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Repository with relevant artefacts and information in relation to SKAT's EMCS B2B Web Service Gateway

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Artefacts and information in relation to SKAT's EMCS B2B Web Services Gateway

This repository provides relevant artefacts and information in relation to SKAT's EMCS B2B Web Service Gateway.

The SKAT's Web Service Gateway for Excise movement and Control System (EMCS) provides 23 SOAP Web Services (in total) that legal entities may consume in ERP systems for fully automated submitting and receiving EMCS documents (XML documents).

Service WSDLs

The EMCS B2B Web Service Gateway provides 23 services defined by these Web Service definitions:

Current WSDL version: 1.0.1

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above service definitions include schemas for documents to be sent or received in the SOAP Body and none of the schemas defines the EMCS Functional Messages directly. That is, EMCS Functional Messages cannot be sent in the SOAP Body part directly, but must be embedded in documents defined for the relevant services. See also below regarding Schemas (XSD) for EMCS Functional Messages.

Transaction Ids

Each request must include a section named HovedOplysninger that must include the following values:

  1. Transaction id (element: TransaktionIdentifikator) that is unique string for all transactions. That is, the transaction id cannot be reused in other requests.
  2. Transaction time (element: TransaktionTid)



In the event of a resubmission of an IE815 using a new transaction id in TransaktionIdentifikator the semantics of the EMCS system is a follows: EMCS system will check the LocalReferenceNumber field in the IE815 and if it’s already used, EMCS will respond with a message stating it’s already used. That means that it’s safe to retry submission of IE815 several times (until it’s succesful) given that you don’t alter the LRN.

Service Endpoints

Service endpoints for both the test environment and production are provided by SKAT Help Desk.

Schemas (XSD) for EMCS Functional Messages

Some of the above 23 services must embed EMCS Functional Messages as part of the SOAP request and these documents are defined by schemas (or XSD files) located in the schema directory.

Current schema version: 3.13

Service invocation intervals: Terms of use

  • Services for submitting IE documents must be invoked 3 seconds apart.
  • Services for receiving IE documents must be invoked 5 minutes (300 seconds) apart. Companies may decided to increase the interval.

Concurrent calls are not permitted.


All services are accessible via the Internet using the secure transport protocol HTTPS and configured with Web Services Security requiring authentication, signing, and encryption using X.509 certificates issued by MitID Erhverv (Certificate Authority) of type OCES3. Note that only MitID Erhverv Organisation and MitID Erhverv System certificates will be supported for B2B in accordance with Agency for Digital Government (DIGST) guidelines. The Web Services Security is based on Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security 1.0 WS-Security 2004 - OASIS Standard 200401, March 2004

There are two parties in the communication:

  1. Client - The software client of the company (legal entity) consuming services on the Web Service Gateway for EMCS.
  2. Service - The Web Service Gateway for EMCS provided by SKAT

Both parties have OCES3 certificates:

  • Client(OCES3, Certificate) - OCES3 Certificate identifying the company (legal entity)
  • Service(OCES3, Certificate) - OCES3 Certificate identifying the Web Service Gateway for EMCS

In addition, the Web Service Gateway for EMCS presents a SSL certificate for the secure transport (HTTPS). NOTE: This SSL certificate is NOT identical with the Service(OCES3, Certificate) certificate.

The Client should always check (strongly recommended) if Service(OCES3) is valid and not revoked by MitID Erhverv.

In addition, Service(OCES3, Certificate) must be trusted by the Client. This may be done by adding Service(OCES3) to a keystore (or similar type of secure wallet) in the Client installation or have the Client extract Service(OCES3, Certificate) from the service WSDL and runtime check the certificate chain (to the Root CA).

Service(OCES3, Certificate) is found below

Provision Client(OCES3, Certificate) in SKAT's IAM

The Client(OCES3, Certificate) must be provisioned in SKAT's IAM prior to any service invocations against the Web Service Gateway for EMCS.

IMPORTANT: The EMCS B2B Web Service Gateway is only available to legal entities registered in the The Central Business Register.

STEP 1: First, the legal entity may use an existing MitID Erhverv certificate or may have to order a new certificate from MitID Erhverv.

