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Refactor requires check, use syntactic clauses
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geo2a committed Aug 20, 2024
1 parent cb02384 commit c4a7dec
Showing 1 changed file with 252 additions and 102 deletions.
354 changes: 252 additions & 102 deletions booster/library/Booster/Pattern/ApplyEquations.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -842,10 +842,25 @@ applyEquation term rule =
-- check required constraints from lhs.
-- Reaction on false/indeterminate varies depending on the equation's type (function/simplification),
-- see @handleSimplificationEquation@ and @handleFunctionEquation@
checkRequires subst

-- check ensured conditions, filter any true ones, prune if any is false
ensuredConditions <- checkEnsures subst
-- instantiate the requires clause with the obtained substitution
let rawRequired =
-- required = map (coerce . substituteInTerm subst . coerce) rawRequired
knownPredicates <- (.predicates) <$> lift getState

let (syntacticRequires, restRequires) = case rule.attributes.syntacticClauses of
SyntacticClauses [] -> ([], rawRequired)
SyntacticClauses _syntactic -> ([head rawRequired], tail rawRequired) -- TODO should use _syntactic to select

-- check required conditions
withContext CtxConstraint $
checkRequires subst (Set.toList knownPredicates) syntacticRequires restRequires

-- check all ensured conditions together with the path condition
ensuredConditions <- checkEnsures rule subst
lift $ pushConstraints $ Set.fromList ensuredConditions

-- when a new path condition is added, invalidate the equation cache
Expand All @@ -856,46 +871,9 @@ applyEquation term rule =
\s -> s{cache = s.cache{equations = mempty}}
pure $ substituteInTerm subst rule.rhs
filterOutKnownConstraints :: Set Predicate -> [Predicate] -> EquationT io [Predicate]
filterOutKnownConstraints priorKnowledge constraitns = do
let (knownTrue, toCheck) = partition (`Set.member` priorKnowledge) constraitns
unless (null knownTrue) $
getPrettyModifiers >>= \case
ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) ->
logMessage $
renderOneLineText $
"Known true side conditions (won't check):"
<+> hsep (intersperse "," $ map (pretty' @mods) knownTrue)
pure toCheck

-- Simplify given predicate in a nested EquationT execution.
-- Call 'whenBottom' if it is Bottom, return Nothing if it is Top,
-- otherwise return the simplified remaining predicate.
checkConstraint whenBottom (Predicate p) = withContext CtxConstraint $ do
let fallBackToUnsimplifiedOrBottom :: EquationFailure -> EquationT io Term
fallBackToUnsimplifiedOrBottom = \case
UndefinedTerm{} -> pure FalseBool
_ -> pure p
-- exceptions need to be handled differently in the recursion,
-- falling back to the unsimplified constraint instead of aborting.
simplified <-
lift $ simplifyConstraint' True p `catch_` fallBackToUnsimplifiedOrBottom
case simplified of
FalseBool -> do
throwE . whenBottom $ coerce p
TrueBool -> pure Nothing
other -> pure . Just $ coerce other

allMustBeConcrete (AllConstrained Concrete) = True
allMustBeConcrete _ = False

checkConcreteness ::
Concreteness ->
Map Variable Term ->
((EquationT io () -> EquationT io ()) -> EquationT io (), ApplyEquationFailure)
(EquationT io)
checkConcreteness Unconstrained _ = pure ()
checkConcreteness (AllConstrained constrained) subst =
mapM_ (\(var, t) -> mkCheck (toPair var) constrained t) $ Map.assocs subst
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -942,74 +920,246 @@ applyEquation term rule =
$ Map.lookup Variable{variableSort = SortApp sortName [], variableName} subst

checkRequires ::
Substitution ->
((EquationT io () -> EquationT io ()) -> EquationT io (), ApplyEquationFailure)
(EquationT io)
checkRequires matchingSubst = do
ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) <- getPrettyModifiers
-- instantiate the requires clause with the obtained substitution
let required =
(splitBoolPredicates . coerce . substituteInTerm matchingSubst . coerce)
-- If the required condition is _syntactically_ present in
-- the prior (known constraints), we don't check it.
knownPredicates <- (.predicates) <$> lift getState
toCheck <- lift $ filterOutKnownConstraints knownPredicates required
filterOutKnownConstraints ::
forall io.
LoggerMIO io =>
Set Predicate ->
[Predicate] ->
EquationT io [Predicate]
filterOutKnownConstraints priorKnowledge constraitns = do
let (knownTrue, toCheck) = partition (`Set.member` priorKnowledge) constraitns
unless (null knownTrue) $
getPrettyModifiers >>= \case
ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) ->
logMessage $
renderOneLineText $
"Known true side conditions (won't check):"
<+> hsep (intersperse "," $ map (pretty' @mods) knownTrue)
pure toCheck

