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Plugin API

Eduardo Bouças edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 2 revisions

Plugins are CommonJS modules with the following exports:

name (String)

🚨 Required

The name of the plugin. Should match the name property of the module's package.json.

✏️ Example
const pkg = require('./package.json') =

options (Object)

The options expected by the plugin. Each key represents an option. Values are objects with one or more of the following keys:

  • default (Any): The value to be used for this option in case one hasn't been supplied
  • env (String): The name of an environment variable to read the value from
  • private (Boolean): Whether the option represents sensitive information and therefore should be stored in a .env file, rather than the main configuration file
  • runtimeParameter (String): The name of a runtime parameter (e.g. CLI parameter) to read the value from. When present, the value of the parameter overrides any value defined in the configuration file.
✏️ Example
module.exports.options = {
  mySecret: {
    // 👉 The value will be read from `process.env.MY_SECRET`.
    env: "MY_SECRET",

    // 👉 When running the interactive setup process, this
    // option will be stored in an `.env` file instead of the
    // main configuration file.
    private: true
  watch: {
    // 👉 By default, the value of this option will be `false`.
    default: false,

    // 👉 The value for this option will be read from the `watch`
    // runtime parameter, which means that if the user starts
    // Sourcebit with `sourcebit fetch --watch`, then the value
    // of this option will be set to `true`, regardless of any
    // other value defined in the configuration file.
    runtimeParameter: "watch"
  titleCase: {
    default: false

bootstrap (Function)

A function to be executed when the plugin starts.

It receives a single parameter, which is an object with the following properties:

  • debug (Function): A method for printing data that might be useful to see when debugging the plugin. Data sent to this method will be hidden from the user unless the application is in debug mode.
  • getPluginContext (Function): A function for getting the plugin's context object.
  • log (Function): A method for logging a message. It adds a prefix with the name of the plugin that created it, and respects the verbosity settings specified by the user.
  • options (Object): The plugin options object, as they come from the main configuration file, .env files and runtime parameters.
  • refresh (Function): A function to be called whenever there are changes in the data managed by the plugin, forcing the entire plugin chain to be re-executed.
  • setPluginContext (Function): A function for setting the plugin's context object.

In source plugins, this method typically contains any asynchronous logic required to fetch data from remote APIs, and then add it to the plugin's context object (using the setPluginContext method) to be used and manipulated later.

Also, if the plugin is expected to poll for changes (e.g. when the --watch flag is used), this is where the polling mechanism should be initialized. Whenever the plugin detects a change, it should call the refresh method to inform the core application and the other plugins that there is new content.

✏️ Example
module.exports.bootstrap = async ({
}) => {
  // 👉 Get the plugin's context object. This is useful for the
  // plugin to share any data between its various methods during
  // its runtime lifecycle.
  // Additionally, it leverages Sourcebit's caching layer, which
  // means that whatever a plugin stores in its context will be
  // persisted to disk and loaded automatically on the next run.
  const context = getPluginContext();

  // 👉 If there are entries in the cache, there's nothing that
  // needs to be done right now.
  if (context && context.entries) {
    log(`Loaded ${context.entries.length} entries from cache`);
  } else {
    const { data: entries } = await axios.get(

    log(`Loaded ${entries.length} entries`);
    debug("Initial entries: %O", entries);

    // 👉 Adding the newly-generated entries to the plugin's
    // context object.

  // 👉 If the `watch` option is enabled, we set up a polling routine
  // that checks for changes in the data source. In a real-world plugin,
  // you'd be doing things like making regular calls to an API to check
  // whenever something changes.
  if ( {
    setInterval(() => {
      const { entries } = getPluginContext();
      const entryIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * entries.length);

      entries[entryIndex].body = entries[entryIndex].body + " (updated)";

      log(`Updated entry #${entryIndex}`);
      debug("Updated entries: %O", entries);

      // 👉 We take the new entries array and update the plugin context.
      setPluginContext({ entries });

      // 👉 After updating the context, we must communicate the change and
      // the need for all plugins to re-run in order to act on the new data.
    }, 3000);

transform (Function)

A function to be executed when the plugin starts (after bootstrap() is called) and whenever one of the plugins triggers an update.

Its purpose is to receive and transform an object that contains data buckets, which are arrays of entries. Therefore, the return value of this method must be a new data object.

