Warning: unmaintained since 2005!
HaT is a script intended for adding diacritic marks to (Czech) text. It is based on statistical methods. Statistics are gathered from training data, stored in a database, and then used. The error rate if test database is used is around 5%.
- Perl 5.x or higher (tested with v5.8.2)
- Cz::Cstocs (tested with version 3.4)
Generation (training) of database:
./hat.pl -b hat.db il2 < train.txt
- creates database hat.db from training data train.txt, which are in encoding iso-8859-2 (encoding names are according to Cz::Cstocs)
Adding diacritic marks:
./hat.pl -h hat.db il2 < ascii.txt > czech.txt
- using database hat.db adds diacritic marks to ascii.txt and saves it as czech.txt in encoding iso-8859-2
Test database was generated from these sources:
- CZLUG's statutes (http://www.linux.cz/czlug/stanovy.html)
- GNU LGPL (CZ) (http://www.gnu.cz/article.php?id_art=34)
- Linux Documentation Project (CZ, 2nd ed.) (http://www.cpress.cz/knihy/ldp2/)
- Selected laws of Czech Republic (http://portal.gov.cz)
- Texts from various Czech periodicals and newspapers
- Few Czech and translated to Czech books
Exact form of used texts can not be reconstructed from test database (it does not contain all the information from original source) so I consider this to be fair use.