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Write node CLI controller scripts more easierly


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Do you want to use JavaScript to automate your build process? Or does your build process involve running ... errm ... anything other than JavaScript? ...

... You're going to need to lib-shell!

Of course, you can use node's exec and spawn (this is the correct approach) to run command line scripts, but they are annoying. Why did they even bother writing them? To be clear, the problem with these libraries is that their API isn't very user friendly.

Why lib-shell

Simplicity and robustness

Using lib-shell, you don't need to know anything at all about those inconvenient built-in utilities, unless you really want to. lib-shell exports an exec function which low-cerimoniously executes whatever command you pass it, and returns a promise which completes when the command completes.

lib-shell is an API built around the underlying exec and spawn commands. It's platform agnostic: it runs on windows, linux, and mac. It comes with multiple built versions of the code targeting various versions of node.js.


If something goes wrong, lib-shell returns a rejected promise. This is great, because it let's you respond to the success and failure of your commands.

Unfortunately, if something goes wrong, the rejected promise doesn't contain text of the error, because it's hard to determine what the text of the error actually is. A lot of programs print their error messages to stdout instead of stderr, and a lot of programs print things that aren't critical errors to stderr. So a record of stderr wouldn't be universally helpful. And a printout of the entirety of stdout and stderr wouldn't be especially useful in most simple scenarios.

lib-shell pipes stdout and stderr messages without keeping any information about their contents. By default, these are piped to the calling process, eg to the console where you can see them and inspect them with your eyes. However you can pipe to something else, and keep a record of every piece of information, and then pipe the content on to the console, if you really want the body of the output to scan for keywords and failure reasons.

Build Sequencing

Those node built-in don't even use promises. Nobody wants to know about exit events. They want Promise's! They want to do this:

const build = () =>
  then(() => operation1()).
  then(() => operation2()).
  then(() => finishUp()).
  catch(err => figureItOut());

Now you can! All without writing any code.


Examples: 1 to n

Ready to get started with shell nirvana?

Just go,

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
exec('echo "hello world!"');

// [shell] "hello world!"
// [shell]
// [shell] shell exited, code 0.

Don't like having [shell] prepended to the output? Tell it to be plain!

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
exec('echo "hello world!"', { plain: true });

// "hello world!"
// shell exited, code 0.

Don't like knowing about why the process ended?

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
exec('echo "hello world!"', { plain: true, info: false }); 
// "hello world!"

Are you tired of writing all that stuff?

const { createExec } = require('lib-shell');
const exec = createExec({
  plain: true,
  info: false

// now there is no need to!

exec('echo "hello world!"' /*, { info: true } */);

// "hello world!"

Complicated sequencing

Formatting options are nice, but not useful when you're making a build system. What is useful is knowing whether the operation you have performed has succeeded or not. And promises.

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');

const sequence = () =>
  then(() => exec('operation1', { prefix: 'one' })).
  then(() => exec('operation2', { prefix: 'two' })).
  then(() => exec('operation3', { prefix: 'three' })).
  then(() => Promise.all([
    exec('operation4a', { prefix: 'four-a' }),
    exec('operation4b', { prefix: 'four-b' })
  catch(err => {

// [one] operation1
// [one]
// [one] shell exited, code 0.
// [two] operation2
// [two]
// [two] shell exited, code 0.
// [three] operation3
// [three]
// [three] shell exited, code 0.
// [four-a] operation4a
// [four-a]
// [four-a] shell exited, code 0.
// [four-b] operation4b
// [four-b]
// [four-b] shell exited, code 0.

Note, parallel processing can write mixed up junk to the command line. In general, lib-shell will print out intelligent output, although usually it looks more like the following:

// [one] operation1
// [three] operation3
// [two] operation2
// [two]
// [four-b] operation4b
// [four-a] operation4a
// [four-a]
// [two] shell exited, code 0.
// [one]
// [four-a] shell exited, code 0.
// [four-b] shell exited, code 0.
// [one] shell exited, code 0.
// [three]
// [four-b]
// [three] shell exited, code 0.

Which is totally fine and still intelligible. In fact, this is pretty much the desired way for output to be printed in most cases -- in the order that the events occurred.

However, just like parallel processes which print only part of a line at a time, the current implementation has occasional newline issues, where labels are mismatched. lib-shell will still work well in these circumstances, in part for which it was designed.

One interesting possibility for a feature idea is support for buffering for this multiplexing scenario.

Exit codes, errors, and workflow

Perhaps you need more than just a catch handler at the end of a promise chain. Perhaps you need the exit code. Or some reason, any reason, why your script didn't work.

The error messages in the catch handler have properties assigned to them. Assuming they are caused by shell operation and not by lib-shell (shock) or your code, there will be one of these properties defined:

Error Object's Properties Table

Property Type Description
code number An exit code, which means that the process exited on its own. 0 indicates everything is ok; any other number is an error.
signal number Happens when your process was killed by an interrupt. Its value is which signal killed your process.

You don't get both a code and signal.

Example Usage

If we get exit 0, the promise resolves. Otherwise the promise rejects.

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
exec('exit 1').
catch(err => {
  console.log(`code was ${err.code}; typeof ${typeof err.code}`);

// [shell] shell exited, code 1.
// code was 1; typeof number

Signalling an Exit Code

If the build script you're writing plugs into anything at all, you might want your build script to return a specific exit code at a specific time.

You can always exit node without any help:

const process = require('process');  // a node built-in
process.exit(99);  // exit code 99. This will terminate your script!

