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This repository provides a set of deployment scripts and utilities to enable easy deployment of SAS ESP to a kubernetes cluster..


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SAS Event Stream Processing Lightweight Kubernetes

CAUTION: The scripts provided in this repository to deploy SAS Event Stream Processing are no longer supported. It is highly recommended that you do not use them. Work is underway to replace them with a new easy-to-use deployment tool that enables you to manage standalone SAS Event Stream Processing deployments in various cloud environments. The deployment tool is designed to provide end-to-end automation of the deployment process while maintaining flexibility to enable customized deployment. More specific information about this new deployment tool will be made available in 2024.

Table of Contents


SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) enables you to quickly process and analyze a large number of continuously flowing events. ESP may be deployed in a Kubernetes (K8s) environment as part of a SAS Viya offering (for more information, see the SAS Viya: Deployment Guide) or as a lightweight offering that does not require SAS Viya. This project contains files to assist you with a SAS ESP K8s lightweight deployment and has been tested against K8s version 1.23.

Note: These instructions apply to SAS ESP version 2020.1 and later. For older SAS ESP versions, please see the available tags in this Git repository.


This project supports the deployment of a lightweight version of SAS ESP. It is a repository of scripts, YAML template files, and sample projects (XML files) that enable you to develop, deploy, and test an ESP server and SAS ESP web-based clients in a K8s cluster. The resulting SAS ESP cloud ecosystem runs independently of SAS Viya.

Use the tools in this repository for either of the following deployment approaches:

  • lightweight open, multi-user, multi-tenant deployment
  • lightweight open, single-user deployment

Important: If you want to deploy SAS ESP with other SAS products, do not use the tools in this repository.

Before you proceed, decide which of these deployment approaches you intend to take. Carefully read the associated prerequisites for your chosen approach before editing any file or running any script.

Before You Start

Before you deploy SAS Event Stream Processing with the scripts and templates provided by this repository, you must fulfill the following prerequisites:

  • You must have a properly configured DNS system. The fully qualified domain names <namespace>.<domain> must resolve both externally and within the Kubernetes cluster.
  • You must set up an Nginx Ingress controller. This controller is the gateway into the Kubernetes cluster. For example, if your Kubernetes namespace is named <namespace>, and your DNS domain is named <domain>, <namespace>.<domain> must resolve to the public IP address of the Nginx controller.
  • You must have an RO persistent volume to use as the backing store for the PostgreSQL database. The YAML template file that binds this PV is pvc-pg.yaml.
  • You must have an RW persistent volume to use as a read/write scratch area for input files (CSV,JSON), output files (CSV,JSON), and deep learning and machine learning models (ASTORE/ONNX/Python). The YAML template file that binds this PV is pvc.yaml.
  • A Docker repository must be available on the Kubernetes cluster and must be populated with the SAS Event Stream Processing Docker images.

For more information about YAML template files see YAML Templates. For more information about the required PVs, see Persistent Volume. For more information about the required Docker images, see Getting Started.

Azure Notes

If you are installing this package on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), then you must read the Azure Notes before you deploy SAS Event Stream Processing.

AWS Notes

If you are installing this package on AWS - Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), then you must read the AWS Notes before you deploy SAS Event Stream Processing.

GCP Notes

If you are installing this page on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), then you must read the GCP Notes before you deploy SAS Event Stream Processing.

Note: Deployment of this package on the OpenShift platform is not supported.

Components of the SAS Event Stream Processing Cloud Ecosystem

YAML Templates

The following subdirectories of /esp-cloud provide essential components of the SAS Event Stream Processing cloud ecosystem.

Operator - contains YAML template files and projects to deploy the ESP operator and the SAS Event Stream Processing metering server.

From this location, deploy the following Docker images that you obtained through your SOE:

  • SAS Event Stream Processing metering server
  • ESP operator
  • open-source PostgreSQL database (you can replace this with an alternative PostgreSQL database)
  • open-source filebrowser to manage the persistent volume (PV)

Clients - contains YAML template files and projects to deploy SAS Event Stream Processing web-based clients.

