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Releases: robotframework/PythonLibCore

PythonLibraryCore 4.4.1

05 Apr 22:29
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Python Library Core is a generic component making it easier to create bigger Robot Framework test libraries. Python Library Core 4.4.1 is a new release with a bug fix to not leak keywords names if @keyword decorator defines custom name. All issues targeted for Python Library Core v4.4.1 can be found from the issue tracker.

Python Library Core 4.4.1 was released on Saturday April 6, 2024.

PythonLibraryCore 4.4.0

22 Mar 20:25
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Python Library Core is a generic component making it easier to create bigger Robot Framework test libraries. Python Library Core 4.4.0 is a new release with enhancement to support keyword translation. Python Library Core can translate keyword names and keyword documentation. Robot Framework core has supported translations since release 6.0. Now also Python Lib Core provides support to translate library keyword and documentation. Also it is possible to translate library init and class level documentation. Keyword or library init argument names, argument types and argument default values are not translated.

Python Library Core supports Robot Framework 5.0.1 or older and Python 3.8+. Python Library Core 4.4.0 was released on Friday March 22, 2024.

PythonLibraryCore 4.3.0

19 Nov 13:36
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Python Library Core is a generic component making it easier to create bigger Robot Framework test libraries. Python Library Core 4.3.0 is a new release with support of Robot Framework 7.0 and return type hints.

PythonLibraryCore 4.2.0

10 Jul 21:16
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Python Library Core is a generic component making it easier to create bigger Robot Framework test libraries. Python Library Core 4.2.0 is a new release with supporting list when importing plugins and dropping Python 3.7 support.

All issues targeted for Python Library Core v4.2.0 can be found from the issue tracker.

PythontLibCore 4.1.2

17 Feb 22:48
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Python Library Core is a generic component making it easier to create bigger Robot Framework test libraries. Python Library Core 4.1.2 is a new hotfix release with bug fixes for handling named only arguments default values. Python Library Core 4.1.2 was released on Saturday February 18, 2023.

PythontLibCore 4.1.1

17 Feb 19:19
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Python Library Core is a generic component making it easier to create bigger Robot Framework test libraries. Python Library Core 4.1.1 is a new hotfix release with bug fixes for named arguments support. Python Library Core 4.1.1 was released on Friday February 17, 2023.

PythontLibCore 4.1.0

31 Jan 20:23
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PythonLibCore is a generic component making it easier to create bigger Robot Framework test libraries. Python Library Core 4.1.0 is a new release with support registering Robot Framework listener from keyword class. Python Library Core 4.1.0 was released on Tuesday January 31, 2023.

PythontLibCore 4.0.0

05 Nov 16:31
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Python Library Core is a generic component making it easier to create bigger Robot Framework test libraries. Python Library Core 4.0.0 is a new release with support for plugin API and bug fix for library source.

PythontLibCore 3.0.0

01 Sep 11:48
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Python Library Core 3.0.0 is a new release with fixing but with RF 4 and typing.Union resulting incorrect conversion. Also this release drops support for Rf 3.1.

Python Library Core 3.0.0 was released on Friday June 11, 2021.

PythontLibCore 2.2.1

01 Jan 23:10
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Python Library Core is a generic component making it easier to create bigger Robot Framework test libraries. Python Library Core 2.2.1 is
a new release with bug fixes for arguments bug caused in 2.2.0.

Python Library Core 2.2.1 was released on Saturday January 2, 2021.

See release notes for full details