Task related to a project building on SORA: ADAR
This tasks brings changes to the API; next release should be major. Notify builders/clients
Task related to a project building on SORA: CERES
Nice to have in the release, small impact on the release if not included
Needs improvements or additions to the documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Adding support for a new feature in the network
Support the life and maintenance of the network
Extra attention is needed
Task related to a project being built on SORA: Kensetsu
Mandatory for the release
Task related to the orderbook project
Task related to a project building on SORA: Polkaswap
Implementing this task requires to do a migration
Label for the project RTV
Breaks the whole system. Blocks usage or testing.
Causes part of the system to not work properly. Has a significant impact on the UX
Causes undesired behaviour; no significant impact on UX.
No noticeable impact on the system; minor impact on the UX.
Important and adds significant value to the release, but not vital
Further information is requested or research is required
This will not be worked on
Not a priority for the current timeframe