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SOOS DAST - The affordable no limit web vulnerability scanner

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SOOS is an independent software security company, located in Winooski, VT USA, building security software for your team. SOOS, Software security, simplified.

Use SOOS to scan your software for vulnerabilities and open source license issues with SOOS Core SCA. Generate and ingest SBOMs. Export reports to industry standards. Govern your open source dependencies. Run the SOOS DAST vulnerability scanner against your web apps or APIs. Scan your Docker containers for vulnerabilities. Check your source code for issues with SAST Analysis.

Demo SOOS or Register for a Free Trial.

If you maintain an Open Source project, sign up for the Free as in Beer SOOS Community Edition.


  • Docker
  • Have your application or website reachable via URL.

How to Use

To start the scan you need to run this command from a terminal:

docker run -it --rm soosio/dast <parameters>

The basic command to run a baseline scan would look like: docker run -it --rm soosio/dast --clientId=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID> --apiKey=<YOUR_API_KEY> --projectName="<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>" <YOUR_TARGET_URL>


Argument Required Description
targetURL Yes Target URL - URL of the site or api to scan. The URL should include the protocol. Ex:

Client Parameters

Argument Default Description
--ajaxSpider Ajax Spider - Use the ajax spider in addition to the traditional one. Additional information:
--apiKey SOOS API Key - get yours from SOOS Integration. Uses SOOS_API_KEY env value if present.
--authDelayTime 5 Delay time in seconds to wait for the page to load after performing actions in the form. (Used only on authFormType: wait_for_password and multi_page)
--authFormType simple simple (all fields are displayed at once), wait_for_password (Password field is displayed only after username is filled), or multi_page (Password field is displayed only after username is filled and submit is clicked)
--authLoginURL Login url to use when authentication is required
--authPassword Password to use when authentication is required
--authPasswordField Password input id to use when authentication is required
--authSecondSubmitField Second submit button id/name/XPath to use when authentication is required (for multi-page forms)
--authSubmitAction Submit action to perform on form filled. Options: click or submit
--authSubmitField Submit button id/name/XPath to use when authentication is required
--authUsername Username to use when authentication is required
--authUsernameField Username input id to use when authentication is required
--authVerificationURL URL used to verify authentication success, should be an URL that is expected to throw 200/302 during any authFormType authentication. If authentication fails when this URL is provided, the scan will be terminated. Supports plain URL or regex URL.
--bearerToken Bearer token to authenticate
--branchName The name of the branch from the SCM System
--branchURI The URI to the branch from the SCM System
--buildURI URI to CI build info
--buildVersion Version of application build artifacts
--clientId SOOS Client ID - get yours from SOOS Integration. Uses SOOS_API_CLIENT env value if present.
--commitHash The commit hash value from the SCM System
--contextFile Context file which will be loaded prior to scanning the target
--debug Enable debug logging for ZAP.
--excludeUrlsFile Path to a file containing regex URLs to exclude, one per line. eg --excludeUrlsFile=exclude_urls.txt
--disableRules Comma separated list of ZAP rules IDs to disable. List for reference
--fullScanMinutes Number of minutes for the spider to run
--logLevel Minimum level to show logs: DEBUG INFO, WARN, FAIL, ERROR.
--oauthParameters Parameters to be added to the oauth token request. (eg --oauthParameters="client_id:clientID, client_secret:clientSecret, grant_type:client_credentials")
--oauthTokenUrl The authentication URL that grants the access_token.
--onFailure continue_on_failure Action to perform when the scan fails. Options: fail_the_build, continue_on_failure
--operatingEnvironment Set Operating environment for information purposes only
--otherOptions Additional command line arguments for items not supported by the set of parameters above
--outputFormat Output format for vulnerabilities: only the value SARIF is available at the moment
--projectName Project Name - this is what will be displayed in the SOOS app
--requestHeaders Set extra Header requests
--scanMode baseline Scan Mode - Available modes: baseline, fullscan, and apiscan (for more information about scan modes visit

Scan Modes


It runs the ZAP spider against the specified target for (by default) 1 minute and then waits for the passive scanning to complete before reporting the results.

This means that the script doesn't perform any actual ‘attacks’ and will run for a relatively short period of time (a few minutes at most).

By default, it reports all alerts as WARNings but you can specify a config file which can change any rules to FAIL or IGNORE.

This mode is intended to be ideal to run in a CI/CD environment, even against production sites.

Full Scan

It runs the ZAP spider against the specified target (by default with no time limit) followed by an optional ajax spider scan and then a full Active Scan before reporting the results.

This means that the script does perform actual ‘attacks’ and can potentially run for a long period of time. You should NOT use it on web applications that you do not own. Active Scan can only find certain types of vulnerabilities. Logical vulnerabilities, such as broken access control, will not be found by any active or automated vulnerability scanning. Manual penetration testing should always be performed in addition to active scanning to find all types of vulnerabilities.

By default, it reports all alerts as WARNings but you can specify a config file which can change any rules to FAIL or IGNORE. The configuration works in a very similar way as the Baseline Mode

API Scan

It is tuned for performing scans against APIs defined by openapi, soap, or graphql via either a local file or a URL.

To point to a local file, use the following syntax:

docker run -v <absolute-path-to-local-file>:/zap/wrk/:rw -it --rm soosio/dast --clientId=<client>--apiKey=<apiKey> --projectName=<api project name> --scanMode=apiscan --apiScanFormat=openapi swagger.yaml

Be sure the local file still points to the live endpoint of your API. E.g. for openapi YAML, you would set the servers section:

  - url:

NOTE: The DNS name of the API being scanned must be resolved by the Docker container. Use an IP address if this is not possible.

It imports the definition that you specify and then runs an Active Scan against the URLs found. The Active Scan is tuned to APIs, so it doesn't bother looking for things like XSSs.

It also includes 2 scripts that:

  • Raise alerts for any HTTP Server Error response codes
  • Raise alerts for any URLs that return content types that are not usually associated with APIs



Be sure to use the public registry for installation of NPM packages: npm install --registry

Be sure to wait for all actions to finish before tagging, releasing etc.