From this location, deploy the following Docker images that you obtained through your SOE:

  • SAS Event Stream Processing Studio
  • SAS Event Stream Processing Streamviewer
  • SAS Event Stream Manager

OAuth2 - contains YAML template files for supporting multi-user installations.

From this location, deploy the following Docker images:

  • OAuth2 Proxy
  • Pivotal User Account and Authentication (UAA) server (configured to store user credentials in PostgreSQL, but could also be reconfigured to read user credentials from alternative identity management (IM) systems)

Each of these subdirectories contains README files with more specific, detailed instructions.


The /bin subdirectory of /esp-cloud provides the following scripts to facilitate deployment:

  • mkdeploy - creates a set of deployment YAML files. You must set appropriate environment variables before running this script.
  • dodeploy - deploys images on the Kubernetes cluster
  • mkproject - converts XML project code into a Kubernetes custom resource file that works in the SAS Event Stream Processing Cloud Ecosystem
  • uaatool - allows easy modification (add/delete/list) users in the UAA database used in a multiuser deployment.

For more information about using these scripts, see Getting Started.


Persistent Volume

Important: To deploy the Docker images that you download, you must have a running Kubernetes cluster and two persistent volumes (PVs) available for use. Work with your Kubernetes administrator to obtain access to a cluster with the required PVs. By default, the persistent volume claims (PVCs) use the Kubernetes storage class "nfs-client" and are dynamically provisioned. You can change these settings appropriately for your specific installation. You have the option to set up a PV storage class that supports ReadWriteMany access mode with a storage class name other than "nfs-client". If you use this option, use the ESP_STORAGECLASS_RWX environment variable to set the ReadWriteMany storage class name; for example:

export ESP_STORAGECLASS_RWX='my-rwx-storage-class-name'

The first PV is a backing store for the PostgreSQL database, which requires Write access to the persistent volume. Because the PostgreSQL pod is the only pod that writes to this PV, assign it the access mode ReadWriteOnce. A typical deployment with no stored projects or metadata uses about 68MB of storage. For a smaller deployment, 20GB of storage for the PV should be adequate.

The second PV is used as a read/write location for running ESP projects. Because SAS Event Stream Processing projects read and write to the PV simultaneously, the PV must support ReadWriteMany access mode. The size of this PV depends on the amount of input and output data that you intend to store there. Determine the amount of data to be consumed (input data), estimate the amount of processed data to be written (output data), and specify the size accordingly.

Additional Prerequisites for a Multi-user Deployment

For a multi-user deployment, here are the additional prerequisites:

  • access to a Pivotal UAA server in a container
  • access to the cf-uaac Pivotal UAA command-line client to configure the UAA server

Both of these containers are supplied in the publicly available repository:            3.2.0      265MB             75.18.0    1.09GB

Kubernetes Metrics Server

The Kubernetes Metrics Server is required for SAS Event Stream Processing clients to access Kubernetes metrics. To install this component, see

If the Kubernetes Metrics Server is not installed, when you use SAS Event Stream Manager to deploy a project in a deployment whose type is "Cluster", the Kubernetes Metrics tab does not display information about current CPU utilization.

Getting Started

The instructions in this section should be executed on a workstation that has Docker installed.

Retrieve Required Files

To prepare for deployment, follow these steps:

  1. Create a directory to store the working files. For example:

    mkdir myesp
  2. Open the software order email (SOE) that you received from SAS, and click the Get Started button.

  3. Log in to the My SAS web portal.

  4. On the My SAS web page that opens, expand the information for the order by clicking the down arrow.

  5. In the pane that opens, examine the order information. The version indicates the release cadence and the version of SAS Viya software to be deployed (for example, LTS 2020.1). If you want to deploy a different version, select the cadence and release from the SAS Viya Version list.

