Educate Lanka is a laravel based Learning Management System to help the Sri Lankan school education system.
Technologies : Laravel , Livewire , Tailwind CSS , Alphine JS , OpenAI API
- EducateLanka - group3-CC-project
- Contents
- Features
- User Management
- Grade and Class Management
- Subject Management
- Course Resources management
- Quiz and Assignment Management
- Getting Started
The project uses the Open API to generate questions and answers for a given prompt. The package used for this is
The model used was the GPT-3.5 Turbo model.
To use the API, obtain an API key by signing up at and create a new API key from here:
Then add the API key to the .env file as follows:
Since this is a paid API, refer the OpenAI pricing page for more information about pricing for the GPT-3.5 turbo model:
A forum for students to discuss was implemented by using the Package:
A forum category is created for each subject automatically when a new subject is created.
Node JS, NPM, PHP, Composer, Laravel
Clone the github repository.
git clone
Install the dependencies.
Move in to the folder
cd cc-project
composer install
npm install
Build with vite
npm run build
Create the .env file by copying .env.example
Generate an app encryption key
php artisan key:generate
Create a database and configure the .env file. For this either use a Sqlite database or a MySQL database. Follow instructions in configuring the env file:
Run the migrations.
php artisan migrate
Run the seeder.
php artisan db:seed
Run the dev server.
npm run dev
php artisan serve