This is an Android demo app to demonstrate to myself WACOM's Will SDK for "digital ink". The SDK is availble here with free registration:
I compiled the list of functionalities (below) as I personally understood it. This demo app attempts to use each of these functionalities.
Will App Functionalities
##High level
Display a list of notes
Open, view, add to a note
Notes composed of strokes
Create strokes
Manipulate Strokes - erase whole strokes using WILL's intersector
Smoothen strokes
Notes saved on disk as WILL files
Notes loaded from disk when opened
Import a WILL File from filesystem -- Example WILL file for importing - Push this to your device with
adb push sample.will /storage/emulated/0/sample.will
Delete WILL files
##Other WILL features it would be nice to use
- erase part of a stroke instead of the whole stroke
- thumbnail images of the WILL files in the list of notes
- ink color
- utilize serialize in some way
- plenty of FIXMEs in the code