This repository provides deployment guidelines and some example use cases for the Digitalhub platform.
The deployment and usage instructions for each use case can be found in the docs folder.
The platform deployment is managed via Docker Compose. Each documented use case requires a subset of components and has a corresponding YAML file in the docker-compose folder. The same folder also contains Docker Compose files for single components.
- Start minikube (change if your network setup is different):
minikube start --insecure-registry "" --memory 8192 --cpus 4
- Get minikube external IP:
minikube ip
- Change the IP in 'global.registry.url' and 'global.externalHostAddress' properties in values file (helm/digitalhub/values.yaml) with the one obtained in the previous step.
- Add Digitalhub repository:
helm repo add digitalhub
- Install DigitalHub with Helm:
helm upgrade digitalhub digitalhub/digitalhub -n digitalhub --install --create-namespace --timeout 15m0s
- Wait until all pods are in Running state
kubectl --namespace digitalhub get pods
- Retrieve database and S3 secrets
kubectl --namespace digitalhub get secret minio -o yaml
kubectl --namespace digitalhub get secret -o yaml
- Decode secret values
echo -n "<BASE64_VALUES_FROM_SECRET>" | base64 -d
- Create secret with previously decoded values
kubectl -n digitalhub create secret generic digitalhub-common-creds --from-literal=POSTGRES_USER=<DECODED_VALUE> --from-literal=POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<DECODED_VALUE> --from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<DECODED_VALUE> --from-literal=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<DECODED_VALUE>