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=== Advanced Image Comparison for Elementor ===
Contributors: ruhel241, wpcreativeidea
Tags:  before after image comparison slider, Elementor, Image Comparison, after, before.
Requires at least: 4.5
Requires PHP: 7.0
Tested up to: 6.6.1
Stable tag: 2.0.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Advanced Image Comparison is a fully Responsive, you can add before image and after image. 

== Description ==

Advanced Image Comparison is a fully Responsive. 
You can comparison your image. Comparison before image and after image. You can also image filtering.
Customize image container, image radius, image border. Label customizing text color, background color border radius etc.
You can set image overlay. Divider width, color. Handle color, background color, border radius etc. 
Additional options image visibility set, layout, move slider on click, move slider on hover, image overlay.

== Features ==  

* Fully Responsive
* 2 layouts (Horizontal and vertical)
* Image visibility
* Move slider on click
* Move slider on Hover
* Image Overlay
* Image Container 
* Image Filter
* Image Overlay
* Divider
* Styling options etc

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
1. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Is it Responsive  =
Yes it is fully Responsive.

= Can I Use Unlimited Image Comparison Block =
Yes you can use unlimited Image Comparison Block in your website.

= Can I Customize Image Container =
Yes you can customize Image Container width, border type, border radius.

= Can I customize image overlay =
Yes you can customize image overlay add background image or color.

= Can I Styling Label =
Yes you can style label name, fontsize change, color, typoghaphy etc.

= Can I Styling Divider =
Yes you can style color and width.

= Can I Styling Handle =
Yes you can style color and background type, border radius box shadow.

== Screenshots ==

1. Vertical Layout
2. Horizontal Layout
3. Hotel Room Compare
4. Image Compare
5. Customization styling
6. Frontend Room view
7. Frontend Image view

== Changelog ==

= 2.0.3 =
* WordPress Version 6.6.1 Compatible 

= 2.0.2 =
* WordPress Version 6.2.2 Compatible 

= 2.0.1 =
* Added Elementor Dynamic content options

= 2.0.0 =
* Compatible WordPress 6.0.1 Latest version
* Bug fix

= 1.0.0 =
* Init First version

== Upgrade Notice ==