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The ELK stack Docker containerization (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana)

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Jenkins Jenkins

Jenkins Jenkins

Jenkins Jenkins

ELK Stack, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana

The purpose of this set of images is to have one server that handle logs from external web applications, analyze them, make cool charts, and it is a start point for future development and many more cool things.

  • Elasticsearch - The container for the log data, all the log is saved on this search engine.
  • Logstash - Is the log aggregator, it takes log from log shippers and saved it into the search engine.
  • Kibana - Search and visualize the log on a web interface.
  • Curator - Tool for backup, clean and restore of Elasticsearch indices.
  • CAdvisor - It is a container status analyzer, where you can monitor the memory usage, cpu usage and other stuff.


  • ES Head Plugin - For managing Elasticsearch engine data
  • Cadvisor - Monitoring service for Docker containers

In order to use TLS configuration we need to provide valid certificate and key.

Prepare a folder with the following files:

  • server-cert.pem
  • server-key.pem
  • ca.pem

than change the variable SSL_DIR inside the file .env to the location of this folder.

Configurations available:

  • docker-compose-dev-elk.yml

    For development purpose build and run Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logstash.

    Use together with docker-compose-with-tls.yml to use TLS connection.

    Use together with docker-compose-with-notls.yml to use simple TCP connection.

      INTERNET <----TLS/TCP----> ES
      INTERNET <----HTTP(S)----> ES
      INTERNET <----HTTP----> KIBANA

  • docker-compose-prod-elk.yml

    Production configuration for the ELK stack. Same as above but will use built images.

    Use together with docker-compose-with-tls.yml to use TLS connection.

    Use together with docker-compose-with-notls.yml to use simple TCP connection.

      INTERNET <----TLS/TCP----> ES
      INTERNET <----HTTP(S)----> ES
      INTERNET <----HTTP----> KIBANA

  • docker-compose-dev-es.yml

    Add an Elasticsearch node to the cluster! This configuration launch an Elasticsearch node ready to communicate with TLS connection. In order to use this configuration we need to provide valid ssl certificate and key.

      ES1      <----TLS----> ES2
      INTERNET <----TLS----> ES

  • docker-compose-dev-es-notls.yml

    Add an Elasticsearch node to the cluster! This is the plain TCP configuration, no encryption, it means that the Elasticsearch nodes will talk with plain TCP. If the cluster is running with TLS we need to use docker-compose-dev-es.yml instead.

      ES1      <----TCP----> ES2
      INTERNET <----TCP----> ES

    First thing to do is change the variable ES_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODE accordingly, it is really important to set it correctly to run a cluster, by default is set to have 2 master nodes. If you try to start one node it will standby looking for another master, this is the wanted behaviour. As soon as you start another node you will see they join together!

    In order to use this configuration first build the image:

    $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev-es-notls.yml build

    Than we launch one node with the following command:

    $ ES_TRANSPORT_PORT=9300 docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev-es-notls.yml -p node1 up

    If we want to add another node to the cluster:

    $ ES_TRANSPORT_PORT=9301 docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev-es-notls.yml -p node2 up

  • docker-compose-prod-es.yml

    Add an Elasticsearch node to the cluster! Connection is encrypted using TLS protocol.

        ES1      <----TLS----> ES2
        INTERNET <----TLS----> ES

    For how to use it just see above.

  • docker-compose-with-tls.yml

    With this option we add TLS connection (encryption) between Internet and our services. (Kibana excluded use the hub for the same purpose). Nginx is used to add encryption from the outside, inside, plain TCP connection is used.

      INTERNET <----TLS/HTTPS----> ES
      INTERNET <----HTTP----> KIBANA
      ES <----HTTP----> KIBANA
      ES <----HTTP----> LOGSTASH

  • docker-compose-with-notls.yml

    This configuration should be use only for testing since the connection is plain TCP and HTTP.

      INTERNET <----TCP/HTTP----> ES
      INTERNET <----HTTP----> KIBANA
      ES <----HTTP----> KIBANA
      ES <----HTTP----> LOGSTASH

  • docker-compose-with-hub

    This option add TLS connection for Kibana. Configuration to use with the Hub service


  • docker-compose-cadvisor.yml

    Container memory manager. It should be available at port 5602.


First make sure Docker and Docker Compose are installed on the machine with:

$ docker -v
$ docker-compose -v

If they are missing, follow the instructions on the official website (they are not hard really...):

How to use this images

Use the script to manage these services!

$ ./ --help

Run in production with:

$ ./ --elk-prod up

Observe the log with:

$ ./ --elk-prod logs

Shutdown the service with:

$ ./ --elk-prod down

Monitor the services:

$ ./ --elk-prod ps


Elasticsearch and Logstash require a large amount of virtual memory, depending on the environment Elasticsearch might not start correctly. I prepared a script inside the folder setup to run before starting the services, so make sure you run it.

  $ sudo setup/

Or execute the following command as root on the Docker host machine, before starting the service:

  $ sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144


Kibana Web Interface is accessible through the port 5601.


The default user for Kibana and Elasticsearch is elastic and password changeme.

The Cluster will not work if the following conditions are verified:

  • We are using TLS docker-compose-with-tls.yml
  • We are NOT using X-Pack

This is due to the image configuration, I can't do much about it for now.

X-Pack Update the License

Register the company for a new free license here

You will receive a link by email to download a json file, that is the license.

Than, we need to send the license through a PUT request to the Elasticsearch server.

On Linux:

curl -XPUT -u elastic 'http://<host>:<port>/_xpack/license' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @license.json

On Windows:

gc .\license.json |  Invoke-WebRequest -uri http://<host>:<port>/_xpack/license -Credential elastic -Method Put

Settings Up the Environment

The following settings are available:

Variable Description Default
REGISTRY_URL This is the docker registry host where to publish the images.
IMAGE_TAG This is the docker image tag, at the moment there are two version: 5.2 and 5.2-xpack.
ES_JAVA_OPTS Elasticsearch Java options. -Xmx256m -Xms256m
LS_JAVA_OPTS Logstash Java options. -Xmx256m -Xms256m
ES_DATA_HOME Elasticsearch data home directory, it should be changed in production to a local directory. esdata
ES_BACKUP_HOME This is the folder that should be registered as snapshot repository for Elasticsearch data backup. To create a repository on Elasticsearch see here
ES_USER Elasticsearch user to use with x-pack and security enabled.
ES_PASSWORD Elasticsearch user password to use with x-pack and security enabled.
ES_HTPASSWD_PATH File Path to the file htpasswd for Basic Authentication. Because X-Pack Basic license doesn't provide authentication we have to add basic authentication to Nginx.
ES_NODE_HOST The publish host is the single interface that the node advertises to other nodes in the cluster.
ES_MASTER_NODE_HOST This is the 'master' server used by other nodes to join the cluster.
ES_TRANSPORT_PORT This is the transport port used by the node (only if starting a node for cluster purpose). 9301
ES_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODE This is complex go here:

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