  6. Under Order Assets, click Download Certificates.

  7. Save the file in the myesp directory that you created in step 1.

  8. In the same Order Assets section of the page, click Download License.

  9. Save the license file (license.jwt) from in the myesp directory.

  10. Scroll down to the section of the page that is labeled SAS Mirror Manager. Click Download Now to download the SAS Mirror Manager package to the machine where you want to create your mirror registry.

    Or use wget to download SAS Mirror Manager:


    SAS recommends saving the file in the myesp directory.

  11. Uncompress the downloaded file in the myesp directory:

    tar -xvf mirrormgr-linux.tgz
  12. (Optional) Save the SOE in the same directory. The information in the SOE can be useful should you need to contact SAS Technical Support with questions or issues.

  13. Use SAS Mirror Manager to download asset tags:

    ./mirrormgr list remote docker tags --deployment-data --cadence cadence --latest
  14. Record this list of available tags for later use.

  15. Populate your mirror registry with the software that you ordered. For example:

    ./mirrormgr --deployment-data SASViyaV4_${ORDER} mirror registry \
    --destination \
    --username myregistryuser \
    --password myregistrypassword \
    --cadence SAS-release-cadence \
    --latest \
    --log-file /tmp/mirrormgr.log \
    --workers 10
  16. Clone the following project:

    git clone
  17. Note the list of assets that you need to complete the deployment, which looks something like this:

Set the Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables before you use the deployment scripts. Refer to the names of the Docker images in your mirror registry and to the names of the Docker images that you pulled for the OAuth2 Proxy and the Pivotal UAA server.

IMAGE_ESPSRV      = "name of image for SAS Event Stream Processing Server"
IMAGE_METERBILL   = "name of image for SAS Event Stream Processing Metering Server"
IMAGE_OPERATOR    = "name of image for SAS Event Stream Processing Operator"

IMAGE_ESPESM      = "name of image for SAS Event Stream Manager"
IMAGE_ESPSTRMVWR  = "name of image for SAS Event Stream Processing Streamviewer"
IMAGE_ESPSTUDIO   = "name of image for SAS Event Stream Processing Studio"

IMAGE_FILEBROWSER = "name of image for FileBrowser"
IMAGE_OAUTH2P     = "name of image for OAuth2 Proxy"
IMAGE_UAA         = "name of image for Pivotal UAA Server"

For example:

Perform the SAS Event Stream Processing cloud deployment from a single directory, /esp-cloud. A single script enables the deployment of the ESP operator and the web-based clients.

The deployment can be performed in Open mode (no TLS or user authentication), or in multi-user mode, which provides full authentication through a UAA server. To enable TLS in multi-user mode, follow the TLS instructions.

For more information, see /esp-cloud.

Location of the Public Domain Images

The deployment makes use of the following third party Docker images:   latest      12.5 

The two files: esp-cloud/operator/templates/fileb.yaml and esp-cloud/operator/templates/postgres.yaml reference these Docker images and do not need to be modified as long as you do not want to replace these third party images.

Define PostgreSQL/UAA Secrets

The following four environment variables control the secrets (created at deployment time) for the Postgres Database and the Pivitol UAA server.

       uaaUsername             --   Username for the UAA server, defaults to uaaUSER (only used in multiuser deployment)
       uaaCredentials          --   Password for the UAA server, defaults to uaaPASS (only used in multiuser deployment)
       postgresSQLUsername     --   Username for the Postgres Database
       postgresSQLCredentials  --   Password for the Postgres Database

Generate a Deployment with mkdeploy

Use the mkdeploy script to create a set of deployment YAML files. The script uses the environment variables that you set to locate the Docker images and to pass parameters for specifying a namespace, Ingress root, license, and type of deployment.

