Schmanguage is a Minecraft - Java Edition resource pack which adds a new Language to the languages selection.
In this language almost all words start with a "schm" prefix and replace all consonants until, but not including, the first vowal. Example:
Language → SchmanguageResource pack → Schmesource pack
It is based of the default language "English - United States" (en_us
The pack can be downloaded in the releases page.
- The main idea is from the german YouTuber "Halbzwilling"... aka. Noah aka. Schmuu aka. Schmoah aka. Halbdrilling aka. MapmaKing aka. DerDerPaintNieFertigMacht aka. Unnoahmal aka. Unecht
- The letters in the MojangStudios font used in the mojangstudios.png are originally designed by u/Luxing23 from this post