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Releases: stephengold/jolt-jni


06 Oct 23:47
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  • Moved all methods equivalent to overloaded operators to a new package.

  • Renamed DrawSettings to distinguish it from SkeletonPose::DrawSettings.

  • Bugfix: CharacterVirtual.toRef() returns the wrong kind of reference

  • Bugfix: StateRecorder read methods lack the old values

  • Added classes to the library:

    • AllHitRayCastBodyCollector
    • BodyManager
    • BodyVector
    • BroadPhase
    • BroadPhaseBruteForce
    • BroadPhaseQuadTree
    • CharacterContactListener
    • CharacterContactSettings
    • CharacterVsCharacterCollision
    • CharacterVsCharacterCollisionSimple
    • CollisionGroup
    • Color
    • CustomCharacterContactListener
    • CustomPhysicsStepListener
    • DefaultBroadPhaseLayerFilter
    • DefaultObjectLayerFilter
    • DefaultRandomEngine
    • EmptyShape
    • EmptyShapeSettings
    • ExtendedUpdateSettings
    • GroupFilter
    • GroupFilterTable
    • GroupFilterTableRef
    • PhysicsMaterialList
    • PhysicsStepListener
    • PhysicsStepListenerContext
    • SkeletonPoseDrawSettings
    • StreamIn
    • SubShape
    • Triangle
    • UniformIntDistribution
    • VehicleCollisionTester
    • VehicleCollisionTesterRay
    • VehicleCollisionTesterRayRef
    • VehicleConstraint
    • VehicleConstraintSettings
    • VehicleController
    • VehicleControllerSettings
    • VehicleControllerSettingsRef
    • Wheel
    • WheeledVehicleController
    • WheeledVehicleControllerRef
    • WheeledVehicleControllerSettings
    • WheelSettings
    • WheelSettingsWv
    • WheelSettingsWvRef
    • WheelWv
  • Added 3 enums to the library:

    • ECastShadow
    • ECullMode
    • EDrawMode
  • Added many public methods to the library.

  • Updated the Jolt source code and assets to fed2b6c (=sg240929).


12 Sep 19:57
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  • Moved the RefTarget interface to a new package.

  • Package-protected many methods and no-arg constructors.

  • Bugfix: _DEBUG is #defined in Release builds.

  • Bugfix: initial user data of a shape isn't always zero.

  • Added classes to the library:

    • Array
    • BodyFilter
    • BodyLockInterfaceNoLock
    • BodyLockRead
    • BodyLockWrite
    • BroadPhaseCastResult
    • BroadPhaseLayerFilter
    • BroadPhaseQuery
    • CastRayCollector
    • CastShapeCollector
    • CollidePointCollector
    • CollidePointResult
    • CollideSettingsBase
    • CollideShapeBodyCollector
    • CollideShapeCollector
    • CollideShapeSettings
    • CustomCastShapeCollector
    • CustomCollidePointCollector
    • CustomCollideShapeBodyCollector
    • CustomCollideShapeCollector
    • CustomRayCastBodyCollector
    • CustomRayCastCollector
    • DebugRenderer
    • DebugRendererRecorder
    • DrawSettings
    • EStateRecorderState
    • JointState
    • Mt19937
    • NarrowPhaseQuery
    • NarrowPhaseStat
    • ObjectLayerFilter
    • ObjectStreamIn
    • OffsetCenterOfMassShapeSettings
    • OffsetCenterOfMassShape
    • Part
    • PhysicsScene
    • PhysicsSceneRef
    • Ragdoll
    • RagdollRef
    • RagdollSettings
    • RagdollSettingsRef
    • RayCast
    • RayCastBodyCollector
    • RayCastResult
    • RayCastSettings
    • Ref
    • RRayCast
    • RShapeCast
    • ShapeCastResult
    • ShapeCastSettings
    • ShapeFilter
    • Skeleton
    • SkeletonAnimation
    • SkeletonAnimationRef
    • SkeletonPose
    • SkeletonRef
    • SpecifiedBroadPhaseLayerFilter
    • SpecifiedObjectLayerFilter
    • StreamOut
    • StreamOutWrapper
    • StateRecorder
    • StateRecorderFilter
    • StateRecorderImpl
    • TaperedCapsuleShape
    • TaperedCapsuleShapeSettings
    • TaperedCylinderShape
    • TaperedCylinderShapeSettings
    • UniformRealDistribution
  • Added 2 enums to the library:

    • EActiveEdgeMode
    • ECollectFacesMode
  • Added many public methods to the library.

  • Added package-level javadoc.

  • Merged Ref<> implementations into corresponding RefTarget source files.

  • Updated Jolt source code and assets to 5da6ac8 (=sg240907).


29 Aug 01:21
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  • Renamed the RefShape class to ShapeRef.

  • Bugfix: JVM crashes when OnBodyDeactivated() invoked by a native thread.

  • Bugfix: work around JobSystemSingleThreaded deadlocks on Windows.

