Optimierung von Augmented Reality Anwendungen durch die Berücksichtigung von Tiefeninformationen mit Googles Project Tango
Optimization of AR applications considering the depth information with Googles project tango
- Final Prototoype
- Augmented Reality Demo
- Pointcloud Extraction
- Plane based Reconstruction
- PCL based native Reconstruction (Greedy Projection Triangulation)
- CHISEL based native reconstruction
- Unity Marching Cubes AR Demo
- OpenCV Depthmap Generation and Filtering
- OpenCV Depthmap Filtering for AR
- depthmap rendering with 3 different reconstruction mechanisms
- pointcloud projection
- tsdf reconstruction
- plane reconstruction
- using depthmap as Z-Buffer (
) for augmented reality occlustion
- optional OpenCV
guided filtering
with settings possible
- AR Camera matching intrinsics
- motion tracking with correct gl positioning
- visualization of the current pointcloud
- ray-intersection for pointcloud interaction
- simple tower defense game with ray intersection
- simple direct pointcloud z-buffer occlusion
- collects points into a large pointcloud using an octree
- exports to pts file
- plane based reconstruction applicable
- marching cube reconstruction applicable (usualy to slow here!)
1. OctTree clustering of the global pointcloud
2. on incoming depth frame
* update random n global clusters with points from depth frame
* use RANSAC to detect 3 planes per cluster
* project points from 3D space to 2D space (based on detected planes)
* use Graham Scan to compute comvex hull for each plane
* use Sweep‐line for triangulation with poly2tri
* project polygon vertices back to 3D space (based on detected planes)
Video Demonstration
Old Screenshots
- VoxelGrid downsampling
- Greedy Triangulation with PCL
- Build PCL Library not included!
- online reconstruction using
library - transformation and interfaces to native environment
- PLY exporter
- Build open_chisel Library not included!
- generate depthmap using this approach
- applying inpaint and guided filtering for depthmap improvements
- Build opencv+contrib Library not included!
Video Demonstration
- using the previous approach for a pointcloud reprojection
- Reconstruction using the MeshBuilder with an simple TSDF by Google
- Implementation of a Clipping Depth Shader
- simple ball moving interaction
- extension of shader for shadowing effects
Video Demonstration
Old Screenshots