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rpeszek edited this page May 20, 2019 · 4 revisions

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Source idr program: /src/Part2/Sec6_3b_datastore.idr
Source lhs program: /src/Part2/Sec6_3_datastore.lhs

Section 6.3. data store with adjustable schema example vs Haskell

Code example for data store with a type safe schema.
I think the best way to read this is to open two windows and look at Idris and Haskell code side-by-side.


shell$ ./IdrisTddNotes
Command: schema Int String
Command: add 99 "Red balloons"
ID 0
Command: add 76 "Trombones"
ID 1
Command: get 1
76, "Trombones"
Command: quit

I have implemented it here /src/Part2/Sec6_3_datastore.idr following the example from the book.
Large part of this code is devoted to parsing user input and that code is rather imperative and not exciting. I wanted to see how that would look like using a more functional parsing approach.

Monadic MiniParser I wanted to avoid dependency on external libraries (Idris still does not have a package manager). I also wanted to learn Idris better. So I wrote a very primitive parser /src/Util/MiniParser.idr myself. Such parser code likes to use recursion and that results in reduced totality claims that I can make.
(TODO think about a more total implementation.)

Here is the replaced version, I will use it as a starting point for my Haskell code.

module Part2.Sec6_3b_datastore
import Data.Vect
import Util.MiniParser

%default total 

infixr 5 .+.

||| ADT that represents parsed schema
data Schema = SString
            | SInt
            | (.+.) Schema Schema

||| Type level function that maps Schema to actual type, composite schema
||| is mapped to a tuple.
SchemaType : Schema -> Type
SchemaType SString = String
SchemaType SInt = Int
SchemaType (x .+. y) = (SchemaType x, SchemaType y)

idris repl:
*src/Part2/Sec6_3_datastore> SchemaType (SInt .+. SString .+. SInt)
(Int, String, Int) : Type

{- This needs schema type parameter to cary the schema information around -}
||| Type representing user commands (DSL) 
data Command : Schema -> Type where
           -- works in context of old schema, polymorphic in the return type
           SetSchema : (newschema : Schema) -> Command schema
           Add : SchemaType schema -> Command schema
           Get : Integer -> Command schema
           Quit : Command schema

{- This is powerful. Some of this can be mimicked in Haskell, e.g.
`singletons` library could generate type family Schema :: DataStore -> Schema from
something like `data DataStore = DataStore{ schema :: Schema}`
but cross referencing between field values and field types is beyond what I can 
do in Haskell, also record 'getters' are not automatically lifted by `DataKinds` -}
record DataStore where
       constructor MkData
       schema : Schema
       size : Nat
       items : Vect size (SchemaType schema)

teststore = MkData (SInt .+. SString .+. SInt) 1 [(2, "Two", 42)]

{- helper methods used with DataStore, note cool use of record getter at type level -}

addToStore : (store : DataStore) -> SchemaType (schema store) -> DataStore
addToStore (MkData schema size store) newitem
           = MkData schema _ (addToData store)
    addToData : Vect oldsize (SchemaType schema) -> Vect (S oldsize) (SchemaType schema)
    addToData [] = [newitem]
    addToData (item :: items) = item :: addToData items

display : SchemaType schema -> String
display {schema = SString} item = show item
display {schema = SInt} item = show item
display {schema = (x .+. y)} (iteml, itemr)
            = display iteml ++ ", " ++ display itemr

{- Changed from the book version to emphasize type safe retrieval -}
retrieve : (pos : Integer) -> (store : DataStore) -> Maybe (SchemaType (schema store))
retrieve pos store =
      integerToFin pos (size store) >>= (\i => pure (index i (items store)))

getEntry : (pos : Integer) -> (store : DataStore) -> Maybe (String, DataStore)
getEntry pos store = case retrieve pos store of
             Nothing => Just ("Out of range\n", store)
             Just rec => Just ((display rec) ++ "\n", store)

setSchema : (store : DataStore) -> Schema -> Maybe DataStore
setSchema store schema = case size store of
       Z => Just (MkData schema _ [])
       S k => Nothing

{- Parsers -}
sstring : Parser Schema 
sstring =  string "String" *> pure SString

sint : Parser Schema
sint = string "Int" *> pure SInt

scolumn : Parser Schema
scolumn = sstring <|> sint

schemaBody : Parser Schema 
schemaBody = do  
     col  <- scolumn
     _    <- optional spaces
     rest <- optional schemaBody
     case rest of
        Nothing =>  pure col
        Just rest => pure (col .+. rest)

{- Note Idris has no problem with this name being overloaded -}
schema : Parser Schema 
schema = string "schema" *> spaces *> schemaBody

schemaTypeBody : (sch : Schema) -> Parser (SchemaType sch)
schemaTypeBody SString = between (char '"') (char '"')
schemaTypeBody SInt = decimalInt
schemaTypeBody (schemal .+. schemar) = do
                parsed1 <- schemaTypeBody schemal
                _    <- spaces
                parsed2 <- schemaTypeBody schemar
                pure (parsed1, parsed2)

schemaType : (sch : Schema) -> Parser (SchemaType sch)
schemaType sch = string "add" *> spaces *> schemaTypeBody sch
command : (sc : Schema) -> Parser (Command sc)
command sc = (SetSchema <$> schema) <|>
             (string "quit" *> pure Quit) <|>
             (string "get") *> spaces *> (Get <$> decimalInteger) <|>
             (Add <$> schemaType sc)

{- End Parsers -}

||| replWith implementation method
processInput : DataStore -> String -> Maybe (String, DataStore)
processInput store input
          = case parseAll (command (schema store)) input of
                 Left msg => Just ("Invalid command: " ++ msg ++ "\n", store)
                 Right (Add item) =>
                    Just ("ID " ++ show (size store) ++ "\n", addToStore store item)
                 Right (Get pos) => getEntry pos store
                 Right (SetSchema schema') => case setSchema store schema' of
                        Nothing => Just ("Can't update schema\n", store)
                        Just store' => Just ("OK\n", store')
                 Right Quit => Nothing

initDs : DataStore
initDs = MkData SString _ []

testDs : DataStore
testDs = MkData (SInt .+. SString) _ []

{- To execute in repl, idrs repl from src folder, :l this file and use :exec sec6_3b -}
sec6_3b : IO ()
sec6_3b = replWith initDs "Command: " processInput

This demonstrates type safety around adding and retrieving records (in idris repl):


Compared to Haskell

This version was coded 'by-hand'. Using singletons is a bit less boilerplate /src/Part2/Sec6_3sing_datastore.hs

  • I am using attoparsec just to play with it. Obviously, the existence of many parser flibraries is a big plus for Haskell.
  • GHC.TypeLits based vectors are hard to work with and I moved to using my own implementation Data.CodedByHand (WorkingWithTypeLits.hs in my LC2019 presentation)
  • Implementing polymorphic setSchema while keeping addSchema and getEntry type safe was hard
  • Tuples in Haskell are yucky
  • It is hard to implement locally scoped dependently typed helper functions in Haskell
  • Idris type dependent records are nice, useful, and reduce boilerplate
  • Name overloading in Idris is nice!
  • Seems like Idris is more flexible with operator names like .+.
   , GADTs
   , KindSignatures
   , DataKinds
   , TypeOperators 
   , TypeFamilies
   , ScopedTypeVariables
   , OverloadedStrings
   , AllowAmbiguousTypes -- prevents "‘SchemaType’ is a type function, and may not be injective" error

   -- rest is needed for HList appending
   , PolyKinds
   , MultiParamTypeClasses
   , FlexibleInstances
   , UndecidableInstances

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-unused-imports #-}

module Part2.Sec6_3_datastore where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.CodedByHand (Vect(..), Nat(..), SNat(..), SomeNat(..), sNatToSomeNat, someNatToInteger)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CH8
import Util.AttoparsecUtil (optional, spaces, between, parseAll)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 
import Prelude hiding (getLine, putStrLn)

{-| Almost the same as Idris version
   Uses (:+) instead of (.+.) because that what haskell wants 
   data constructors to look like
data Schema = SString
            | SInt
            | (:+) Schema Schema
             deriving Show
infixr 5 :+

{-| Type level representation of Schema (reflexion).
 This adds quite a bit of boilerplate (can be avoided using singletons)
data SSchema (sch :: Schema) where
  SSString :: SSchema 'SString 
  SSInt :: SSchema 'SInt
  SSCons :: SSchema s1 -> SSchema s2 -> SSchema (s1 :+ s2) 

{-| type family instead of type-level function used in Idris, but almost identical -}
type family SchemaType  (sch :: Schema) :: Type where
 SchemaType 'SString = ByteString
 SchemaType 'SInt = Int
 SchemaType (x :+ y) = (SchemaType x, SchemaType y)

testST :: SchemaType ('SInt :+ 'SString :+ 'SInt)
testST = undefined


*Part2.Sec6_3_datastore> :t testST
testST :: (Int, (ByteString, Int))

Unfortunately, tuples are not right associative in Haskell and (a,b,c) is not the same as (a,(b,c)).
Haskell tuples are rather crazy:

I would prefer to replace tuples with something better and HList comes to mind.

data HList (as :: [Type]) where
  HNil :: HList '[]
  (::-) :: a -> HList as -> HList (a ': as)

infixr 5 ::-


*Part2.Sec6_3_datastore> :t (CH8.pack "hi") ::- (2::Int) ::- HNil
(CH8.pack "hi") ::- (2::Int) ::- HNil :: HList '[ByteString, Int]

Using HList SchemaType mapping becomes complicated. I need to be able to abstract over single types and lists of types (Type and [Type] are different).
The following code is copied from the HList package

type family HAppendListR (l1 :: [k]) (l2 :: [k]) :: [k]
type instance HAppendListR '[] l = l
type instance HAppendListR (e ': l) l' = e ': HAppendListR l l'

class HAppendList l1 l2 where
 hAppendList :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR l1 l2)
instance HAppendList '[] l2 where
  hAppendList HNil l = l
instance HAppendList l l' => HAppendList (x ': l) l' where
  hAppendList (x ::- l) l' = x ::- (hAppendList l l')

type family SchemaTypeList  (sch :: Schema) :: [Type] where
  SchemaTypeList 'SString = '[ByteString]
  SchemaTypeList 'SInt = '[Int] 
  SchemaTypeList (x :+ y) = HAppendListR (SchemaTypeList x) (SchemaTypeList y)

type family SchemaTypeHList  (sch :: Schema) :: Type where
  SchemaTypeHList sch = HList (SchemaTypeList sch)

testSTList :: SchemaTypeHList ('SInt :+ 'SString :+ 'SInt)
testSTList = undefined


*Part2.Sec6_3_datastore> :t testSTList
testSTList :: HList '[Int, ByteString, Int]

This is great, it works!, but feels like swimming upstream (see the list of LANGUAGE extensions). I will continue with nested tuples.

data Command (sch :: Schema) where
           -- SetSchema is polymorphic in schema type
           SetSchema :: SSchema asch -> Command sch
           Add :: SchemaType sch -> Command sch
           Get :: Int -> Command sch
           Quit :: Command sch

I need to create an equivalent for SetSchema data constructor from Idris.
idris repl:

*Part2/Sec6_3b_datastore> :t SetSchema
SetSchema : Schema -> Command schema

In Haskell, SetSchema is also polymorphic in sch, I should be able to define schemaToSchemaCmd :: Schema -> Command sch that uses it.

I was not able to come up with a much simpler way of doing it than the following. The issue is how to map :+ constructor. I want to use recursion to do that and for this it is helpful to have a unique constructor. I created a helper type AnySchema. A possible simplification would be to define Command type as a coproduct of instructions (SetSchema, Add, Get, and Quit). This should simplify recursive definition for SetSchema, potentially removing the need for a helper type but it would deviate from Idris version I am trying to mimic.

data AnySchema (sch :: Schema) where
           MkAnySchema :: SSchema asch -> AnySchema sch

toAnySchema :: Schema -> AnySchema sch
toAnySchema SString = MkAnySchema SSString
toAnySchema SInt = MkAnySchema SSInt
toAnySchema (s1 :+ s2) = 
       case toAnySchema s1 of
         MkAnySchema s1' -> case toAnySchema s2 of 
           MkAnySchema s2' ->
             MkAnySchema (s1' `SSCons` s2') 

toSetSchemaCommand :: AnySchema sch -> Command sch
toSetSchemaCommand (MkAnySchema x) = SetSchema x

schemaToSchemaCmd :: Schema -> Command sch 
schemaToSchemaCmd  = toSetSchemaCommand . toAnySchema

For datastore I still need to use a GADT (regular records will not do). Also, Idris can simply use schema store on the typelevel so there is no need to parametrize DataStore with schema in Idris. This is needed to implement addToStore

data DataStore (sch :: Schema) where
   MkDataStore :: SSchema sc -> SNat n -> Vect n (SchemaType sc) -> DataStore sc

{- helper methods used with DataStore -}

{-| This one maps to just schema in Idris which is overloaded name -}
getSchema :: DataStore sch -> SSchema sch 
getSchema (MkDataStore sch _ _) = sch

size :: DataStore sch -> SomeNat
size (MkDataStore _ size _) = sNatToSomeNat size

display :: SSchema sch -> SchemaType sch -> ByteString
display SSString item = item
display SSInt item =  CH8.pack . show $ item
display (SSCons sch1 sch2) (item1, item2) = display sch1 item1 <> " " <> display sch2 item2 

Instead of implementing Fin type (which I plan to do later, TODO) getEntry is coded directly and is not as type safe as the Idris' version:

{-| getvelem is total because at some point vector will reduce to VNil 
    returning Just value only if 0 index is encountered during recursion
getvelem :: Int -> Vect n a -> Maybe a
getvelem _ VNil = Nothing
getvelem 0 (x ::: _) = Just x
getvelem i (_ ::: xs) = getvelem (i - 1) xs

retrieve :: Int -> DataStore sch -> Maybe (SchemaType sch)
retrieve pos (MkDataStore _ _ vect) = getvelem pos vect

getEntry :: Int -> DataStore sch -> Maybe ByteString 
getEntry pos store@(MkDataStore ss _ vect)  = 
       if pos < 0
       then Just ("Out of range") 
       else case retrieve pos store of
          Nothing -> Just "Out of range"
          Just rec  -> Just (display ss rec)

setSchema :: DataStore asch -> SSchema sch -> Maybe (DataStore sch)
setSchema store schema = case size store of
          SomeNat SZ -> Just (MkDataStore schema SZ VNil)
          SomeNat _  -> Nothing 

{-| This one is also more complicated compared to Idris -}
addToStore :: DataStore sc -> SchemaType sc -> DataStore sc
addToStore (MkDataStore schema size elems) newitem
           = MkDataStore schema (SS size) (addToData schema newitem size elems)
     -- I had to bring type level schema and size evidence to make it work
     -- Couldn't match type ‘n’ with ‘(n + 1) - 1’ when using Part2.Sec6_2_1_adder definitions
     addToData ::  SSchema sc -> SchemaType sc -> SNat oldsize -> Vect oldsize (SchemaType sc) -> Vect ('S oldsize) (SchemaType sc)
     addToData schema newitem SZ VNil = newitem ::: VNil
     addToData schema newitem (SS n) (item ::: items) = item ::: addToData schema newitem n items

Parsers The following parsers map directly to Idris code (I have reimplemented some of Idris generic parser code in Util.AttoparsecUtil to keep both versions of code similar)

sstring :: Parser Schema 
sstring =  string "String" *> pure SString

sint :: Parser Schema
sint = string "Int" *> pure SInt

scolumn :: Parser Schema
scolumn = sstring <|> sint

schemaBody :: Parser Schema 
schemaBody = do  
     col  <- scolumn
     _    <- optional spaces
     rest <- optional schemaBody
     case rest of
        Nothing ->  pure col
        Just rest -> pure (col :+ rest)

schema :: Parser Schema 
schema = string "schema" *> spaces *> schemaBody

schemaTypeBody :: SSchema sch -> Parser (SchemaType sch)
schemaTypeBody SSString = between (char '"') (char '"')
schemaTypeBody SSInt = decimal
schemaTypeBody (schemal `SSCons` schemar) = do
                parsed1 <- schemaTypeBody schemal
                _    <- spaces
                parsed2 <- schemaTypeBody schemar
                return (parsed1, parsed2)

schemaType :: SSchema sch -> Parser (SchemaType sch)
schemaType sch = string "add" *> spaces *> schemaTypeBody sch

And the main adjustment in the command parser is the use of the polymorphic schemaToSchemaCmd function:

command :: SSchema sc -> Parser (Command sc)
command sc = schemaToSchemaCmd <$> schema <|>
             (string "quit" *> pure Quit) <|>
             (string "get") *> spaces *> (Get <$> decimal) <|>
             (Add <$> schemaType sc)

In Idris, DataStore is just a Type, to keep things strongly typed I had enhanced it to accept schema as type variable. I still need to have just a plain type to implement processInput.

data UnknownDataStore where
  MkUnknownStore :: DataStore sc -> UnknownDataStore

processInput :: UnknownDataStore -> ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, UnknownDataStore)
processInput (MkUnknownStore store) input 
          =  let ss = getSchema store
             in case parseAll (command ss) input of
                 Left msg -> Just ("Invalid command: " <> CH8.pack msg, MkUnknownStore store)
                 Right (Add item) ->
                    Just ("ID " <> CH8.pack ( show (someNatToInteger . size $ store)), MkUnknownStore $ addToStore store item)
                 Right (Get pos) -> (\s -> (s, MkUnknownStore store)) <$> getEntry pos store
                 Right (SetSchema schema') -> case setSchema store schema' of
                        Nothing -> Just ("Can't update schema", MkUnknownStore store)
                        Just store' -> Just ("OK", MkUnknownStore store')
                 Right Quit -> Nothing

Cloned from Idris replWith (it is somewhat less flexible, prints and reads whole lines):

replWith :: a -> ByteString -> (a -> ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, a)) -> IO ()
replWith acc prompt onInput = do 
                CH8.putStr prompt
                x <- B.getLine
                case onInput acc x of
                     Just (out, acc') -> do CH8.putStrLn out
                                            replWith acc' prompt onInput
                     Nothing -> pure ()

initDs :: DataStore 'SString
initDs = MkDataStore SSString SZ VNil

testDs :: DataStore ('SInt :+ 'SString)
testDs = MkDataStore (SSInt `SSCons` SSString) SZ VNil

sec6_3 :: IO ()
sec6_3 = replWith (MkUnknownStore initDs) "Command: " processInput


*Part2.Sec6_3_datastore> sec6_3
Command: schema Int String
Command: add 99 "Red balloons"
ID 0
Command: add 76 "Trombones"
ID 1
Command: get 1
76 Trombones
Command: quit


Idris is nice!