-- check the filtered requires clause conditions
unclearConditions <-
<$> mapM
( checkConstraint $ \p -> (\ctxt -> ctxt $ logMessage ("Condition simplified to #Bottom." :: Text), ConditionFalse p)
checkRequires ::
forall io.
LoggerMIO io =>
Substitution ->
[Predicate] ->
[Predicate] ->
[Predicate] ->
((EquationT io () -> EquationT io ()) -> EquationT io (), ApplyEquationFailure)
(EquationT io)
checkRequires currentSubst knownPredicates syntacticRequires restRequires' = do
ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) <- getPrettyModifiers
case syntacticRequires of
[] -> checkRequiresSemantically currentSubst (Set.fromList knownPredicates) restRequires'
_ ->
withContext CtxSyntactic $

checkRequiresSyntactically ::
forall io.
LoggerMIO io =>
[Predicate] ->
Substitution ->
[Predicate] ->
[Predicate] ->
((EquationT io () -> EquationT io ()) -> EquationT io (), ApplyEquationFailure)
(EquationT io)
checkRequiresSyntactically syntacticRequires currentSubst knownPredicates restRequires' = do
ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) <- getPrettyModifiers
case syntacticRequires of
[] ->
unless (null restRequires') $
-- no more @syntacticRequires@, but unresolved conditions remain: abort
throwRemainingRequires currentSubst restRequires'
(headSyntacticRequires : restSyntacticRequires) -> do
koreDef <- (.definition) <$> lift getConfig
case knownPredicates of
[] ->
unless (null restRequires') $
-- no more @knownPredicates@, but unresolved conditions remain: abort
throwRemainingRequires currentSubst restRequires'
(c : cs) -> case matchTermsWithSubst Eval koreDef currentSubst (coerce headSyntacticRequires) (coerce c) of
MatchFailed{} -> checkRequiresSyntactically syntacticRequires currentSubst cs restRequires'
MatchIndeterminate{} -> checkRequiresSyntactically syntacticRequires currentSubst cs restRequires'
MatchSuccess newSubst ->
-- we got a substitution from matching @headSyntacticRequires@ against the clause @c@ of the path condition,
-- try applying it to @syntacticRequires <> restRequires'@, simplifying that with LLVM,
-- and filtering from the path condition
( do
withContext CtxSubstitution
$ logMessage
$ WithJsonMessage
(object ["substitution" .= (bimap (externaliseTerm . Var) externaliseTerm <$> Map.toList newSubst)])
$ renderOneLineText
$ "Substitution:"
<+> ( hsep $
intersperse "," $
map (\(k, v) -> pretty' @mods k <+> "->" <+> pretty' @mods v) $
Map.toList newSubst

let substitited = map (coerce . substituteInTerm newSubst . coerce) (syntacticRequires <> restRequires')
simplified <- coerce <$> mapM simplifyWithLLVM substitited
stillUnclear <- lift $ filterOutKnownConstraints (Set.fromList knownPredicates) simplified
case stillUnclear of
[] -> pure () -- done
_ -> do
logMessage $
( "Uncertain about conditions in syntactic simplification rule: "
<+> hsep (intersperse "," $ map (pretty' @mods) stillUnclear)
-- @newSubst@ does not solve the conditions completely, repeat the process for @restSyntacticRequires@
-- using the learned @newSubst@
checkRequiresSyntactically restSyntacticRequires newSubst knownPredicates restRequires'
`catchE` ( \case
(_, IndeterminateCondition{}) -> checkRequiresSyntactically syntacticRequires currentSubst cs restRequires'
(_, ConditionFalse{}) -> checkRequiresSyntactically syntacticRequires currentSubst cs restRequires'
err -> throwE err
simplifyWithLLVM term = do
simplified <-
lift $
simplifyConstraint' False term
`catch_` ( \case
UndefinedTerm{} -> pure FalseBool
_ -> pure term
case simplified of
FalseBool -> do
( \ctxt -> ctxt $ logMessage ("Condition simplified to #Bottom." :: Text)
, ConditionFalse . coerce $ term
other -> pure other

-- unclear conditions may have been simplified and
-- could now be syntactically present in the path constraints, filter again
stillUnclear <- lift $ filterOutKnownConstraints knownPredicates unclearConditions
throwRemainingRequires subst preds = do
ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) <- getPrettyModifiers
let substintuted = map (substituteInPredicate subst) preds
( \ctx ->
ctx . logMessage $
WithJsonMessage (object ["conditions" .= map (externaliseTerm . coerce) preds]) $
( "Uncertain about conditions in syntactic simplification rule: "
<+> hsep (intersperse "," $ map (pretty' @mods) substintuted)
, IndeterminateCondition restRequires'

solver :: SMT.SMTContext <- (.smtSolver) <$> lift getConfig
checkRequiresSemantically ::
forall io.
LoggerMIO io =>
Substitution ->
Set Predicate ->
[Predicate] ->
((EquationT io () -> EquationT io ()) -> EquationT io (), ApplyEquationFailure)
(EquationT io)
checkRequiresSemantically currentSubst knownPredicates restRequires' = do
ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) <- getPrettyModifiers