But if you want, you can specify the exit: true property, to tell your shell command to pass through any error code if it fails.

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
exec('exit 9', {
  exit: true

// [shell] shell exited, code 9.

If you set exit: true, your script is over. We just call process.exit() for you at the appropriate time.

Exit banner

Say you want to provide a helpful message when your build script fails, like this:

Build failed. Try checking out a fresh copy and building it from scratch. If that doesn't work, email

These kinds of messages add a lot of stylishness and professionalism to your abysmal failure!

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
exec('exit -1', {
  exit: true,
  failureBanner: `
Build failed.
Try checking out a fresh copy and building it from scratch.
If that doesn't work, email `

// [shell] shell exited, code 4294967295.
// Build failed.
// Try checking out a fresh copy and building it from scratch.
// If that doesn't work, email

Piping stdout and stderr

Your command gets its own dedicated stdout and stderr instances. By default, these are piped to process.stdout and process.stderr, that is the stdout and stderr of the calling process: in the case of command line execution, the console.

You can redirect one or both of these pipes using the stdio option. The type of object you can specify for stdout and stderr is a Stream; for reference, process.stdout is a stream.

To collect the output, you can make use of the async-concat-stream library, so you would be able to redirect the output to a string like so:

const concat = require('async-concat-stream');
const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
const stream = concat();

await exec('echo "hello world!"', {
  stdio: {
    stdout: stream,
    stderr: process.stderr,  // this is the same as omitting this property
    stdin: process.stdin     // this is the same as omitting this property

const value = await stream.promise;

// value is "hello world!"

You can also use the alternate format [stdin, stdout, stderr], instead of the map format { stdin, stdout, stderr }:

await exec('echo "hello world!"', {
  stdio: [ stdin, stdout, stderr ]

Forking the output

Want to print to the command line and to another stream, like async-concat-stream? This is straight-forward. Just pipe to an intermediary stream, like the built-in PassThrough, and then pipe that to your two other streams. For example:

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
const { PassThrough } = require('stream');
const concat = require('async-concat-stream');
const process = require('process');

const concatStream = concat();
const stream = new PassThrough;


await exec(echo('hello world!'), {
  stdio: { stdout: stream }

const value = await concatStream.promise;

// output is contained in value, and has been printed to stdout

Using stdin

By default, the stdin of the calling environment is piped to the subprocess. In a console, this means you can interact with the subprocess. This is equivalent to calling process.stdin.pipe(child_process.stdin);. However, you can disable stdin by setting its value explicitly to null. Alternatively, you can specify a stream value for stdin, programatically simulating stdin.

Below, we disable stdin:

const { createExec } = require('lib-shell');
const exec = createExec({
  stdio: { stdin: null }  // disable stdin

await exec('echo "hello world!"');

This time, we create a stdin we explicitly control:

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
import { PassThrough } from 'stream';

const stream = new PassThrough;
await exec('read -t 1 -n 1', {
  stdio: { stdin: stream }  // disable stdin



All Options

Options Default Note
workingDirectory cwd Directory in which to run the command
prefix shell Prefix output with bracketed [custom]
plain false
info true Addend status code
xbuffer 1 Incompatible with maxBuffer
exit false Very terminal
failureBanner undefined Add frustrating message for users, denying culpability
prefixedBanner false Change the way failureBanner prints. Adds prefix.
verbose false Always [... repeatedly] console.log the error message

Even More Options

Anything node's exec supports. Examples:

Options Default Note
maxBuffer 200 * 1024 Incompatible with xbuffer

User Story

For a long running process, one that dumps a lot of console output, node's buffer size is way too small. The default buffer size is 200 * 1024 bytes. With lib-shell, you can change this to whatever you want, say 5x:

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
exec('echo "hello world"', { maxBuffer: 1000 * 1024 });

And in fact, any option supported by node's child_process.exec() options API can be supplied here. That's all maxBuffer is.

But you'd probably much rather just do this.

const { exec } = require('lib-shell');

// note: x4 wasn't big enough, increased buffer size to x5
exec('echo "hello world"', { xbuffer: 5 });

Regardless, the two options are incompatible with each other, and if you try to use them together, it will throw an error.

Installation and Usage

Latest Node

"Latest Node" usage requires node >= 10.14.1.

npm install lib-shell
const { exec } = require('lib-shell');
exec('echo "hello word!"');

Older Node

We transpile this project for you!

npm install lib-shell
var shell = require('lib-shell/dist/lib-shell.es5.min.js');
shell.exec('echo "hello world!"');

Copy and paste

If you have a project where it is too inconvenient to install a utility like lib-shell before you actually start the build itself, you can use the standalone, pre-built file dist/lib-shell.js. It's not transpiled to es5, so you still need a modern node installation. If you want the transpiled one, grab that copy instead.

It's commited to the git repo, so you can just download it from here. Or you can go npm i -g lib-shell and grab it from there.


git clone
cd lib-shell
yarn install
yarn build

Puts the output in dist/.

Executing the examples

Several examples are contained in the examples/ directory. Most of these were developed to run on windows but will likely run on other system too. The stdin example is designed to run on linux.

You must use node -r esm to execute a file, due to the use of import and export throughout the source.

cd examples/
node -r esm waiting-for-keypress.js




  • discuss colorization
    • Basically, things you run auto-detect their environment. Often the program you're running has a --ansi option or --color or something like that. If it doesn't, it's not super clear what to do about it.
    • child_process.spawn has a stdio option that exec does not. Perhaps we should look into that.
  • better multiplexing




Write node CLI controller scripts more easierly







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