- This project creates a map visualization that allows the user to choose what to display on the map
- HTML - display platform
- CSS - formatting for map and legend display
- JavaScript - allows for dynamic display from multiple data samples
- D3 - used to read in the JSON files and create the data sets
- Leaflet - used to build the layers of the map
- mapbox API - used for the background tile layers
- you will need an API key for this
- create a config.js file and place in the /static/js folder
- in the config file set API_KEY = "<your API key>"
- you will need an API key for this
- The earthquake data comes from a geoJSON file from the usgs.gov website (https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_week.geojson)
- The fault line data comes from a geoJSON file from https://github.com/fraxen/tectonicplates
- World Map
- Background Map Choices:
- Light background
- Outdoor background
- Satellite background
- Overlay Map Choices:
- Earthquakes (for the past week)
- Fault Lines
- User can zoom and move around on map
- Background Map Choices:
Sample Map showing the US with both the earthquake and faultline layers