Usage: ./bin/mkdeploy

  GENERAL options

       -r                          -- remove existing deploy/
                                       before creating
       -y                          -- no prompt, just execute
       -n <namespace>              -- specify K8s namespace
       -d <ingress domain root>    -- project domain root,
                                       ns.<domain root>/<path> is Ingress
       -l <esp license file>       -- SAS ESP license

       -C                          -- deploy clients
       -M                          -- enable multiuser mode
       -A                          -- decorate deployment for Azure
       -W                          -- decorate deployment for AWS
       -G                          -- decorate deployment for Google Cloud

Note: Use the -d (Ingress domain root) parameter specified in the mkdeploy script to create Ingress routes for the deployed pods. All SAS Event Stream Processing applications within the Kubernetes cluster are now accessed through specific context roots and a single Ingress host. The Ingress host is specified in the form <namespace>.<ingress domain root>.

The options -C and -M are optional and generate the following deployments:

  • Open deployment (no authentication or TLS) with no web-based clients.
./bin/mkdeploy -r -l ../../LICENSE/SASViyaV0400_09QTFR_70180938_Linux_x86-64.jwt -n <namespace> -d
  • Open deployment (no authentication or TLS) with all web-based clients.
./bin/mkdeploy -r -l ../../LICENSE/SASViyaV0400_09QTFR_70180938_Linux_x86-64.jwt -n <namespace> -d -C
  • Multi-user deployment (UAA authentication and TLS) with no web-based clients.
./bin/mkdeploy -r -l ../../LICENSE/SASViyaV0400_09QTFR_70180938_Linux_x86-64.jwt -n <namespace> -d -M
  • Multi-user deployment (UAA authentication and TLS) with all web-based clients.
./bin/mkdeploy -r -l ../../LICENSE/SASViyaV0400_09QTFR_70180938_Linux_x86-64.jwt -n <namespace> -d -C -M

After you run the mkdeploy script, which generates usable deployment manifests, the YAML template file named deploy/pvc-pg.yaml specifies a PersistentVolumeClaim. For example:

# This is the esp-pv claim that esp component pods use.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: esp-pv-pg
annotations: "nfs-client"
    - ReadWriteOnce # This volume is used for PostgreSQL storage
      storage: 20Gi  # volume size requested

This PersistentVolumeClaim is made by the PostgreSQL database. Ensure that the PV that you have set up can satisfy this claim.

A second YAML template file named deploy/pvc.yaml specifies a PersistentVolumeClaim as the read/write location for running ESP projects. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: esp-pv
  storageClassName: nfs-client
    - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 5Gi

In general, the processes associated with the ESP server run user:sas, group:sas. Typically, this choice of user and group means uid:1001, gid:1001. For example, when you deploy the open source filebrowser application, the associated processes have these assignments.

In the deploy/fileb.yaml YAML template file, the relevant section is similar to the following:

        name: config-data
            - 'bash'
            - '-c'
            - 'mkdir -p /mnt/data/input ; mkdir -p /mnt/data/output ; mkdir -p /mnt/data/mas-store ; touch /db/filebrowser.db'
            runAsGroup: 1001
            runAsUser: 1001

This section specifies an initialization container that runs prior to starting the filebrowser application. It creates two directories on the PV:


These directories are used by the deployment. The input/ and output/ directories are created for use by running event stream processing projects that need to access files (CSV, XML, and so on).

Deploy Images in Kubernetes with dodeploy

After you have revised the manifest files that reside in the /deploy directory, deploy images on the Kubernetes cluster with the dodeploy script. For example:

./bin/dodeploy -n cmdline

This invocation checks that the given namespace exists before it executes the deployment. If the namespace does not exist, the script asks whether the namespace should be created.

After the deployment is completed, you should see active pods within your namespace. For example, consider the output below. The pods (Ingress) marked with an M appear only in a multi-user deployment. The pods (Ingress) marked with a C appear only when web-based clients are included in the deployment.

