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This is a NodeJS server implementation of SACM, a wrapper of SocioCortex which parses case definition in XML and make corresponding API calls to create defined objects in SocioCortex.

Install API Doc globally:

npm install apidoc -g

## Usage:
1. ) Start APIDoc
apidoc -i app/routes -o doc/assets/api -t doc/sections/api

## Deploy 

1.) Update Sociocortex:
Tag a Sociocortex commit with `docker-build-x’ (where x is the number of the build) on BitBucket to trigger the build process of the container.

2.) Update the SACM:
Push the code to the Github repository and trigger the build process via the web hook provide by DockerHub (POST REQUEST to

3.) Once everything is build, connect to the CONNECARE server. Make sure your SSH keys are properly installed.

4.) Once logged in, go to the Sociocortex docker directory:
cd /home/ubuntu/eurecat/dockers/sociocortex
sudo docker-compose pull # pull the latest version of the containers
sudo docker-compose stop # stop all currently running containers
sudo docker-compose up -d # restart the containers with the latest version
sudo docker logs sacm.backend --tail 100 -f
sudo docker exec -it sacm.sociocortex bash

4.1) Delete all docker images
docker system prune -a

5.) Common Docker commands
sudo docker ps 
sudo docker logs <containerId> --follow
sudo docker exec -it <containerId> bash
sudo docker stats sacm.frontend sacm.backend sacm.sociocortex sacm.mongo
sudo docker stats $(echo -n $(sudo docker ps --format "{{.Names}}"))
sudo docker update --memory 5GB sacm.mongo
sudo docker stop xcare.thirdparties.container xcare.integration-producer.container xcare.vitalinqconnector.container xcare.notifications-service xcare.generictask.container xcare.apigateway.container xcare.medicaldevices.container xcare.appserver.container xcare.rabbitmq.container xcare.redisserver.container

6.) Mongo commands
.find({url:{$regex : ".*humantasks/1pejs4af5xzr7/complete*"}})

7.) Useful stuff
Disk size usage
find / -size +50M -type f -exec du -h {} \; | sort -n
df -h
docker rmi <reponame>
sudo docker images
sudo docker image prune
sudo docker system prune
sudo docker images -q |susudo xargs docker rmi (funktiniert)

8.) Git
git log --all --follow '*.xml'