A detailed user manual for the seller reference app is available here.
This repo is ONDC Seller App with micro-service architecture which contains
- Seller-app - Node.js
- Seller-app-frontend - Frontend application (react) being served via nginx.
- Seller-app-protocol - Protocol layer(python).
- Seller-app-igm - IGM layer(node).
- Seller-bugzilla-service - Bugzilla layer(node).
- Who wants to refer the seller app.
- Who wants the same setup to be available in their infra.
- You can pick any component of it and use separately.
- Make sure you've pulled all sub-directories .
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Firebase Authentication.
- Create the application under firebase console.
- Once the application is created, visit the application and click on authentication tab.
- Enable the following sign methods in the authentication sign-in method tab.
- In project settings create different projects supported for various platforms like Android, iOS and web, (this will help in downloading the config files, required for authentication)
- SMTP Requirement
Our seller application requires SMTP configuration to send notification emails either for login one time password, or to recieve welcome emails.
- S3 Requirement
Our seller application requires S3 configuration as per our implementation to store the assets which we need for application logics.
- Map My India (MMI)
For location based information, integration with MMI has been used. MMI has been used as follows - Get detailed address information by typing in search query Get list of addresses for a given PIN code Get state and city by PIN code Get Latitude and longitude of the provided address
MMI API that have been used are as follows - https://outpost.mapmyindia.com/api https://atlas.mapmyindia.com/api/places/search/json https://explore.mappls.com https://apis.mapmyindia.com/advancedmaps/v1 https://atlas.mappls.com/api/places/geocode
MMI Configuration in the white labeled buyer app
- Pick the .env file and ask the admin for keys that need to replaced.
- By the use of signing_and_verification utility, we will get these keys.
Signing_private_key: some-key
Signing_public_key: some-key
Crypto_Privatekey: some-key
Crypto_Publickey: some-key
- For accessing the ONDC gateway one must be registered in the staging registry, and fill out this Form and get in touch with ONDC officials or contact Slack Channel.
- One must submit the payload in the form, Refer to the Document, or here is the example JSON.
- The date format is OpenAPI date-time notation.
"country": "IND",
"city": "std:0801",
"type": "BPP4",
"subscriber_id": "https://integration-qa.gofrugalretail.com/ecommerce/ondc6",
"subscriber_url": "https://integration-qa.gofrugalretail.com/ecommerce/ondc8",
"domain": "nic2004:521109",
"signing_public_key": "SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY",
"encr_public_key": "CRYPTO_PUBLICKEY",
"created": "2021-11-09T05:56:52.470Z2",
"valid_from": "2021-11-10T05:56:52.470Z3",
"valid_until": "2023-11-09T05:56:52.470Z7",
"updated": "2021-11-09T13:15:58.349Z11"
- A ngrok instance is required to be running locally to publish to the internet
brew install --cask ngrok
ngrok http 5555
Copy the url to the clipboard and paste in BAP_URL and PROTOCOL_BASE_URL in .env-local.
Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-for-local.yaml --env-file .env-local up -d
Open http://localhost.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- For the white label app, ONDC has used ansible to deploy and generate ssl certificates.
- The public key of the node to generate ssl and make it available for the seller apps to identify the buyer app.
- Docker and docker compose needs to be installed.
- Access to github repository to clone.
- Create a copy of .env-local with valid credentials and name it .env-. E.g. .env-prod.
First ansible is to install the apps and generate ssl certificate
CMDs (commands)
ansible-playbook -i ansible_hosts buyer-app-install-for-ssl.yaml
it will ask for
Hostname - which needs to be mentioned in hostname file
it will ask for domain to host
E.g. buyer-app.ondc.org
it will ask for stage name, which is used to copy the .env file, to copy
If a env file of .env-prod is already created, then prod
- Try to run to generate lets encrypt ssl certificates
ansible-playbook -i seller-app-install-for-ssl.yaml
- Once above ansible playbook is successfully installed we can run
ansible-playbook -i seller-app-run.yaml
This project is licensed under the ONDC - see the LICENSE.md file for details.