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Andre Merzky edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 20 revisions

The NGMW (Next Generation MiddleWare) project has two tracks. The first is the design and implementation of novel modes of resource federation to deliver well-defined "capabilities". The second involves the use of modeling and simulation to create predictable performance and capabilities.

Modeling Efforts

The ultimate purpose of our modeling efforts is to be able to reason about the execution of applications, at different levels, from the high level application structure and decomposition, to the actual mapping onto and execution on resource elements. Towards that goal, different modeling layers focus on specific characteristics of the application workload and the target infrastructure:

  • [[A]] -- Application Models* focus on the high level application structure and decomposition, and support reasoning and configuration on a level where semantic application details are still available -- but where no information on the infrastructure resources are known.
  • [[W]] : Workload Models* -- represent the application workload on a level where application specific semantics has been abstracted away (or are considered to be opaque), but where the execution structure (set of components and their relationship) can still be modified, as parameterized by the application.
  • [[C]] : Capability Models* -- support the matching of workload requirements to infrastructure capabilities, by providing means to model and describe those capabilities in suitable terms.
  • [[F]] : Federation Models* -- model the federation of resources, describing the aggregation and combination of capabilities.
  • [[P]] : Overlay Models (__P__ilot layer models)* -- represent an optional additional layer which allows to federate resource elements under the control of a user or application. That layer is enactment layer for decisions made on F* level, but in itself does not reason about federated capablities.
  • [[I]] : Infrastructure Models* -- focus on the actual resource elements of an infrastructure, and the capabilities provided by those resources.

[Dan: Please add a figure here - even a simple one]

Examples of application and workload representations

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