-- apply current substitution to restRequires
let restRequires = map (coerce . substituteInTerm currentSubst . coerce) restRequires'
toCheck <- lift $ filterOutKnownConstraints knownPredicates restRequires
unclearRequires <-
<$> mapM
( checkConstraint $ \p -> (\ctxt -> ctxt $ logMessage ("Condition simplified to #Bottom." :: Text), ConditionFalse p)

-- check any conditions that are still unclear with the SMT solver
-- (or abort if no solver is being used), abort if still unclear after
unless (null stillUnclear) $
lift (SMT.checkPredicates solver knownPredicates mempty (Set.fromList stillUnclear)) >>= \case
SMT.IsUnknown{} -> do
-- no solver or still unclear: abort
( \ctx ->
ctx . logMessage $
WithJsonMessage (object ["conditions" .= map (externaliseTerm . coerce) stillUnclear]) $
( "Uncertain about conditions in rule: " <+> hsep (intersperse "," $ map (pretty' @mods) stillUnclear)
, IndeterminateCondition stillUnclear
SMT.IsInvalid -> do
-- actually false given path condition: fail
let failedP = Predicate $ foldl1' AndTerm $ map coerce stillUnclear
( \ctx ->
ctx . logMessage $
WithJsonMessage (object ["conditions" .= map (externaliseTerm . coerce) stillUnclear]) $
renderOneLineText ("Required condition found to be false: " <> pretty' @mods failedP)
, ConditionFalse failedP
SMT.IsValid{} -> do
-- can proceed
pure ()
-- unclear conditions may have been simplified and
-- could now be syntactically present in the path constraints, filter again
stillUnclear <- lift $ filterOutKnownConstraints knownPredicates unclearRequires

checkEnsures ::
Substitution ->
((EquationT io () -> EquationT io ()) -> EquationT io (), ApplyEquationFailure)
(EquationT io)
checkEnsures matchingSubst = do
-- check unclear requires-clauses in the context of known constraints (prior)
solver :: SMT.SMTContext <- (.smtSolver) <$> lift getConfig

-- check any conditions that are still unclear with the SMT solver
-- (or abort if no solver is being used), abort if still unclear after
unless (null stillUnclear) $
lift (SMT.checkPredicates solver knownPredicates mempty (Set.fromList stillUnclear)) >>= \case
SMT.IsUnknown{} -> do
-- no solver or still unclear: abort
( \ctx ->
ctx . logMessage $
WithJsonMessage (object ["conditions" .= map (externaliseTerm . coerce) stillUnclear]) $
( "Uncertain about conditions in rule: " <+> hsep (intersperse "," $ map (pretty' @mods) stillUnclear)
, IndeterminateCondition stillUnclear
SMT.IsInvalid -> do
-- actually false given path condition: fail
let failedP = Predicate $ foldl1' AndTerm $ map coerce stillUnclear
( \ctx ->
ctx . logMessage $
WithJsonMessage (object ["conditions" .= map (externaliseTerm . coerce) stillUnclear]) $
renderOneLineText ("Required condition found to be false: " <> pretty' @mods failedP)
, ConditionFalse failedP
SMT.IsValid{} -> do
-- can proceed
pure ()

-- Simplify given predicate in a nested EquationT execution.
-- Call 'whenBottom' if it is Bottom, return Nothing if it is Top,
-- otherwise return the simplified remaining predicate.
checkConstraint ::
forall io.
LoggerMIO io =>
( Predicate ->
( (EquationT io () -> EquationT io ()) -> EquationT io ()
, ApplyEquationFailure
) ->
Predicate ->
( (EquationT io () -> EquationT io ()) -> EquationT io ()
, ApplyEquationFailure
(EquationT io)
(Maybe Predicate)
checkConstraint whenBottom (Predicate p) = withContext CtxConstraint $ do
let fallBackToUnsimplifiedOrBottom :: EquationFailure -> EquationT io Term
fallBackToUnsimplifiedOrBottom = \case
UndefinedTerm{} -> pure FalseBool
_ -> pure p
-- exceptions need to be handled differently in the recursion,
-- falling back to the unsimplified constraint instead of aborting.
simplified <-
lift $ simplifyConstraint' True p `catch_` fallBackToUnsimplifiedOrBottom
case simplified of
FalseBool -> do
throwE . whenBottom $ coerce p
TrueBool -> pure Nothing
other -> pure . Just $ coerce other

checkEnsures ::
forall io tag.
LoggerMIO io =>
RewriteRule tag ->
Substitution ->
((EquationT io () -> EquationT io ()) -> EquationT io (), ApplyEquationFailure)
(EquationT io)
matchingSubst = do
ModifiersRep (_ :: FromModifiersT mods => Proxy mods) <- getPrettyModifiers
let ensured =
Expand Down

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