"Timmie's Doodles" follows an elementary school boy named Timmie who is bored in class, and decides to draw a game out on his paper. Using a MS Paint inspired canvas, players are able to draw out their own protagonist character and antagonist character, and play a game similar to Google Doodle’s Magic Cat Academy video game, where users play as the protagonist and avoid the antagonist, who is slowly moving towards them. To defeat the antagonists, players draw different "spells" (a series of lines and symbols) to make sure the antagonist never comes close.
To run my term project, open the termproject.py file.
Earlier, preliminary versions of the project are found under the tp1.py and tp2.py files, labeled as Preliminary Code and Working Demo.
Use your mouse to draw on the canvas. Other shortcut commands:
- Key 'h' or 'H' always returns you back to the splash screen, and both the canvas and game are reset.
- Key 'r' or 'R' restarts the game mode. This only works when you are in game, not in Paint mode or the start screen.
- Key 'p' or 'P' pauses and unpauses the game.
The outside module pygame was used to add music to the game portion of the term project. No other outside modules were used.
Term Project made by Peggy Shen for CMU's Fall 2020 15-112 Fundamentals of Programming and CS.