  • Added classes to the library:

    • BodyIdVector
    • Character
    • CharacterBase
    • CharacterBaseSettings
    • CharacterRef
    • CharacterSettings
    • CharacterSettingsRef
    • CharacterVirtual
    • CharacterVirtualRef
    • CharacterVirtualSettings
    • CharacterVirtualSettingsRef
    • ConeConstraint
    • ConeConstraintSettings
    • CollideShapeResult
    • Constraint
    • Constraints
    • ConstraintRef
    • ConstraintSettings
    • ConstraintSettingsRef
    • Contact
    • ContactList
    • ContactManifold
    • ContactSettings
    • DistanceConstraint
    • DistanceConstraintSettings
    • FixedConstraint
    • FixedConstraintSettings
    • GearConstraint
    • GearConstraintSettings
    • HingeConstraint
    • HingeConstraintSettings
    • MotorSettings
    • PhysicsMaterial
    • PhysicsMaterialRef
    • Plane
    • PlaneShape
    • PlaneShapeSettings
    • PointConstraint
    • PointConstraintSettings
    • RMat44
    • SixDofConstraint
    • SixDofConstraintSettings
    • SliderConstraint
    • SliderConstraintSettings
    • SpringSettings
    • SubShapeId
    • SubShapeIdPair
    • TwoBodyConstraint
    • TwoBodyConstraintSettings
  • Added enums to the library:

    • EAxis
    • EBackFaceMode
    • EConstraintSubType
    • EConstraintSpace
    • EConstraintType
    • EGroundState
    • EMotorState
    • ESpringMode
    • ESwingType
    • ValidateResult
  • Added interfaces to the library:

    • ConstBody
    • ConstCharacter
    • ConstCharacterBase
    • ConstCharacterBaseSettings
    • ConstCharacterSettings
    • ConstCharacterVirtual
    • ConstCharacterVirtualSettings
    • ConstConstraint
    • ConstConstraintSettings
    • ConstContact
    • ConstPhysicsMaterial
    • ConstPlane
    • ConstRMat44
  • Added many public methods to the library.

  • Updated Jolt source code to 8feb90c (=sg240827).

  • Updated jSnapLoader to v1.0.0-stable .

  • Reorganized the "glue" source files into multiple directories.


02 Aug 03:01
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  • Split off the Jolt Physics enums into a "joltjni.enumerate" package.
  • Use GCC v9 when compiling for the Linux_ARM32hf platform.
  • Added the RefShape class to the library.
  • Added a no-argument constructor for MutableCompoundShape.
  • Added 2 public methods to the library:
    • CompoundShape.getNumSubShapes()
    • Shape.toRef()


30 Jul 18:52
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  • Split off the read-only interfaces into a "joltjni.readonly" package.
  • Added support for 2 Linux-on-ARM platforms.
  • Began using jSnapLoader to select native libraries for testing.
  • Purged JMonkeyEngine code from the project and simplified the license.


25 Jul 00:05
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  • Added many methods.
  • Added the cDefaultConvexRadius constant.
  • Added classes to the library:
    • BodyLockInterface
    • BodyLockInterfaceLocking
    • CompoundShape
    • CompoundShapeSettings
    • MutableCompoundShape
    • MutableCompoundShapeSettings
    • RotatedTranslatedShape
    • RotatedTranslatedShapeSettings
    • SharedMutex
    • SharedMutexBase
    • StaticCompoundShape
    • StaticCompoundShapeSettings
    • TriangleShape
    • TriangleShapeSettings


20 Jul 22:35
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  • Bugfix: memory leak in MassProperties
  • Added many methods.
  • Added classes and interfaces to the library:
    • BroadPhaseLayerInterface
    • ConstBodyCreationSettings
    • ConstBroadPhaseLayerInterface
    • ConstMassProperties
    • ConstObjectLayerPairFilter
    • ConstObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilter
    • EAllowedDofs
    • EOverrideMassProperties
    • Mat44
    • Mat44Arg
    • ObjectLayerPairFilter
    • ObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilter
    • UVec4
    • UVec4Arg


16 Jul 18:21
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  • Added a java.lang.ref.Cleaner to automatically free native objects (as an alternative to explicitly closing each physics object).
  • Deleted the JoltPhysicsObject.unassignNativeObject() method.
  • Deleted the ShapeSettings.createShape() method.
  • Added many methods.
  • Added classes and interfaces to the library:
    • CapsuleShapeSettings
    • ConstAaBox
    • ConstBodyId
    • ConstJoltPhysicsObject
    • ConstShape
    • CylinderShapeSettings
    • RefTarget
    • ScaledShapeSettings
    • ShapeRefC
    • ShapeResult
    • ShapeSettingsRef


09 Jul 15:39
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0.2.0 Pre-release

For development only. Not for production use.

  • Added many classes and methods.
  • Made the automated testing more systematic.
  • Worked around deadlocks in 2 destructors when running on Windows.
  • Solved a SIGTRAP in ConvexHullShape.cpp .
  • Shortened the names of 30 glue files.
  • Re-organized the test sourcecode into 3 new packages.
  • Modified Shape.newShape() to accept a zero argument.
  • Reduced the recommended number of threads when there are >9 CPUs.
  • Corrected the return type of ConvexHullShapeSettings.createShape() .


04 Jul 04:04
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