  • MitID provide both TEST and PRODUCTION certificates.
    • TEST certificates are not permitted in the production system.
    • PRODUCTION certificates are not permitted in the test system.
  • If the legal entity (A) is under obligation to use the EMCS system and (A) has delegated the task comply with this obligation to another legal entity (B), e.g. as data broker, it's the Client(OCES3, Certificate) of (B) that must be provisioned in SKAT's IAM. Not (A), but (A) must authorize (B) in SKAT's IAM.

The following steps can only be completed using a MOCES with LRA certificate

STEP 2: Identify id of Client(OCES3, Certificate)

Display the certificate of using the the keytool command (part of Java/JDK) and locate the SERIALNUMBER=UI:DK-O:G:????????-????-????-????-???????????? value. The ????????-????-????-????-???????????? part is the id of Client(OCES3, Certificate)

Example where UUID = 5c6c6b67-e7bb-4b25-b661-70bcda1fba14:

$ keytool -list -v -keystore DinoVinoImport_System_Integrationstest_S1.p12 -storetype PKCS12
Enter keystore password:  *******
Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry

Alias name: dinovinoimport_system_integrationstest_s1
Creation date: Nov 22, 2023
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 3
Owner: C=DK, OID., O=UFST 30808460 Aps, SERIALNUMBER=UI:DK-O:G:5c6c6b67-e7bb-4b25-b661-70bcda1fba14, CN=DinoVinoImport_System_Integrationstest_S1
Issuer: C=DK, O=Den Danske Stat, OU=Test - cti, CN=Den Danske Stat OCES udstedende-CA 1
Serial number: 7f9dac85e4fd71f5288e86b30cffa708d2655241
Valid from: Tue Apr 11 10:42:19 CEST 2023 until: Fri Apr 10 10:42:18 CEST 2026
Certificate fingerprints:
	 SHA1: 92:E9:AA:CB:27:28:B0:03:FF:FF:E9:26:9C:F8:85:E6:0D:59:31:8B
	 SHA256: 08:F2:FF:27:E9:B4:6B:01:2A:2B:2B:1B:DD:60:1B:A7:D7:88:44:52:B0:F4:CF:63:FE:55:BF:77:55:E1:92:A5
Signature algorithm name: RSASSA-PSS
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 3072-bit RSA key
Version: 3

STEP 3: Login using MitID on Navigate as follows (menu items in Danish):

  • Menu item Profil- og kontaktoplysninger
  • Menu item Rettigheder og adgange til TastSelv
  • Menu item Administrer rettigheder og roller til TastSelv

STEP 4: Create system role by selecting the button Ny rolle.


Select Domæne = EMCS and Indberetningsområde = Alle.


Hint: It's also on this screen legal entity (B) selects legal entity (A) as client.

Selecting business area Alle ensures that the certificate being provisioned is permitted to do transactions for all business areas and it also ensures that the EMCS_B2B_SECURITY_PRG authorization is part of the role by default. EMCS_B2B_SECURITY_PRG is the authorization that enables the certificate being provisioned to communicate with the Web Service Gateway for EMCS.

When done, select Gem

You should now see user defined role:


STEP 5: Create system user and map certificate

Nagivate as follows (from front page):

  • Menu item Profil- og kontaktoplysninger
  • Menu item Rettigheder og adgange til TastSelv
  • Menu item Administrer MitID og medarbejdersignatur
  • Link item Tildel/fjern rettigheder der anvendes i system-til-system løsninger


Choose Ny systembruger


Enter the UID value identified in Step 2 above and choose Gem


The system user is now created and mapped to the MitID Erhverv certificate.


STEP 6: Assign system role to system user

Choose Rettigheder


Then select the role defined in STEP 4 to system user and the choose Vælg rettighed.


IMPORTANT: Finally, you have to assign Adgang til EMCS B2B Systembruger to your certificate.

Finally, choose Gem


Done. The certificate is now provisioned and ready for use.