   $ kubectl -n mudeploy get pods
   NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
   espfb-deployment-5cc85c6bfd-4fb92                                 1/1     Running   0          25h
M  oauth2-proxy-7d94759449-2thmd                                     1/1     Running   0          25h
   postgres-deployment-56c9d65d6c-9k9kb                              1/1     Running   1          25h
   sas-esp-operator-5b596f8b6f-wmggk                                 1/1     Running   0          25h
C  sas-event-stream-manager-app-5b5946b544-9bkxs                     1/1     Running   0          25h
C  sas-event-stream-processing-client-config-server-75b656f6b7xhpj   1/1     Running   0          25h
C  sas-event-stream-processing-metering-app-86c5b7c6-c7qv4           1/1     Running   0          24h
C  sas-event-stream-processing-streamviewer-app-55d79d6996-24vq5     1/1     Running   0          25h
C  sas-event-stream-processing-studio-app-bf4f675f4-sfpjk            1/1     Running   0          25h
M  uaa-deployment-85d9fbf6bd-s8fwl                                   1/1     Running   0          25h

The ESP operator, SAS Event Stream Processing Studio, SAS Event Stream Processing Streamviewer, PostgreSQL, OAuth2 Proxy, and Pivotal UAA are started by the YAML files that are supplied. After SAS Event Stream Processing Studio initializes, it creates a custom resource that causes the ESP operator to start a client-configuration server, named sas-event-stream-processing-client-config-server. The client-configuration server is a small ESP server that runs a dummy project. For more information, see Understanding and Managing the Client-Configuration Server in SAS Event Stream Processing Help Center.

An Ingress for each component should also appear in the namespace. For example:

   $ kubectl -n mudeploy get ingress
   NAME                                               HOSTS            ADDRESS   PORTS     AGE
   espfb                                                 80, 443   25h
M  oauth2-proxy                                          80, 443   25h
   sas-event-stream-manager-app                          80, 443   25h
C  sas-event-stream-processing-client-config-server             80        25h
C  sas-event-stream-processing--app                      80, 443   24h
C  sas-event-stream-processing-streamviewer-app             80, 443   25h
C  sas-event-stream-processing-studio-app                80, 443   25h
M  uaa                                                   80, 443   25h

Note: The client-configuration server shows up last. The remaining pods show up as “running” almost instantaneously.

Accessing Projects and Servers

You can use the following URL and context root to access projects and servers:

Project X    --   https://<namespace>
Metering     --   https://<namespace>
Studio       --   https://<namespace>
Streamviewer --   https://<namespace>
ESM          --   https://<namespace>
filebrowser  --   https://<namespace>

Query a Project

Suppose that the Ingress domain root is, the namespace is esp, and the project's service name is array.

After deployment, you can query a project deployed in an open environment as follows:


You can query a project deployed in a multi-user environment as follows:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <put a valid access token here>'

Query the Metering Server

Note: You cannot access the metering server through a web browser.

Suppose that the Ingress domain root is, and the namespace is esp.

After deployment, you can perform a simple query of the metering server deployed in an open environment on the cluster as follows:


You can perform a simple query of the metering server deployed in a multi-user environment on the cluster as follows:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <put a valid access token here>'

Access Web-Based Clients

After deployment, you can access web-based clients in an open or multi-user deployment through the following URLs:

SAS Event Stream Processing Studio          --
SAS Event Stream Processing Streamviewer    --
SAS Event Stream Processing Manager         --

Configuring for Multiple Users

For information about adding service and user accounts and adding credentials, see Oauth2.

Using filebrowser

The filebrowser application on GitHub enables you to access persistent stores used by the Kubernetes pods.

The filebrowser application is installed in your Kubernetes cluster automatically. You can access it through a browser at the following URL:

https://<namespace>.<ingress domain root>/files

With filebrowser, you can perform the following tasks:

  • copy input files (CSV, JSON, XML) into the persistent store
  • view output files written to the persistent store by running projects
  • copy large binary model files for analytics (SAS Analytic Store files) to the persistent store


We welcome your contributions! Please read for details about how to submit contributions to this project.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Additional Resources

The SAS Event Stream Processing product support page contains:

  • current and past product documentation
  • instructional videos
  • examples
  • training courses
  • featured blogs
  • featured community topics


This repository provides a set of deployment scripts and utilities to enable easy deployment of SAS ESP to a kubernetes cluster..








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