New import and export filters
USX 3 import and export and lots of other USFM/USX improvements (See #38 /#39 )
USX export: Option to separate multiple verses in same paragraph by (one or more) spaces
USFM: Synthesize \ft or \xt tags in footnotes on export and strip them on import
Paratext import: Option to preserve all Paratext tags as CSS attributes
SoftProjector import and export
MySword: import and export
SwordSearcher export
ScrambledParatextDump export for "anonymizing" Paratext input files (Similar to ScrambledDiffable)
Import and export filter improvements
RawHTML footnote export for Zefania XML (MyBible)
Better heuristic for exporting CSS formatting to USFM/USFX/USX (See #32 )
Strip control characters in headlines in MyBibleZone import
Various USX import and OnLineBible export fixes (see #42 , #43 , #44 , #45 , #46 , #47 , #48 , #49 , #51 )
Fix buggy name for Judith book
Add color CERULEAN (replacement for TEAL in Accordance 13) and use it by default for verse numbers
Add rudimentary import support (mainly for syntax checking and versemap detection)
Add verseref=
option to export full or short verse references
Optionally export bible and book names (with custom format)
Add FORCEBREAK formatting so you can export multiple consecutive line or paragraph breaks
More book aliases for AccordanceReferenceList import
option for better handling of chapter boundaries
to find the best verse map where the count of verses per book matches best (useful for Accordance export)
Improved Psalm title handling when exporting to Logos (with option to skip the verse "number" altogether)
LogosHTML: Option to skip title headline and use headline level 1 for books instead
MyBibleZoneListDownloader to download bibles from MyBibleZone repository
Change handling of Strong numbers (See #30 )
Strong Numbers may not only use G and H prefix, but also others (A-Z)
G prefix is also valid in Old Testament
Raw morphology codes from MyBibleZone (not matching RMAC format) can now be exported to TheWord
Versification handling improvements
VersificationMappedDiffable can clone verses that map to more than one verse
Versification report enhancements
Add verse count
Highlighting of current row/column
Browser dark theme support
Reverse mappings in VersificationTool
Dummy bible generator
create dummy bible from mapping
create mapping from Bible with tags (from VersificationMappedDiffable)
option to take only untagged verses into account when creating versification
CCEL: Option to export references that are mapped to themselves
Bugfix for VersificationTool: Do not destroy database file on error
VersificationDetector limitBooks
option to only compare books that are part of the input bible
New StrippedDiffable options
Create virtual verses, but not starting a new verse on every headline
Create ascending verse ranges
Replace book abbreviations by OSIS/Zefania/Paratext
Reorder books to canonical order
Improvements for automated testing
Fix Logos versemap download
Usage documentation for several export formats (See #34 )
Support Logos export of Bible with Strongs prefixes where number of Strongs is less than number of RMAC tags
Support of type "emphasis" in OSIS import
Joint verse numbers where sometimes not printed if the second joined vers has the same verse number as the destination verse
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