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Implement a java puzzle version of the popular Plants vs Zombies (PvZ) game.

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SYSC 3110 Project – Plants vs Zombies: The Puzzle!

Milestone 1 (master branch) - Completed On: Monday, October 29th, 2018

  • Implement a text-based version of the popular Plants vs Zombies (PvZ) game.


PLANT - Sirak Berhane

  • Plants have two subclasses: PassivePlant and ShooterPlant

  • Sunflower; subclass of PassivePlant

    • Generates 50 sun every four turns
    • Cost = 50 sun
    • Hit Threshold = 5 damage.
  • Peashooter; subclass of ShooterPlant

    • Shoots peas at incoming Zombies
    • Cost = 100 sun
    • Pea Damage = 2 damage per turn
    • Hit Threshold = 10.

ZOMBIES - Ryan Tordesillas

  • Zombies have one subclass so far; BasicZombie

  • BasicZombie:

    • Speed = Basic Zombie Speed (0.5 tiles per turn/1 tile every two turns)
    • Zombie Damage = Basic Zombie Damage (1 damage per turn)
    • Hit Threshold = Basic Zombie Hit Threshold (10).

GAME RUNNABLE - Jolar Tabungar

  • Keeps track of the current game state, the states of the five lawns and advances to next states:

    • Keeps track of waveCount, number of zombies remaining in wave, int[5] lawns
    • Each state advances to the next due to player command and plant and zombie behavior
  • The central logic component, tells plants and zombies what to do:

    • Peashooters will attack zombies in their lawn every turn, only damages the zombie closest to them (in front of them)
    • Tells Sunflowers to generate sun every turn, but a sunflower keeps track of when it actually produces sun
    • Zombies will walk left until they encounter a plant; they will stop and proceed attacking until the plant is dead
    • When a zombie reaches the end of the lawn, the lawn mower is triggered and clears that lawn of all zombies
  • Adds plants and zombies to the level (adding plants dependent on the Player class), zombies are spawned in waves

    • Plants are placed when suitable by the Player who buys them with sun, also can be removed by the player
    • Zombies are spawned in waves that are set when a level is constructed -> An arrayList is passed in as a parameter -> each element in the arrayList is the number of zombies spawned * each wave
  • Determines if the player wins or loses

    • If a zombie reaches the end tile of a lawn and the lawn mower has already been activated, player loses
    • If a player manages to kill all the zombies in the level, player wins
  • Keeps track of it's respective plants, zombies and it's lawnmower
  • Has a plants arrayList, zombie arrayList, lawnMower boolean
  • Responsible for all user input via commands user enters in
  • Keeps track of the player's sun count
  • place plantType x y -> Places a plant of plantType at tile (x, y)
  • remove x y -> Removes plant at tile (x, y)
  • help -> Prints the command list
  • types -> Prints the plant types and their costs
  • skip/ENTER -> Skips the turn; ie. player cannot place any plants due to lack of sun
  • Prints the current game state provided by Level
  • The board uses a 9x5 String Array to simulate the lawn tiles of the PvZ game with "|" characters separating the tiles
  • Plants and Zombies (entities) are depicted as E = HitThreshold
  • Ex. Sunflower with HitThreshold of 5 -> S = 5
  • Lawn mowers are depicted as [ LM ] when not activated and [ X ] once activated

UML/Sequence Diagrams - Karl Schnalzer


alt text

Sequence Diagram - Plant Class

alt text

Sequence Diagram - Zombie Class

alt text

Milestone 2 (master branch) - Completed On: Friday, November 16th, 2018


GUI - Jolar Tabungar

  • GUI Classes Implemented:
    • GameGUI -> Creates a new GUI with 9 by 5 grid (Lawn). It is able to populate board with zombies automatically every turn and the user can place either a sunflower or peashooter plant. It has 4 main functions place plant, remove plant, update state of the board with each turn, and clearing the board when finished with the game.

    • ShovelSelectController -> Shovel Selector has a mouse listener and only has one main function to remove existing plant type from the board.

    • SkipTurnListener -> Button that is able to skip or move the game one turn forward.

    • SunflowerSelectController -> Using mouse listener the user is able to select a sunflower from the menu and place it to the main board (lawn).

    • TileController -> Has Mouse listener, and anytime the user places a plant it will update the board with the updated plant position.

JUnit Tests

Plants - Karl Schnalzer
  • Test Classes Include:
    • PlantTest CLASS -> testPlant(), testPlantCost(), testPlantHit(), testSetPlantHit(), testXPos(), testYPos()
    • PeashooterTest CLASS -> testPeashooterPosition(), testPeashooterHealth(), testPeashooterBuyThreshold()
    • SunflowerTest CLASS -> testSunfloerPosition()
Zombies - Sirak Berhane
  • Test Classes Include:
    • BasicZombieTest CLASS -> testZombieSpeed(), testZombieAttack(), testZombieType(), testZombieMovement(), testZombieIsNotDead(), testZombieIsDead()

Road Map - Ryan Tordesillas

  • Completed and future implemtations of Milestones 1 to 4: alt text

UML/Sequence Diagrams - Karl Schnalzer


alt text

Sequence Diagram - MVC CLASS

alt text

Milestone 3 (master branch) - Completed On: Sunday, November 25th, 2018


PLANTS - Sirak Berhane

Added 4 new Plants and an extra subclass; Explosive Plant type to the Plants vs. Zombies GUI:

  • Wallnut : subclass of Passive Plant Type

    • Defensive plant type, used as a shield to protect other plants.
    • Has a slightly longer health points compared to the other plants
    • Cost: 50
    • Hit Threshold: 20
  • Snow Pea Shooter : subclass of Shooter Plant Type

    • Shoots snow/frozen peas that damage and slow the zombies.
    • Cost: 175
    • Hit Threshold: 10
    • Attack: 3
  • Hypno Shroom : subclass of Passive Plant Type

    • When eaten, Hypno-shrooms will make a zombie turn around and fight for you.
    • One time use plant (immediatly dies)
    • Cost: 125
    • Hit Threshold: 1
  • Potato Mine : subclass of Explosive Plant Type

    • Potato mines will exlode on contact after 3 turns.
    • Cost: 75
    • Hit Threshold: 15
    • Attack: 10

ZOMBIES - Ryan Tordesillas

Added 4 new Zombies to the Plants vs. Zombies GUI:

  • Bucket Zombie

    • Bucket gives this zombie extra shield from shooter type plants
    • Attack: 1
    • Hit Threshold: 15
    • Speed: 0.5x or every second turn
  • Football Zombie

    • Like a football player this zombie has a full upper body shield as well as more speed compared to the other zombies.
    • Attack: 2
    • Hit Threshold: 20
    • Speed: 0.8x or every turn
  • Gargantuar Zombie

    • Boss level, this zombie is large in size making it the slowest zombie but the highest attack when near plants.
    • Attack: 4
    • Hit Threshold: 35
    • Speed: 0.2x or every third turn
  • Newspaper Zombie

    • Reads a newspaper but once this zombie drops their newspaper their speed doubles.
    • Attack: 1
    • Hit Threshold: 20
    • Speed: 0.5 - 1x or every turn or second turn

GUI - Jolar Tabungar

  • GUI Classes Implemented
    • ImagePanel -> Used for drawing the lawn tiles on the grid panel.

    • Wall-nut, Snow Pea, Potato Mine, and Hypno-Shroom Select Controller -> Contains a mouse listener for when the user wants to plant either of the above plants during when the game is running.

JUnit Test Cases

  • Refined old test cases

UML Diagrams - Karl Schnalzer

UML Diagram - Plants and Zombies

alt text

UML Diagram - GUI

alt text

Milestone 4 (master branch) - Completed On: Friday, December 7th, 2018 (FINAL)


GUI - Jolar Tabungar

  • Undo and Redo Features (Bug fixes and Improvements made)
  • Level Builder -> Player is able to create their own level
    • User is given a text box and they can enter the file name followed by the number of waves and number of zombies that can apear in the selected number of waves.
  • All levels are imported as .XML format for simplicity with each new game run
    • Default level.xml exists and the player can create any number of levels and diffuculty by inputting number of waves and zombies.

Save/Load State - Ryan Tordesillas

  • Implentated Serialization Libraries to GUI Class Object
  • Save current game status to a file -> Serialized file (.ser) is saved to saves file.
    • Level-History Array holds the current plant and zombie objects when the user saves the array data is saved into the .ser file.
    • GUI selected status is also saved by keeping track of which icon was selected in a GameData Class.
    • The same array is used for undo and redo feature.
  • Load previous game status if the player wants to continue playing from last save
    • When the user wants to load prevoiusly saved game, they load the .ser from the saves folder and the GUI object is able to automatically populate all of the plant and zombie objects that previously existed when the user played the game.

JUnit Test Cases - Sirak Berhane

  • New Plant and Zombie Test Cases
    • PlantTypeTest CLASS: testHypnoShroom(), testPotatoMine(), testSnowPeashooter(), testWallnut()
    • ZombieTypeTest CLASS: testBucketZombie(), testFootballZombie(), testGargantuarZombie(), testNewspaperZombie()

UML/Sequence Diagrams - Karl Schnalzer

UML Diagram - Plants and Zombies

alt text

UML Diagram - GUI

alt text

Sequence Diagram - Load Game

alt text

Sequence Diagram - Save Game

alt text

Project Reflection

  • Overall, our code is very organized with clear class names followed by a clear and understandable code. Although our code design makes sense, the GUI Class has a few lines of code that can be refactored and made shorter but due to the time constraint we weren't able to make that part of code more clean and efficient.

  • The way that each milestone was structred made us more orgainized in our code design but the one thing we didn't like was that at some point of the project the amount of code that we implemented was too much compared to the time we had.


Implement a java puzzle version of the popular Plants vs Zombies (PvZ) game.







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Contributors 4

