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The original MATLAB RTD Planner and ARMOUR ported into Python

Getting Started

rtd-code-python requires Python 3 or higher. For best results, use Python 3.11.3

  1. Clone the repository and open a terminal in the root directory
  2. Install virtualenv with py -m pip install virtualenv
  3. Create a new Virtual Environment with py -m venv rtd_venv
  4. Activate the Virtual Environment with rtd_venv\scripts\activate
  5. Install rtd-code-python and its dependencies with py -m pip install -r requirements.txt && py -m pip install -e .
  6. Separately install zonopy and zonopy-robots.
  7. Optionally, open a terminal inside scripts\demos and run the demo scripts (the urdfs folder can be found from the armour repository)

Note: You may need to apply the fix in fishbotics/urchin#9 to load some of the armour URDF's

Key Features

  • ARMOUR (armour)
  • RTD Planner (rtd/planner)
  • Agents and Components (rtd/entity)
  • Visualization System using PyVista (rtd/sim/systems/visual)
  • Collision System using Trimesh (rtd/sim/systems/collision)
  • Agent and Visualization Demo (scripts/demos/
  • Armour Agent, Visualization, and Collision Demo (scripts/tests/

Changes from the original MATLAB code


  • The collision and visualization systems do not have a pause function
  • The collision and visualization systems have been renamed appropriately
  • Added get_discretization_and_pause() to the visual system to help animate at a set FPS and speed
  • Added waituntilclose() to the visual system (does exactly what you think it does)
  • Visual system's updateVisual() no longer renders if redraw() hasn't been called before
  • Visual system's redraw() and animate() takes a new axlim optional argument to specify the x,y, and z bounds
  • The collision system uses mesh collisions rather than patches
  • WorldEntity's get_componentOverrideOptions() can take in either a class instance or the class itself (rather than a string of the name of the class)


  • The solver inside the planner is implemented with scripy.solve as fmincon does not exist in Python
  • RtdTrajOpt's merge_constraint() is now a functor which uses caches


  • Removed UUID as they can be replaced by the id() function
  • Removed NamedClass as the logging is handled by Python's logging module


  • Removed R_t and R_t_des from JRSInstance as numpy and tensorflow already has a transpose function
  • Trajectories no longer stores an internal JRSInstance. The factory instead pulls values from the instance when creating trajectories
  • ArmourAgentInfo takes in a urchin.URDF object as the robot argument

Not Fully Implemented Yet

  • armour/agent/ArmourController
  • armour/agent/ArmourMexController
  • ArmourController ultimate bounds check call in ArmourAgent
  • armour/agent/ArmourDynamics
  • armour/reachsets/IRSGenerator
  • armour/agent/ArmourAgentInfo
  • armour/agent/ArmKinematics
  • ArmourSimulation and collision/visual pause utility

Tested Features

  • rtd/demos
  • rtd/entity
  • rtd/functional
  • rtd/planner/reachsets
  • rtd/planner/trajectory
  • rtd/planner/trajopt/GenericArmObjective
  • rtd/planner/trajopt/Objective
  • rtd/planner/trajopt/OptimizationEngine
  • rtd/planner/trajopt/ScipyOptimizationEngine
  • rtd/planner/trajopt/TrajOptProps
  • rtd/planner/trajopt/RtdTrajOpt
  • rtd/sim/systems/visual
  • rtd/sim/systems/collision
  • rtd/sim/world
  • rtd/util
  • armour/agent/ArmourAgentInfo
  • armour/agent/ArmourAgentState
  • armour/agent/ArmourAgentVisual
  • armour/agent/ArmourAgentCollision
  • armour/agent/ArmourIdealAgentDynamics
  • armour/agent/ArmourController
  • armour/agent/ArmourMexController
  • armour/legacy/bernstein_to_poly
  • armour/legacy/match_deg5_bernstein_coefficients
  • armour/legacy/StraightLineHLP
  • armour/reachsets/JRSInstance
  • armour/reachsets/JRSGenerator
  • armour/reachsets/FOInstance
  • armour/reachsets/FOGenerator
  • armour/reachsets/IRSInstance
  • armour/reachsets/IRSGenerator
  • armour/reachsets/JLSInstance
  • armour/reachsets/JLSGenerator
  • armour/trajectory/ArmTrajectoryFactory
  • armour/trajectory/BernsteinArmTrajectory
  • armour/trajectory/PiecewiseArmTrajectory
  • armour/trajectory/ZeroHoldArmTrajectory
  • armour/ArmourAgent
  • armour/ArmourPlanner