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Example 5: Control flow

In this exercise, we take the previous exercise and extend the syntax of commands with blocks of commands and some control flow constructs, such as the if-else conditional statement and the while loop:


   // Statements
   syntax Stmt ::= 
        Id "=" IExp ";"                    [strict(2)] // Assignment
      | Stmt Stmt                          [left]      // Sequence           
      | "{" Stmt "}"                                   // Block statement
      | "{"      "}"                                   // Empty block
      | "if" "(" BExp ")" Stmt "else" Stmt [strict(1)] // If conditional
      | "while" "(" BExp ")" Stmt                      // While loop

The semantics of commands is also extended, as follows:

   // Assignment
   rule <k> ID = I:Int ; => . ... </k>
        <mem> MEM => MEM [ ID <- I ] </mem>

   // Sequencing
   rule <k> S1:Stmt S2:Stmt => S1 ~> S2 ... </k>

   // Block statements
   rule <k> { S } => S ... </k>
   rule <k> {   } => . ... </k>

   // If conditional
   rule <k> if (true)   THEN else _ELSE => THEN ... </k>
   rule <k> if (false) _THEN else  ELSE => ELSE ... </k>

   // While loop
   rule <k> while ( BE ) BODY => if ( BE ) { BODY while ( BE ) BODY } else { } ... </k>

The block-statement rules are straightforward: the non-empty block evaluates to the command in the block, and the empty block evaluates to nothing. There are two if-rules, also straightforward, one per each of the branches, depending on the value of the Boolean condition. The while loop is transformed into an equivalent if statement that checks the loop condition and: if it is true, executes the sequence of the loop body, followed by the original while loop; and otherwise, exits the loop altogether. this is a common approach in small-step programming-language semantics.

Compiling and running the exercise

Follow the instructions from the top-level README file to compile these two exercises and run the provided tests. Create some further examples to check if they yield the expected results.

Proving program properties

This exercise also comes with two examples that demonstrate how K can be used to verify program properties by means of symbolic execution, if-spec.k and while-spec.k. The examples can be run by executing

make tests/[exercise-folder]/[test-file].kprove

in the root folder. The proofs pass if the output equals #Top. Additionally, you can step through the proofs in the debugger by executing kprove --debugger [path-to-file]. To enable definition pretty-printing, you can run the command alias konfig = config | kast --input kore --output pretty /dev/stdin inside the repl.

Proofs about if statements: if-spec.k

We first specify several programs that use if statements. To this end, we define several variables that we will use ($a, $b, and $c in the SIMPLE-SPEC-SYNTAX module), together with some simplifications in the VERIFICATION module, which we will address shortly, when describing the proofs.

requires "../../05-control-flow/control-flow.k"
requires ""


    syntax Id ::= "$a" [token]
                | "$b" [token]
                | "$c" [token]

    imports CONTROL-FLOW

    rule { MAP [ K <- V' ] #Equals MAP [ K <- V ] } => { V' #Equals V } [simplification, anywhere]

    rule maxInt(X, Y) => Y requires         X <Int Y [simplification]
    rule maxInt(X, Y) => X requires notBool X <Int Y [simplification]

The first claim to prove is the following:

      if ( 3 < 4 ) {
         $c = 1 ;
      } else {
         $c = 2 ;
      } => . ... 
   <store> STORE => STORE [ $c <- 1 ] </store>

and it states that the execution of the given program only updates the value of $c in the variable store to 1, which is evident, given that the "then" branch of the code will be executed since 3 is less than 4. The second claim:

      $a = A:Int ; $b = B:Int ;
      if (A < B) {
         $c = B ;
      } else {
         $c = A ;
      } => . ... 
   <store> STORE => STORE [ $a <- A ] [ $b <- B ] [ $c <- ?C:Int ] </store>
   ensures A <=Int ?C andBool
            B <=Int ?C

introduces two symbolic integers, A and B, and states that after the execution of the given program, the store will have been updated so that the value of $a equals A, the value of $b equals B, and the value of $c equals some symbolic integer ?C such that A <= C and B <= C. More precisely, for symbolic variables, the notation ? denotes existential quantification, whereas the absence of ? (for example, the way A and B are introduced) denotes universal quantification. The ensures clause corresponds to a post-condition of sorts, stating conditions that must hold after the execution. The last claim states precisely what the value of ?C is, replacing it with the function maxInt(A, B), defined in the VERIFICATION module as the greater of the two parameters.

      $a = A:Int ; $b = B:Int ;
      if (A < B) {
         $c = B ;
      } else {
         $c = A ;
      } => . ... 
   <store> STORE => STORE [ $a <- A ] [ $b <- B ] [ $c <- maxInt(A, B) ] </store>

Aside: Simplifications

The maxInt function used in the last claim is defined via two simplifications, which can be thought of as hints that K can use to simplify the current configuration. For example, given the maxInt simplifications

rule maxInt(X, Y) => Y requires         X <Int Y [simplification]
rule maxInt(X, Y) => X requires notBool X <Int Y [simplification]

the first one states that maxInt(X, Y) simplifies to Y whenever X is smaller than Y, and the second one states that it simplifies to X otherwise, effectively meaning that maxInt(X, Y) represents the greater of the two parameters. The third simplification in the VERIFICATION module is more interesting:

rule { MAP [ K <- V' ] #Equals MAP [ K <- V ] } => { V' #Equals V } [simplification, anywhere]

and what it states is that if two maps are equal, then the values for the same keys in each of them have to be the same.

Proofs about while loops: while-spec.k

Next, we use K to prove, albeit indirectly, that the sum of the first N integers equals (N * (N + 1)) / 2. We do so by proving the following claim:

      while ( 0 < $n ) {
            $s = $s + $n ;
            $n = $n - 1 ;
         } => . ... 
      $s |-> (S:Int => S +Int ((N +Int 1) *Int N /Int 2))
      $n |-> (N:Int => 0)
   requires N >=Int 0

which states that after the given while loop, which, in each iteration, adds the value of $n to $s, the value of $n equals 0 and the value of $s has been incremented by (N * (N + 1)) / 2, where N is the (symbolic) initial value of $n.