Brief security perspective on service consumption - step-by-step

Given the Client trusts Service(OCES3, Certificate) and the Client has produced a Request the process is as follows:

  1. The Client initiates a connection (using HTTPS) with the Web Services Gateway for EMCS.
  2. The Client adds a timestamp, signs the Request with Client(OCES3, Private Key), encrypts the request with Server(OCES3, Public Key), and adds Client(OCES3, Certificate) as security token to the Request
  3. The Service authenticates the request based on the Client(OCES3, Certificate) security token in SKAT's IAM. Authentication includes checking validity, revocation status of Client(OCES3, Certificate), and finally if Client(OCES3, Certificate) has been authorized in the SKAT's IAM for the called endpoint.
  4. The Service decrypts the request using Service(OCES3, Private Key) and checks the signature using Client(OCES3, Public Key) (that is, if it was signed by Client(OCES3, Private Key)).
  5. Following successful completion of steps 3. and 4. the request is forwarded to the EMCS system.
  6. The Service will always provide a Response for all calls. This Response is signed with Service(OCES3, Private Key) and encrypted using Client(OCES3, Certificate).
  7. The Client receives the Response and must decrypt it using Client(OCES3, Private Key), verify the signature using the Service(OCES3, Certificate), and finally check the timestamp. If successful, the client has a valid response.

WS Security Policy Requirements

The following sections document which security elements that must be embedded in the wsse:Security header in the request and what will be received in the response.

Namespace definitions

  • xmlns:enc=""
  • xmlns:wsse=""
  • xmlns:dsig=""
  • xmlns:wsu=""

Inbound to from Client to Service (request)

The following wsse:Security headers must be sent in request:

  • wsse:BinarySecurityToken. This token is the OCES3 certificate that carry the identity of the caller.
  • enc:EncryptedKey using this configuration:
    • Security Token Reference = Key Identifier
    • Transport Algorithm:
    • Symmetric Encryption Algorithm:
    • Parts to Encrypt:
      • soap:Body
  • dsig:Signature using this configuration:
    • Security Token Reference = Direct Reference
    • Signature algorithm =
    • Parts to Sign:
      • soap:Body
      • wsse:BinarySecurityToken (part of soap:Header/wsse:Security). This token is the OCES3 certificate that carry the identity of the caller.
      • wsu:Timestamp (part of soap:Header/wsse:Security)
  • wsu:Timestamp using this configuration:
    • Must have wsu:Created field set.
    • Must have wsu:Expires field set.
    • The wsu:Timestamp header cannot exceed a 60 sec validity window. That is, wsu:Expires cannot be 60 seconds later than wsu:Created

See the following sample request for a complete SOAP Envelope that fulfills the above requirements.


  • The services do not support Inclusive Prefix List as a CanonicalizationMethod. This has to be deactivated in the client software.

Outbound from Service to Client (response)

The following wsse:Security headers will be returned in response:

  • enc:EncryptedKey using this configuration:
    • Security Token Reference = Key Identifier
    • Transport Algorithm:
    • Symmetric Encryption Algorithm:
    • Parts encrypted:
      • soap:Body
  • wsse:BinarySecurityToken
  • dsig:Signature
    • Security Token Reference = Direct Reference
    • Signature algorithm =
    • Parts signed:
      • soap:Body
      • wsse:BinarySecurityToken (part of soap:Header/wsse:Security). This token is the OCES3 certificate used to sign the response.
      • wsu:Timestamp (part of soap:Header/wsse:Security)
  • wsu:Timestamp using same configuration as inbound (see above).

See the following sample response for a complete SOAP Envelope that fulfills the above requirements.

Server Certificates

See this README for more details

TLS Certificates

See this README for more details

Error Codes

The EMCS B2B Web Services always return a HovedOplysningerSvar part with same TransaktionIdentifikator that was provided in the request. The HovedOplysningerSvar element may also include an error that includes:

  • error code
  • error texts

Example: Response with error code 2000.

