi.Operation{
  OperationID: "deleteUser",
  Method: "DELETE",
  Path:   "/users/{id}",


To add a Request to an Operation which is returned by the Register method, you can call Request()

// You can describe structs via the tags `doc`, `example`, see Struct Tags Table for all tags
type ExampleStruct struct {
  Name string `json:"name" doc:"name of person" example:"joe" maxLength:"50"`

// set the default content type, note: application/json is already the default content type

// override content type for the next Body() call 

// body (this is served as DefaultContentType("application/json") since ContentType only overrides one Body call)

// override example
.Request().Body(ExampleStruct{}).Example("{ name: 'joe' }")

// multiple examples
body := .Request().Body(ExampleStruct{})
body.AddExample().Value("{ name: 'joe' }")

// path params
.Request().PathParam("userId", openapi.IntType).Required(true)

// query params
.Request().QueryParam("age", &openapi.IntType).Example("12").Description("Age of user") 
.Request().QueryParam("email", openapi.StringType).
           Description("Email of user").

// query param with multiple examples
bio := .Request().QueryParam("bio", &openapi.StringType).Description("Bio of user")
bio.AddExample().Value("I was born in Canada")
bio.AddExample().Value("I was bron in the U.S")

// cookie param
.Request().CookieParam("session", &openapi.StringType).Description("Session cookie")

// generic param
.Request().Param("path", "userId", openAPI.IntType).Required(true)


You can add a response by calling Response(status)

// basic response

// you can add multiple content types for the same Response

// error response

// override example 
.Response(http.StatusOK).Body(User{}).Example(`{id: 3, name: "joe", age: 5}`)

// multiple examples
body := .Response(http.StatusOK).Body(User{})
body.AddExample().Value("{id: 3, name: "joe", age: 5}")

// headers
.Response(http.StatusOK).Header("X-Rate-Limit-Remaining", openapi.IntType)

// link
	Description("The `id` value returned in the response can be used as the `userId` parameter in `GET /users/{userId}`").
        AddParam("userId", "$response.body#/id")

Struct Tags

You use tags in structs to define extra information on fields, such as their limits, docs, and examples. See the tag table below for entire list of tags.

type Example struct {
  // doc and example
  ID int `json:"id" doc:"ID of User" example:"1"`

  // minLength and maxLength
  Name string `json:"name" doc:"Name of User" example:"joe" minLength:"3" maxLength:"30"`


Tag Description Example
doc Describe the field doc:"Who to greet"
format Format hint for the field format:"date-time"
enum A comma-separated list of possible values enum:"one,two,three"
default Default value default:"123"
minimum Minimum (inclusive) minimum:"1"
exclusiveMinimum Minimum (exclusive) exclusiveMinimum:"0"
maximum Maximum (inclusive) maximum:"255"
exclusiveMaximum Maximum (exclusive) exclusiveMaximum:"100"
multipleOf Value must be a multiple of this value multipleOf:"2"
minLength Minimum string length minLength:"1"
maxLength Maximum string length maxLength:"80"
pattern Regular expression pattern pattern:"[a-z]+"
patternDescription Description of the pattern used for errors patternDescription:"alphanum"
minItems Minimum number of array items minItems:"1"
maxItems Maximum number of array items maxItems:"20"
uniqueItems Array items must be unique uniqueItems:"true"
minProperties Minimum number of object properties minProperties:"1"
maxProperties Maximum number of object properties maxProperties:"20"
example Example value example:"123"
readOnly Sent in the response only readOnly:"true"
writeOnly Sent in the request only writeOnly:"true"
deprecated This field is deprecated deprecated:"true"
hidden Hide field/param from documentation hidden:"true"
dependentRequired Required fields when the field is present dependentRequired:"one,two"

Built-in string formats:

Format Description Example
date-time Date and time in RFC3339 format 2021-12-31T23:59:59Z
date-time-http Date and time in HTTP format Fri, 31 Dec 2021 23:59:59 GMT
date Date in RFC3339 format 2021-12-31
time Time in RFC3339 format 23:59:59
email / idn-email Email address
hostname Hostname
ipv4 IPv4 address
ipv6 IPv6 address ::1
uri / iri URI
uri-reference / iri-reference URI reference /path/to/resource
uri-template URI template /path/{id}
json-pointer JSON Pointer /path/to/field
relative-json-pointer Relative JSON Pointer 0/1
regex Regular expression [a-z]+
uuid UUID 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000


Examples show an example for a type, they can be set in various places


type User struct {
  Name string `json:"name" example:"joe"`

PathParam / QueryParam / CookieParam and Param

Example below works for all param functions: PathParam, QueryParam, CookieParam and Param

// single example
getUser.Request().QueryParam("age", &openapi.IntType).Example("21")

// multiple examples
param := getUser.Request().QueryParam("age", &openapi.IntType)


If you pass a Struct in Body() and that Struct has an example, calling Example() on Body will override the example on the struct.

// single
getUser.Response(http.StatusOK).Body(User{}).Example(`{id: 3, name: "joe", age: 5}`)

// multiple
bdy := getUser.Response(http.StatusOK).Body(User{}).Example(`{id: 3, name: "joe", age: 5}`)
bdy.AddExample().Value("{id: 3, name: "joe", age: 5}")


You can add security schemas at the top level, then you can apply them either globally or to an individual operation

// Bearer

// API key

// OpenID
openAPI.OpenID("URL to OpenID Connect URL")

// OAuth2
  "read_users":  "read users",
  "write_users": "write to users",

// Custom Security Schema
openAPI.SecuritySchema(name, *SecuritySchema)

// Apply security (globally)
openAPI.Security("OAuth2", []string{"read_users", "write_users"})

// Apply Security (to one operation)
post := openAPI.Register(&openapi.Operation{
  OperationID: "createUser",
  Method: "POST",
  Path:   "/users",

post.Security("OAuth2", []string{"write_users"})


Links can be added by calling Link() on an Operation, see below example.

type User struct {
  ID int `json:"id"`

createUser := openAPI.Register(&openapi.Operation{
    OperationID: "createUser",
    Method: "POST",
    Path: "/users",

getUser := openAPI.Register(&openapi.Operation{
    OperationID: "getUser",
    Method: "GET",
    Path: "/users/{userId}",

// we call link on the createUser operation which will give us a link to the getUser operation where we can use the returned in the body
response := createUser.Response(http.StatusOK)

	Description("The id value returned in the response can be used as the userId parameter in GET /users/{userId}").
        AddParam("userId", "$response.body#/id")


Callbacks can be added by calling Callback() on an Operation. Callbacks themselves are also an Operation so you can call Request(), Response() on them as usual

type CallbackResponse struct {
  CallbackURL string `json:"callbackUrl" format:"uri"`

type Event struct {
  Message string `json:"message"`

o := openAPI.Register(&openapi.Operation{
  OperationID: "eventSubscribe",
  Method: "POST",
  Path:   "/subscribe",


callback := o.Callback("myEvent", &openapi.Operation{
  Method: "POST",
  Path:   "{$request.body#/callbackUrl}",

callback.Response(200).Body(openapi.StringType).Example("Your server returns this code if it accepts the callback")


The OpenAPI implementation is taken from (and credits to @danielgtaylor), we extend it here to be usable outside of Huma via the Builder Pattern.

restk (rest-kit)

restk helps you rapidly create REST APIs in Golang


Generate an OpenAPI spec using code in go (golang) without any code generation, serve easily under a /docs endpoint. Support for OpenAPI spec 3.1.0 and 3.0.x







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