iOS application which is a Coyote/Waze clone build for educational purposes. I build this in my final year of University College Ghent as part of the course 'Native Applications: iOS'.
This application was build to display my learned skills in this course, which was Swift 3.1 and the general iOS ecosystem.
This application is able to, and was implemented to learn, the following aspects
- Create a database and let a user add new items to it,
- Work with popovers,
- Work with splitviews,
- Retrieve data from an external API following the best practices,
- Display this data in a tableview,
- Work with Core Locations.
The following libraries were used to implement this, installed through Cocoapods.
- Realm
- SwiftyJSON
- Alamofire
You'll find annotations and comments in the sourcecode providing source to used websites, excercises and tutorials if they helped me out with a piece of code.
This was build purely for educational purposes and made public for any future references, it is not intended to sell, distribute or otherwise profit from in any way.