It receives a single parameter, which is an object with the following properties:

  • data (Object): The input data object, containing data buckets.
  • debug (Function): A method for printing data that might be useful to see when debugging the plugin. Data sent to this method will be hidden from the user unless the application is in debug mode.
  • getPluginContext (Function): A function for getting the plugin's context object.
  • log (Function): An alias for console.log that adds to the message information about the plugin it comes from.
  • options (Object): The plugin options object, as they come from the main configuration file, .env files and runtime parameters.

In source plugins, this method typically retrieves the objects and models from the plugin's context (using the getPluginContext method), which have previously been populated by the bootstrap method, and normalizes them to a standard format.

In target plugins, this method can be used to write files. This can be done by appending objects to the files data bucket.

✏️ Example
module.exports.transform = ({
}) => {
  // 👉 Let's retrieve from the plugin's context object the
  // entries that we've created in the bootstrap method.
  const { entries } = getPluginContext();

  // Source plugins are encouraged to add information about their
  // models to the `models` data bucket.
  const model = {
    modelName: "sample-data",
    modelLabel: "Mock data",
    projectId: "12345",
    projectEnvironment: "master",
    fieldNames: ["firstName", "lastName", "points"]

  // 👉 The main purpose of this method is to normalize the
  // entries, so that they conform to a standardized format
  // used by all source plugins.
  const normalizedEntries = => {
    const title = options.titleCase
      ? entry.title
          .split(" ")
          .map(word => word[0].toUpperCase() + word.substring(1))
          .join(" ")
      : entry.title;

    return {
      __metadata: model

  // 👉 The method must return the updated data object, which
  // in our case means appending our entries to the `objects`
  // property.
  return {,
    models: data.models.concat(model),
    objects: data.objects.concat(normalizedEntries)

getSetup (Function)

A function to be executed aas part of the interactive setup process.

It receives a single parameter, which is an object with the following properties:

  • chalk (Function): An instance of the chalk npm module (, used in the command-line interface for styling text.
  • context (Object): The global context object, shared by all plugins.
  • currentOptions (Object): The options for this plugin present in an existing configuration file, if found.
  • data (Object): The data object populated by all previous plugins.
  • debug (Function): A method for printing data that might be useful to see when debugging the plugin. Data sent to this method will be hidden from the user unless the application is in debug mode.
  • getSetupContext (Function): A function for getting the context object that is shared between all the plugins during the setup process.
  • inquirer (Function): An instance of the inquirer npm module (, used in the command-line interface to prompt questions to the user.
  • ora (Function): An instance of the ora npm module (, used in the command-line interface to display information and error messages, as well as loading states.
  • setSetupContext (Function): A function for setting the context object that is shared between all the plugins during the setup process.
✏️ Example
module.exports.getSetup = ({
}) => {
  const questions = [
      type: "confirm",
      name: "titleCase",
      message: "Do you want to convert the title field to title-case?",
      default: currentOptions.pointsForJane || false

  // 👉 For simple setup processes, this method can simply return
  // an array of questions in the format expected by `inquirer`.
  // Alternatively, it can run its own setup instance, display
  // messages, make external calls, etc. For this, it should return
  // a function which, when executed, must return a Promise with
  // an answers object.
  return async () => {
    const spinner = ora("Crunching some numbers...").start();

    // ⏳ await runSomeAsyncTask();


    const answers = await inquirer.prompt(questions);

    return answers;

getOptionsFromSetup (Function)

A function to be executed after the interactive setup process has finished.

The return value must be the object that is to be set as the options block of the plugin configuration in sourcebit.js.

It receives a single parameter, which is an object with the following properties:

  • answers (Object): The answers generated during the interactive setup process.
  • debug (Function): A method for printing data that might be useful to see when debugging the plugin. Data sent to this method will be hidden from the user unless the application is in debug mode.
  • getSetupContext (Function): A function for getting the context object that is shared between all the plugins during the setup process.
  • setSetupContext (Function): A function for setting the context object that is shared between all the plugins during the setup process.
✏️ Example
module.exports.getOptionsFromSetup = ({
}) => {
  // 👉 This is a good place to make some transformation to the
  // values generated in the setup process before they're added
  // to the configuration file.
  return {
    titleCase: answers.titleCase