<urn:OIOLedsageDokumentOpret_O xmlns:urn="urn:oio:skat:emcs:ws:1.0.1">
                <ns:FejlTekst>Denne service er midlertidigt ude af drift.</ns:FejlTekst>

EMCS Application

The following table lists the error codes generated by the EMCS System:

Error Code Error description
130 Der blev ikke fundet nogen beskeder som matcher de indikeret søgeparametre
132 Beskeden er modtaget men et ARC-nummer er ikke returneret. Den afventer nu godkendelse fra en myndighedsperson. Siden forsendelse har afhentningssted sat til "Import" skal den først godkendes af en myndighedsperson.
300 Der er sket en teknisk fejl
400 Beskedens format er ikke gyldig
401 Message Recipient i IE beskeden er ikke gyldig
402 Markering for udsat indsendelse (deferred submission flag) er påkrævet i denne besked. Hvis datoen for forsendelsen ikke er i dag skal markering for udsat indsendelse være sat til.
410 Den angivet vareafsender (consignor) har ikke tilladelse til at oprette ledsagdokumenter
411 Den angivet varemodtager (consignee) har ikke tilladelse til at oprette kvitteringer
412 Den angivet økonomiske operatør kan ikke oprette forklaring på forsinkelser
413 Den angivet økonomiske operatør kan ikke oprette destinationsskift
414 Den angivet økonomiske operatør kan ikke oprette annulleringer
415 Den angivet økonomiske operatør kan ikke oprette anmodelser om reference data
420 Den angivet vareafsender (consignor) har ikke tilladelse til at oprette ledsagdokumenter på en eller flere af de angivende produkt koder
421 Den angivet vareafsender (consignee) har ikke tilladelse til at oprette ledsagdokumenter på en eller flere af de angivende produkt koder
422 Varemodtageren mangler
423 Den angivet varemodtager (consignee) har ikke en rolle som er mulig i forhold til den indikeret kode for destinationstype (destination type code)
424 Den angivet varemodtager (consignee) har ikke den påkrævet rolle
425 Operationen er ikke tilladt da den angivet virksomhed i AfgiftOperatoerPunktAfgiftIdentifikator i VirksomhedIdentifikationStruktur ikke har en relation til forsendelsen
426 Invalid customs office
427 IE818 is set to status Pending
491 Den indsendte IE besked har resulteret i en forretningsfejl IE704
490 Det er sket en teknisk fejl
494 Message identifier has been already used
496 MSA of Split constraint
495 LRN is already used

EMCS B2B Gateway

The following table lists the error codes generated by the EMCS Web Services. That is, these are errors generated before the request has reached the EMCS system.

Error Code Error description
301 Punktafgiftnummeret angivet i AfgiftOperatoerPunktAfgiftIdentifikator er ikke et gyldigt punktafgiftnummer
302 Den angivet afgift operatoer har enten ikke tillades til at udfoere denne operation eller har ikke delegeret sine rettigheder til det firma hvis certifikat er anvendt i kaldet af webservicen. (*)
100 Feltet 'VirksomhedSENummerIdentifikator' skal udfyldes
101 Feltet 'AfgiftOperatoerPunktAfgiftIdentifikator' skal udfyldes
102 Feltet 'AfgiftOperatoerPunktAfgiftIdentifikator' er ikke korrekt opbygget
103 Feltet 'TraderExciseNumber' er ikke udfyldt i IE-beskeden
103 Feltet 'TraderId' er ikke udfyldt i IE-beskeden
104 Den angivet afgift operatoer stemmer ikke overens med vareafsender (consignor) i IE815 beskeden
104 Den angivet afgift operatoer stemmer ikke overens med varemodtager (consignee) i IE818 beskeden
105 IE818-besked mangler
105 IE815-besked mangler
500 Det anvendte transaktions-ID er allerede benyttet i et tidligere kald
1000 Der er sket en teknisk fejl i denne B2B-service. Kontakt venligst SKAT
2000 Denne service er midlertidigt ude af drift

(*) Error code 300 SE nummeret {0} har ingen tilhoersforhold til det anvendte certifikat has been removed from the system and is now covered by error code 302. That is, error code 302 will be triggered if the certificate used is not related to the value provided in <VirksomhedSENummerIdentifikator>...</VirksomhedSENummerIdentifikator>

Test Data

See test data repository

Sample Web Service Clients

Useful tools

  • Certificate Decoder - Use this tool to decode certificates if openssl or keytool is not an option.


Repository with relevant artefacts and information in relation to SKAT's EMCS B2B Web Service Gateway







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