This Project implements a custom enforcer rule to bypass the classic
section of the enforcer plugin which only allow to specify a unique OS family by allowing to define a range of allowed Operating Systems (windows,linux).
To use the multiple-os-enforcer-rule, you have to:
- Clone the current Git project:
git clone
- Move the new project directory:
cd multiple-os-enforcer-rule
- Build it locally so that the below artifact get copied into your local repository:
mvn clean install -pl :multiple-os-enforcer-rule
- Use the new
within your project build section as follows:
<multipleOsRule implementation="com.github.tmarwen.maven.plugins.MultipleOsRule">
Check the <requireOSs>
(with "s") section where you can define a list of the allowed Operating Systems where build should succeed.
A glance of how the build section may be can be found under the showcase module which emphasize the new rule power. Just run the module build:
mvn clean package -pl :showcase
And check the build output where you should see something informative issue from the new EnforcerRule. In my an Ubuntu Box, it looks as follows:
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.3.1:enforce (enforce-os) @ showcase ---
[INFO] The build is running in a "linux" box. Will check if this OS is within the allowed range.
[INFO] --> linux is in the allowed OS range: [linux, windows, mac-os]
NB: The project build may fail fi you are using another OS rather than those specified in the configured range (linux,windows,mac-os).
More on maven enforcer rules: